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Definition of intelligence :
Animal intelligence
One of the most common misconceptions about brain evolution is that it represents a linear process culminating in the amazing cognitive powers of humans, with the brains of other modern species representing previous stages. Such ideas have even influenced the thinking of neuroscientists and psychologists who compare the brains of different species used in biomedical research. Over the past 30 years, however, research in comparative neuroanatomy clearly has shown that complex brains—and sophisticated cognition—have evolved from simpler brains multiple times independently in separate lineages, or evolutionarily related groups: in mollusks such as octopuses, squid and cuttlefish; in bony fishes such as goldfish and, separately again, in cartilaginous fishes such as sharks and manta rays; and in reptiles and birds. Nonmammals have demonstrated advanced abilities such as learning by copying the behavior of others, finding their way in complicated spatial environments, manufacturing and using tools, and even conducting mental time travel (remembering specific past episodes or anticipating unique future events). Collectively, these findings are helping scientists to understand how intelligence can arise—and to appreciate the many forms it can take.
Categorisation – the ability to discriminate between different categories of stimuli.
1. Reasoning and Problem Solving – the ability to solve a range of problems, using
abstract reasoning and supplying spontaneous solutions to problems without training
2. Memory – the use of spatial memory for food catching and the possibility of
short- term memory similar to that in humans.
3. Consciousness – a hotly debated area, regarding whether animals have a concept of
self and can display self-awareness.
4. Attention - the ability to distribute attention between different aspects of a stimulus.
5. Language – another controversial area, this involves the attempt to teach language or
language-like behaviour to certain species.
6. Emotion – perhaps the most controversial of all, this involves research into whether
animals have emotions or “feelings” which can be qualified in the same way as human
The most intelligent animals on Earth :
The EQ ranking of animals.
Humans come out on top of the EQ ranking, followed by dolphins, chimps and gorillas. Here is our list according to EQ:
Human 7.6Dolphin 5.3 Chimpanzee 2.4Monkey 2.1
Gorilla 1.6 Elephant 1.3 Dog 1.2 Cat 1.0
Horse 0.9 Mouse 0.5 Rat 0.4 Opossum 0.2
We can use relative EQ to correct for the effect of body size by normalizing against the human EQ. The complexity equation then becomes:
C = log(N*EQa/EQh) * (1 + 2logZ), where EQa is the animal EQ and EQh is the human EQ, taken to be 7.6.
Normalized complexity compared to the consensus list.
Human 70 Human
Dolphin 67 Chimpanzee
Chimp 65 Dolphin
Elephant 64 Gorilla
Gorilla 63 Elephant
Monkey/Horse 57 (tied) Horse
Cat 53 Dog
Dog 52 Cat
Opossum/rat 41 (tied) Rat
Mouse 38 Opossum
To be continued below
Continuation of the thread above !
Birds (and humans), live a long time in complex societies. And like primates, these birds must keep track of the dynamics of changing relationships and environments.
"They need to be able to distinguish colors to know when a fruit is ripe or unripe," Pepperberg noted. "They need to categorize things—what's edible, what isn't—and to know the shapes of predators. And it helps to have a concept of numbers if you need to keep track of your flock, and to know who's single and who's paired up. For a long-lived bird, you can't do all of this with instinct; cognition must be involved."
Being able mentally to divide the world into simple abstract categories would seem a valuable skill for many organisms. Is that ability, then, part of the evolutionary drive that led to human intelligence?
Alex the talking parrot.
Certain skills are considered key signs of higher mental abilities: good memory, a grasp of grammar and symbols, self-awareness, understanding others' motives, imitating others, and being creative. Bit by bit, in ingenious experiments, researchers have documented these talents in other species, gradually chipping away at what we thought made human beings distinctive while offering a glimpse of where our own abilities came from. Scrub jays know that other jays are thieves and that stashed food can spoil; sheep can recognize faces; chimpanzees use a variety of tools to probe termite mounds and even use weapons to hunt small mammals; dolphins can imitate human postures; the archerfish, which stuns insects with a sudden blast of water, can learn how to aim its squirt simply by watching an experienced fish perform the task. And Alex the parrot turned out to be a surprisingly good talker.
Many of Alex's cognitive skills, such as his ability to understand the concepts of same and different, are generally ascribed only to higher mammals, particularly primates. But parrots, like great apes
“I thought, ‘This is odd,’” she says. “I assumed birds would cache for a long time—days or months. But this was for minutes.” She theorized that the birds were moving their caches to avoid pilfering. When food was plentiful, they grabbed as much as possible and hid it, then hid it again when they could do so without being observed by potential thieves. That behavior implied that the scrub-jays might be thinking about other birds’ potential actions, a type of flexible thinking that was supposedly beyond the capabilities of a scrub-jay’s little brain.
