reply to post by Misoir
Ah, man. There's no NeoLiberalism. Okay, then that is what ism I am.
If you notice, facism come near the end of the list, or was that the end of the list? I forget. So much to remember!
8th grade social studies/history class. Yes, this was in the ancient times when I attended.
My teacher wrote much of this same sort of isms on the green board. However, he showed it as a circle. And he proposed that it is acircle and not
linear. Societies go through these phases, usually in the same order, and eventually end up back where they started.
This is long ago, but as I recall, he had many examples of different societies, empires and such, that traversed the circle and ended up somewhere
else, eventually on the circle. And there was a few cases where these civilizations ended up pretty much back where they first started.
There were less labels then. No Neoconservatives, for example.
I recall I did not like this guy, personally. However, I made sure I got into his history classes for the next two years. He introduced his students
to many things that were not commonly spoken about in public schools.
Of course, this was in the way back time when a teacher could actually teach and introduce ideas and demand students use their damn brains.
Before the ready made curriculum put out by government controllers who dictate whet can and what cannot be discussed in a teacher's class.
My sister was a history teacher. Ut, oh, off topic. Anyway, in a history class in the early 1980's, she deviated from her lesson plan she had to file
before the current school year. Yes, she was, at that time allowed to actually create her own lesson plan. Anyway, it was the next to the last day of
school. Her students had completed the lesson plan she had filed. So she had two days to play with. So, without getting into any details, she
introduced a new idea, a new ism for her students to consider. Gasp!
It offended a student in her class. She was subsequently fired for not following her lesson plan. She filed a lawsuit against the school. The case
went all the way to the U.S Supreme Court!
She lost. It wasn't the "ism" she introduced that caused her to lose the case, although, really, that was the problem, she lost the case because
she deviated from the lesson plan she had filed, which had been approved, and so, bad teacher!!! Deviating from the lesson plan!!
She completed the lesson plan and her students were succesful in learning what they were expected to learn. Unfortunately she had two extra days to
deal with. Dang!! Missed it by THAT much!