posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 11:37 PM
Originally posted by shauny
..also to note, energy failure for me is a sure sign a presence is near. for some reason spirit energy feeds of or interferes with electricity.
the number of times i have lost power on cameras and camcorders whilst doing a vigil is in the dozens.
also blew mu power supply on my pc once when i was contacted by a freinds dead father.
Have we got any astral projection buffs here? I tried it once and I simply don't seem to have the ability, but the book I'd been reading mentioned
to stay the hell away from electricity, because your own energy could become bound by it. In other words... souls stick to power lines. Anyone want to
bear me out or debunk me on this, cause I don't know for sure.
As for what they are... I have questions about your house.
1. Is there anything that seems to set this off? Like drinking, having certain people over, having sex, certain days of the week, playing music,
discussing certain things? (According to the "godly" people I used to associate with, demons rely on certain things for a "foothold" in your life.
2. What are the religious convictions of everyone in your house? If in fact this is a demon, Christians are supposedly less succeptible to attacks,
and theoretically can not be possessed.
3. Does anyone there know anyone who recently died, or who is into mysticism or the occult? (would indicate an astral-projection guest or deceased
visitor maybe?)
I've dealt with what I believe was a demon in the past. In fact on rare occasions I still do see the problems that lead me to believe this.
Everywhere I've been, but especially when I had my own place, the air conditioning always seemed to find its way to 60 degrees. The shower would be
set as hot as possible, and the valve would be jammed to make the shower come on right away... which would burn me. On rare occasions, there would be
a brown smear on the wall as if somebody had wiped with their finger and then rubbed it off on the wall- this was always in the bathroom. My blinds
make unusual amounts of noise at night. The gas on the stove will be left on. The ends of my cassette tapes (back when i still listened to them) would
sometimes be erased, and once an unintelligible conversation was recorded over it.
All of this stuff worsened BADLY for about a 2 week span when I was living with my fiance, who had once been into wicca.