posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 05:03 PM
Good listening requires undivided attention, imo, and an effort to hear what a person is saying. I took a college course on listening skills and
found it to be a useful source for becoming aware of the mechanics of good listening.
It seems more often than not, including with me before being made aware, people are just waiting for the other person to finish speaking so that
they can say what they have to say. So many hear what they want to hear(selective perception). In doing this, instead of actually hearing and
discerning what someone is talking about, a person remains focused on what they are going to say til the pause arises.
Call it ego, bad habits or inconsideration, or seeking praise/approval, it seems prevalent in society. My experience was one of change and becoming a
better listener with conscious effort....and I needed that.
[edit on 1-6-2010 by speculativeoptimist]