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New World Order and The Atheist

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posted on May, 30 2010 @ 07:24 AM
Although I'm not atheist, they have the right to their BELIEFS as much as you or I have the right to ours. That's the great thing about America !

I find it amusing that some religious people find atheists such a threat. I guess my question is, why do you see atheists as such a threat? Please be specific as to why.

Freedom of/from religion is a great freedom
Everyone should enjoy it

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by Zelune

If religion were allowed it would be a religion that big brother mandated. Sort of pseudo communism. But also science is getting to the point of being a religion for some, I've saw guys on this site who argue evolutionary doctrine with passion rivaling theologist. And there are those that believe atheism is actually a religion and to a point I agree especially when they started organising. I mean you guys are having church, The Humanist Association of Canada, Atheist Alliance International. By the way their both having a joint convention if you want to know more about just googly AAI. But anyway in reading some of the material I found that with the changing of words as Science to God alot of your reading material could be considered religious. I can post some of those exerpts here if anyone wants.

So science could be the NWO religion.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 07:33 AM
That would be another thread since it would be off subject. But I will do one later.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 07:44 AM
This is what religion has brought us

westboro baptist church



Domestic Terrorists
-Christian Sarah Palin says abortion clinic BOMBER is not a terrorist.

and on
and on
and on
and on
and on.........

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by Loken68
reply to post by Zelune

If religion were allowed it would be a religion that big brother mandated. Sort of pseudo communism. I think you don't understand the difference between a RELIGION and a POLITICAL SYSTEM...communism isn't a religion, lol. But also science is getting to the point of being a religion for some, I've saw guys on this site who argue evolutionary doctrine with passion rivaling theologist. That is because evolution is a fact, yet you continue to spread weird and misinformed statmenet against it without providing ANY proof just because it doesn't fit your world view.And there are those that believe atheism is actually a religion and to a point I agree especially when they started organising. I mean you guys are having church, The Humanist Association of Canada, Atheist Alliance International. By the way their both having a joint convention if you want to know more about just googly AAI. But anyway in reading some of the material I found that with the changing of words as Science to God alot of your reading material could be considered religious. I can post some of those exerpts here if anyone wants.

So science could be the NWO religion.

If science is the NWO, then by all means, I hope the NWO starts gaining momentum

At least science is actively looking for evidence and constantly revising their statements if new findings come alight. Religious folk on the other hand walk through the world with their eyes and ears closed singing "lalalalalalala, the sky is purple because the sky is purple because the sky is purple because gooooood said so....yay, the sky is purple" WITHOUT LOOKING AT THE FACTS. And if someone would present them with facts, they will just ignore it or come up with some weird and totally insane way to misinterpret it. Like, there's still people saying "if we came from monkeys, why are there still monkeys on earth?" HOW BLOODY RETARDED IS THAT QUESTIONS??? It shows an utter lack of understanding of evolution.

You sound like those book burners from the Middle Ages or the guys who killed scientists for being right...a fact that took the church 200-300 years to apologize for!

I HOPE the NWO is based on science, logic, and rationality rather than bigot (yes, bigot, because you are apparently hating atheists) religious people who decide things on pure guess work and a book that's been written over 2000 years ago by MEN!

[edit on 30-5-2010 by MrXYZ]

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by MrXYZ

Good post. Probably the single biggest mistake humanity has collectively made is to separate science from the SO-CALLED "paranormal" or "supernatural." That's something both religious people and atheists alike are gulity of. The real problem is worship of rule BY secrecy, as only actions (including inactions) can ever speak. Those who believe the existence of monstrosities like the National "Security" STATE is normal enough are the main problem - whether theist or atheist.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by Loken68

I contend we are both atheists; I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.----Stephen F Roberts

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 09:06 AM
So if my personal conspiracy theory consists of a theocratic one world government this makes all god-believers co-conspirators?

What an idiotic premise.

---> If you honestly believe that emancipation from Religion is something new or unique to our time you are missing quite a trend, I'd say.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 09:10 AM
OP will you please address a point I made in a past posts.

I mentioned you seem to fear a NWO...and I pointed out the the Bible actually favors a NWO being brought in by force if need be.

Can we not step back and see here...that any NWO by force is a bad thing....? Even if it is Jesus himself forcing people to unite.

My point worried about religion having no place in a NWO....(obviously this worries you) but yet there is a religion that supports bringing in a NWO.

We should caution, should we not, any NWO being brought in by force through anyone? Could a Elite group use this religion to their own show the world that a NWO is the way of God????? Should we be more cautious when we are in support of 'God'? Do we really know that God is the one that told those men that a NWO will be brought by force one day through Jesus his son? Does that plan really sound Holy and Divine??

So then my other point was....I believe our highest purpose, as a species, as beings that can till, care for, and tend to the land and creatures around to find a way to unite...and to move mountains together.

