There are three major types of institutions in the world.
1. Government Institutions.
2. Corporate Institutions.
3. Non-Governmental Organizations.
In simplistic terms, the so-called Left/Right split in politics is organized around the first two. Big Government is supposed to be the nemisis of the
Right, while the Big Corporation is supposed to be the nemisis of the Left.
But no one pays attention to the third category--the NGO. Why? Supposedly because these are non-profit, tax-exempt institutions which invariably bill
themselves as in the public's best interest. But are they really?
The NGOs include such famous institutions as the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, the Rockerfeller Foundation, the Bill and Linda Gates
Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, etc.
Do you have any idea how much wealth these foundations control? Most likely not. Hardly anyone pays attention to these behemoths. Currently, the NGOs
in the US alone control over 12 Trillion in assets! What does that mean? It means they have enormous POWER.
The truth is that our laws--the 2000-3000 page bills that are passed by Congress (without being read) are written by think tanks (smaller NGOs), which
are funded by the big NGOs. Do you actually think that our Congressional members take the time out of their busy fund-raising and lobbying schedules
to actually write these huge bills? Nope. They are written by the special interest think tanks (NGOs), and then handed to the Senators and
Representatives by lobbyists for their rubber stamp approval.
In other words, the NGOs are the hidden puppet masters that puill the strings in our government. Moreover, these NGOs are not publically tradeded
companies. They are private Foundations set up by the megawealthy to evade taxes and to provide them with CONTROL. This follows from the fact that
Money = Control.
If you want to get some idea of what the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, and the Rockerfeller Foundation have been up to since the early
part of the 20th century you simply have to listen to the following interview, conducted in 1982, with Norman Dodds, an elder statesman who was put in
charge of the Senate investigation into the un-American activities of the major foundations in 1954.
Of course, his investigation never saw the light of day because it was squashed at the highest levels (white house level), and his report was never
presented in public. But six months before he died, he spilled the beans in this interview, at a time when he was out of the political game and had no
agenda to push. Listen to what he has to say, it will make your hair stand on end.
Its not corporations or governments that are our primary adversaries. Its the huge NGOs, which are hidden out of sight and out of mind, and are rarely
if ever discussed by the main stream media.