posted on May, 31 2010 @ 05:03 PM
Hi I'm a newish member here on ATS, but have been reading for several years now.
Anyway, I've seen two glowing red 'flame' like objects pass over my house this evening at approx 10.20pm. This compelled me to write here, as I
don't see the big deal with mufon - I will report there shortly anyway as there are people interested there, and there is the opportunity to upload
the camera phone footage - I think.
I tried running out through the front door with my phone when seeing the first from the backyard. the door was locked and my keys were somewhere not
nearby - so I had watch it go into the distance from the window. I then opened and jumped through the window onto the front garden. I literally turned
and coming toward me and almost directly over the house, garden came the 2nd object. The same as the 1st. looked like a glowing flame like object.
orange/red in hue. there was an inner core it seemed which was hard to watch as the object was cruising along quite fast and the flame effect was
constantly shimmering and moving around the core. It was at lowish helicopter height (maybe 100-200ft) but deadly silent.travelling N/west to N/N/West
and would have travelled over the Bristol channel / river severn at some point if it travelled a straight line. It crossed my mind that they were
lanterns, but I am not so sure. the direct line style, constant speed makes me think not lanterns.
I have footage on my phone which I doubt will be briliant, and whatever /however good it is it would never please everyone but I tried to film it, and
have not yet seen the filming as I've been trying to do all this first-: 1)find ATS log-in info, 2)login to ATS, 3)discover I cannot post new topics
or threads in the Aliens & UFO section so Here I am.
If anyone is interested I will endevour to put the camera footage somewhere to be viewed - it was a Sony Ericsson phone with 3.2 Megapixel camera so
not amazing I know!