posted on May, 29 2010 @ 12:58 PM
This is to the open minded contributors. The posters who have experienced or at least believe in a metaphysical or the world on the inside, for the
lack of a better word.
Let me better define the metaphysical. If you have ever meditated to an altered consciousness, had a near death experience, or ever experienced any
kinda of altered consciousness. Then this is what I speak of. A feeling of exploring the inside as opposed to exploring space.
We put money into NASA and research for exploring and discovering space. We have previously allowed studies with altered consciousness but we don't
nearly pay enough attention to it.
It makes me ponder two possibilities. First is there could be a force suppressing any real discovers in the field or the subject is just so
misunderstood that we are either scared of it or don't give it enough credit.
Personally I think it's very important and should be studied and explored as much, if not more than, space. The metaphysical affects us all
personally on a very deep level. It is key to understanding our mind, and it's source. Which could possibly help with psychological disorders and
other things.
So what gives? Can you really tell me that at the very least you wouldn't like to see more studies to understand the psyche and consciousness? Maybe
this could be out on a limb for some but what if it lead to the discovery of perfecting remote viewing, inter dimensional travel, light year distance
We need to do more about exposing this subject. Spark the interest and maybe wake all these sleeping sheepies up and possibly expand our
possibilities. As opposed to ignoring it, shunning it or pretending it doesn't exist and staying in ignorance.
Anyways the point of this thread. Discuss your opinion on the importance of exploring space versus exploring the metaphysical. Discuss the discovery
possibilities of both. Discuss the lack of metaphysical research.
Thank you