Cephalopods belong to the same lineage that produced snails, clams, and other mollusks. A typical mollusk might have 20,000 neurons arranged in a diffuse net. The octopus has half a billion neurons.* The neurons in its head are massed into complex lobes, much the way our own brains are. In comparison with their body weight, octopuses have the biggest brains of all invertebrates. They're even bigger than the brains of fish and amphibians, putting them on par with those of birds and mammals.
Rico. A border collie with a vocabulary.
Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig heard about Rico and arranged a meeting with him and his owners. That led to a scientific report revealing Rico's uncanny language ability: He could learn and remember words as quickly as a toddler. Other scientists had shown that two-year-old children—who acquire around ten new words a day—have an innate set of principles that guides this task. The ability is seen as one of the key building blocks in language acquisition. The Max Planck scientists suspect that the same principles guide Rico's word learning, and that the technique he uses for learning words is identical to that of humans.
"People were surprised to discover that chimpanzees make tools," said Alex Kacelnik, a behavioral ecologist at Oxford University, referring to the straws and sticks chimpanzees shape to pull termites from their nests. "But people also thought, 'Well, they share our ancestry—of course they're smart.' Now we're finding these kinds of exceptional behaviors in some species of birds. But we don't have a recently shared ancestry with birds. Their evolutionary history is very different; our last common ancestor with all birds was a reptile that lived over 300 million years ago.
The Battle for #2 in Primate IQ Who is our smartest relative?
The Hierarchy of Intelligence
#1. Human
#2. Orangutan
#3. Chimpanzee
#4. Spider monkey
#5. Gorilla
#6. Surili
#7. Macaque
#8. Mandrill
#9. Guenon
#10. Mangabey
#11. Capuchin
Without Darwin's evolutionary perspective, the greater cognitive skills of people did not make sense biologically.
To be continued below.
Continuation from thread above.
Porpoises are small cetaceans and are this name has been used to refer to any small Dolphin, especially by sailors and fishermen. ( I’m not going to talk about them but I felt it was
nesscesarry to give a little info. )
Cetaceans are the mammals best adapted to aquatic life. their body is fusiform ( spindle-shaped ). The forelimbs are modified into flippers their hind limbs are Vestigial and do not attach to the backbone and are hidden within the body. Some species are noted for their high intelligence.
There are numerous examples of killer whales imitating behaviours of other killer whales, and examples in which killer whales seem to deliberately teach skills to their kin. This is most strikingly seen in the areas where killer whales deliberately beach themselves to catch seals. Off Península Valdés, adults sometimes pull seals off the shoreline and then release them again near juvenile whales, allowing the younger whales to practice the difficult capture technique on the now-weakened prey. Off the Crozet Islands, mothers have been seen pushing their calves onto the beach, waiting to pull the youngster back if needed.
From people who have interacted closely with killer whales, there are numerous anecdotes demonstrating killer whales' curiosity, playfulness, and ability to solve problems. For example, killer whales in Alaska have not only learned how to steal fish from longlines, but have overcome a variety of techniques designed to dissuade them from the practice, such as the use of unbaited lines as decoys. Once, fishermen tried working together by placing their boats several miles apart and taking turns to retrieve small amounts of their catch, in the hope that killer whales would dash between boats not have enough time to steal any fish as it was being retrieved. A researcher described what happened next:
"It worked really well for a while. Then the whales split into two groups. It didn't even take them an hour to figure it out. They were so thrilled when they figured out what was going on, that we were playing games. They were breaching by the boats."
—Craig Matkin
In other anecdotes, researchers describe incidents in which wild killer whales playfully tease humans by repeatedly moving objects that the humans are trying to reach, or suddenly start to toss around a chunk of ice after a human throws a snowball.
The killer whale's use of dialects and the passing of other learned behaviours from generation to generation have been described as forms of culture. The paper Culture in Whales and Dolphins goes as far as to say, "The complex and stable vocal and behavioural cultures of sympatric groups of killer whales (Orcinus orca) appear to have no parallel outside humans and represent an independent evolution of cultural faculties
Source :Link.
Inside the mind of a killer whale.
Experts on marine mammals say that dolphins - including "killer whales," which are more properly called orcas - rank among the most intelligent species on the planet. So what was that orca thinking when he dragged his human trainer into the water and killed her?
