posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 08:05 AM
Here are a couple theories to play with. Both dealing with the UFO's being something made by Secret Military and not Little Green Men.
1.) The reason is that the Technology to build such craft is known to only a few of the more advanced Governments, who basically use them as a method
of spying on each other. The reason that method is used is because these secret government groups are even kept secret from their own known military
for the most part as well as being secret from other Nations Military. With that being so, they have the advantage since the common military weapons
and so forth cannot catch them or compete with what they can do. That will continue only as long as it's kept secret however, so the continue to
keep it that way, and use it as a means of spying on each other and only a very select few understand what is really happening.
2.) They craft which came about from things like the Philadelphia Exp. and Montauk which is when Time Travel was first developed. (So the theory goes
anyway.) So what we see as UFO's are really just ourselves from the future or something that have come back study certain areas that may have been
the cause of future disasters, such as Nuclear Fallout and War. They in turn have come back to try and change or stop it from happening in the
future, thereby changing their own Present where the Earth is all messed up. (Kinda like the 12 Monkey's Plot only without Biological Causing the
Problems.) While this is probably the strangest of the two theories, if you have read up on the Phili Experiment and Montauk and all that stuff, this
actually has Many, Many eerie and somewhat spooky possibilities of being very possible. A lot of which is backed up by modern theories in Quantum
Physics and stuff like that too, which make it even more disturbing. If nothing else, it makes for some good reading, IMO.