posted on May, 30 2010 @ 01:13 AM
Letter from the Na'vi to James Cameron
I see you Oil slick.
Mr. Cameron, the Na'vi would like to extend our sympathies to the people of Earth but unfortunately we are fictitious characters from a movie.
Whilst we realize that you used us to provide a plot device designed to slowly draw audiences into an empathetic camaraderie towards our plight by
juxtaposing our simple, peaceful, holistic and symbiotic relationship with nature against disgusting elements of Human greed, war, destruction and a
general lack of respect for the environment and life, we never thought that people would need us as antagonists in order to solve real problems on
We would like to remind you Mr. Cameron, that the solution to your problems is not an appeal to the imaginary characters that people may have grown to
like via the entertainment of cinema, but by changing the flaws and the worst aspects of humanity.
These have nothing to do with the Na'vi, and everything to do with Human behaviour.
The Na'vi find it extremely distressing that, only when compared to our imaginary existence, can you humans generate a distaste for the flaws in the
way you all live.
Thank you Mr. Cameron, until Avatar 2, I see You.
And you too Oil slick.