posted on May, 29 2010 @ 06:38 PM
Maybe this will just wake people in general up to the FACT we are AT Peak Oil NOW. (We hit it in 2005)
I get so furious at assholes like that fat moronic idiot Alex Jones who say peak oil is a myth and a conspiracy. That fat ass clown is in the
conspiracy theory business to paint conspiracies on everything so to muddle the truth with horse sh#t.
If we aren't at peak oil, why the HELL are we pushing our technology to the absolute breaking point (and it broke) to drill 5 thousand feet
underwater and then a further however many kilometers into the earth to tap into a "drop in the bucket" oil reservoir of 50 million barrels?
The world uses 1 BILLION barrels every 11 and a half days. We have used up all the easy to get oil and all that remains is the highly dangerous stuff
that our technology isn't capable of getting.
Mark my words people, if this Gulf catastrophe doesn't knock us over the cliff, offshore oil drilling will continue and will have to continue in more
hard to get places as the world grows desperate for oil.
This oil rig disaster won't be the last. IF this isn't the end of offshore oil production entirely. Our technology isn't CAPABLE of doing what they
were trying to do.
We are in Peak Oil my friends. Disasters like this were predicted to happen as we hit peak oil. Don't be fooled by wankers like Jones who get
paid to mix truth and lies together to create a bogus conspiracy which people take hook line and sinker.
Our civilization is at its breaking point. It has been said, to start preparing for Peak Oil 30 years before it hits will be a very bumby ride
To wait 20 years is very dire and many many things will come apart and put huge strain on civilization.
10 years, you might as well forget it because it's too late, no amount of money and emergency preparing for it will stop the train wreck.
To wait for Peak Oil to HIT US IN THE NOSE (which we have done) you can count on it that our civilization is doomed. Finished.
The end of the age of oil is over forever. Debt is rampant, the world is broke. Tensions are everywhere. Empires are crumbling...
I just wish everyone godspeed and goodluck, I hope the best of our species makes it through the coming Die-Off period