posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 11:39 AM
Great Thread. I have experienced sleep paralysis many times. I try to work on lucid dreaming and will sometimes find my self 'stuck' in this
position. I had experienced "the hag" well before I ever got into trying to control and realize when I am dreaming. In almost all cases, there is
a panicking feeling to try to awaken myself.
I can definitely attest to the feeling of seeing everything as is, but with the dream/hallucination factor on top. I feel the presence of a dark
entity as well. Sometimes its just in the corner of my eye. A dark smoke/shadow. It sends chills throughout my body and I *STRUGGLE* to awake (I
know I'm dreaming, but it's still scary, like pure paranoia / impending doom). However to me, it will seem like I am actually moving my arms/legs
enough to warrant waking up the person next to me. But I have learned that when I am in this state, I am not moving as much as I think, but *some*
minor movement carries over (as told by person next to me that was awake and noticed me twitching/moving and not looking relaxed). These can last for
seconds to l-o-n-g minutes. I hope I have one soon, so I can try the *cough* sound/action I just read about and see if that awakens me.
Although not the same entity, I wonder if it could be related to the gnomes I see, and the lizards (I assume) that I hear when using high doses of
psychedelics. And just to be clear, I had sleep paralysis/dark entity AND lucid dreaming well before drug use.