posted on May, 31 2010 @ 09:38 AM
I hate going to the doctor. They never tell me anything I didn't already know. It's always a waste of time.
'oh sounds like you have the common flu, better take some cold medicine.'
Last night though, I caved in to taking my son to emergency because was screaming about his ears. He kept saying there was milk in them, probably his
way of saying liquid, and he was crying for us to get it out. Then he threw up. After he threw up he calmed down and looked much better but he still
kept tilting his head to the side and twitching. Then he became incoherent.
Well going to emergency was a huge waste of time as well, as usual. We waited nearly 4 hours before finally giving up and going home. It was 10pm
and I still saw 4 people there who were there before me.
There was another lady there with her son who was in for the exact same reason. Her son cried for 3 hours about his ears and then threw up when he
got to the hospital. She ended up giving up and going home as well.
I was kicking myself for having been dumb enough to go there when I knew it was going to be like that. My son is better today, I told my husband, I
don't care if he's puking out his ears next time, going to emergency is a huge waste of time in our town.