I came across these on the internet and have started to watch them. I think they are creepy and a bit interesting so I was wondering what you think of
it. I did a search and I don't think anyone posted these.
These videos are made by a guy making a student film, abandoning his project (literally) and his friend going through his tapes finding creepy stuff
in them. I have a feeling it is all fake but is still effective in getting a thrill and is certainly intriguing.
This is a hoax from something awfull forums.somethingawful.com... encyclopediadramatica.com...(warning may not be safe for work)
Both Encyclopedia dramatica and Something Awfull have pretty in depth pages about ATS and how to screw with people here.
Yeah they do not feel all that authentic but they are quite well done and fun. Mainly because you are asked to get involved in spotting anomalies.
That's the fun of it and they are bite sized little snippets so you can space it out quite well for all us ADHD sufferers...