Source :Link.
Scientist Has 'Snowball Fight' With a Killer Whale
Whale uses fish as bait to catch seagulls then shares strategy with fellow orcas
Cetacean intelligence.
Evidence from various domains of research demonstrates that cetacean brains underwent elaboration and reorganization during their evolution with resulting expansion of the neocortex. Cortical evolution, however, proceeded along very different lines than in primates and other large mammals. Despite this divergence, many cetaceans evince some of the most sophisticated cognitive abilities among all mammals and exhibit striking cognitive convergences with primates, including humans. In many ways, it is because of the evolution of similar levels of cognitive complexity via an alternative neuroanatomical path that comparative studies of cetacean brains and primate brains are so interesting. They are examples of convergent evolution of function largely in response, it appears, to similar societal demands.
Returning to Manger, his controversial claim is reminiscent of the conclusion reached about bees by physicists and mathematicians in the 1930s—that the anatomical structure of bees and the known principles of flight indicate that bee flight is impossible [90]. Rightfully oblivious to Manger's contentions, cetaceans continue to provide an enormous body of empirical evidence for complex behavior, learning, sociality, and culture.
Source :Link.
Culture in Whales and Dolphins. ( Abstract )
Orca shares the waves with local surfer
Brains, Behaviour and Intelligence in Cetaceans (Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises) (Scientific study.)
Killer Whales Intelligent Hunters with Complex Social Lives
How smart are killer whales? Orcas have 2nd-biggest brains of all marine mammals
Killer whales, or orcas, have the second-biggest brains among all ocean mammals, weighing as much as 15 pounds. It's not clear whether they are as well-endowed with memory cells as humans, but scientists have found they are amazingly well-wired for sensing and analyzing their watery, three-dimensional environment.
Source :Link.
ORCA INTELLIGENCE How smart are killer whales – and can they decide to kill a person?
[edit on 5/29/2010 by Sinter Klaas]
Continuation from the thread above.
The staff had used a forklift and stretcher to hoist the 420-pound infant out of the main tank for emergency medical care. In a remarkable act of trust, the baby's parents, Orky and Corky, patiently watched the proceedings from the other side of the tank. The trouble began when the keepers tried to return the baby to the tank. The forklift operator, lacking a clear line of sight, halted the stretcher a few feet above the water, just beyond the grasp of the keepers who were waiting below. As the keepers struggled to reach and release the orca, it began throwing up—which, as trainer Gail Laule recalls, made for a desperate situation.
Orky, the father, then did something he'd never been trained to do. He swam beneath his baby, let a keeper stand on his head, and, using the awesome power of his flukes, held himself steady so the keeper could reach the latch on the stretcher and let the baby slip into the water. Not only did he seem to realize that the humans were trying to help; he appeared to understand that he could help them help.
I like the story about the elderly widow whose beloved little dog died after fifteen faithful years. Distraught, she went to her pastor.
"Parson," she said, tears streaming down her cheeks, "the vicar said animals have no souls. My darling little dog Fluffy has died. Does that mean I won’t see her again in heaven?"
"Madam," said the old priest, "God, in his great love and wisdom has created heaven to be a place of perfect happiness. I am sure that if you need your little dog to complete your happiness, you will find her there."
This is why I believe there are Humans, and then there are animals dressed in human flesh.
We are the only earthly creatures that can contemplate the invisible.
Originally posted by troubleshooter
reply to post by Sinter Klaas
It is not an issue of intelligence but soveriegnty.
Of course animals have different and arguably superior intelligences...
...but none other than man has radah dominion or rule... awesome responsibility we routinely abuse for commerce and amusement.
Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
Originally posted by troubleshooter
reply to post by Sinter Klaas
It is not an issue of intelligence but soveriegnty.
Of course animals have different and arguably superior intelligences...
...but none other than man has radah dominion or rule... awesome responsibility we routinely abuse for commerce and amusement.
Responsibility ?
Who told you this nonsense ? Without man Nature will do much better.
The majority does not even know what responsibility means.
What does Radah mean ?
Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
reply to post by troubleshooter
I do consider man to be part of nature.
My comments were pointed at sovereignty and responsibility.
What does Radah mean ?
Either we have some moral responsibility to use our natural abilities in the service of nature or we are just a natural force...
...and our actions whether to protect or destroy have no moral meaning at all.
As I said, humans are either a natural force beyond moral responsibility or we have the responsibility to 'manage' nature...
...I can't think of a third option...can you?