I am a believer in the Holy Spirit...and I believe in a NWO through the will of the people.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by jfj123

I could also post a thousand videos as to what life without God has brought ust to. However I will not simply because it would be off topic.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Loken68
reply to post by jfj123

I could also post a thousand videos as to what life without God has brought ust to. However I will not simply because it would be off topic.

I can post a million names of people who where killed because the people around them "lived a life with god"

What's that going to prove?

Morals and Ethics predate the bible and christianity by thousand of years.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
OP will you please address a point I made in a past posts.

Can we not step back and see here...that any NWO by force is a bad thing....? Even if it is Jesus himself forcing people to unite.

When Jesus inforces it, it will be of a different realm. According to the book.

My point worried about religion having no place in a NWO....(obviously this worries you) but yet there is a religion that supports bringing in a NWO.

Actually I do not believe the True Christian Church will be here when the NWO takes over. I also believe that there will be a one world religion that will also involve Atheist.

We should caution, should we not, any NWO being brought in by force through anyone? Could a Elite group use this religion to their own show the world that a NWO is the way of God????? Should we be more cautious when we are in support of 'God'? Do we really know that God is the one that told those men that a NWO will be brought by force one day through Jesus his son? TextDoes that plan really sound Holy and Divine??

Yes your hitting on somthing there
Yes it is but man's ultimate rebellion towards God is Atheism.

So then my other point was....I believe our highest purpose, as a species, as beings that can till, care for, and tend to the land and creatures around to find a way to unite...and to move mountains together.

Do you not see it? This was also Gods plan for man but ateist choose to rebel and take him out of the equation. Jesus said if you had faith the size of a mustard seed you could cast down mountains, but your in last sentence you say let's do it without God.

I am a believer in the Holy Spirit...and I believe in a NWO through the will of the people.

How can you do that?

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Loken68
reply to post by jfj123

I could also post a thousand videos as to what life without God has brought ust to. However I will not simply because it would be off topic.

Actually it would be on topic as it would show how atheists affect the world.

Do you have any videos of evil atheist organizations?

What evidence is there that atheists are trying to create a NWO ?

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by jfj123

The state established atheism as the only scientific truth and actively taught atheism as truth in all public schools. Criticism of atheism or the state's anti-religious policies was forbidden and could lead to forced retirement, arrest and/or imprisonment.
Source Communist Russia

Communists leaders were motivated by a strong desire to impose an ideological "package" over the whole world. The package included the eradication of Religion, defined by arch-atheist, Karl Marx, as “The opium of the people.” According to Marx, religion helped keep the masses passive before the abuse of the wealthy and powerful, and the only way to free them from the “stupor," God and religion had to be eradicated. Lenin embraced Marx's views and so did Stalin up to the Second World war. The enforcement of Atheism was a “critical” requirement for Communism’s success, and thus it had to be implemented at all costs. This meant oppressive measures, such as brainwashing in state schools, the closing of houses of worship and arresting countless religious leaders.

Since the end justified the means, as Machiavelli had instructed, they could do whatever was necessary to bring about a workers’ paradise. Because the opposition in some cases proved to be powerful and resilient, drastic means were used. Large numbers were killed for refusing to abandon their religious beliefs. A great many were sent to concentration camps.Atheism exposed

I'm not even going to include China, North Korea, Vietnam and Cuba

[edit on 30-5-2010 by Loken68]

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by Loken68

How can I believe in the Holy Spirit...and believe in a NWO idea?

Lets step away from the books for a moment...imagine, God, is waiting on us to figure out something. Imagine...we have purpose here and are to accomplish something. Imagine this something has nothing to do with our individual selves, such as self salvation. Imagine, that as a unit, as a species, we have to figure out forgiveness to its deepest depths in order to unite our lands and people as a ONE that stands together. Imagine there is a 'Prime Vision' that the Holy Spirit holds for us, and this world. Imagine that God is waiting on us to get over our Earthly ways move mountains together. not going to force this on us, because by learning to do it ourselves, we learn something.

See in your thinking...a NWO is OK when it is forced by 'God'. Just be cautious that men are not using God as their backing....when it really might not be of God at all.

That is why I say...if its by force...its not going to work. If its through our own will, to unite under a common order and just might work and be the best thing for us. I see it as the prime vision the heavens hold for us....for us to figure it out for ourselves, out of our own will.

I just caution anything that comes as 'force'....for I dont think this is the ways of God and what is Holy.

How are you going to know if it is of God or not?

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 10:27 AM
I agree with you to a point, but I also believe God is about to step out of the way and to allow this NWO created by man to come to power. I however also believe that when God steps aside that he will also remove his representatives from the playing field. Then this world will finally experience a time without God and it will honor itself so much as to set up it's NWO with it's "Zenith Pinnacle Man" at it's head.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 10:31 AM
I also want to add...

To knowingly rebel against believe or KNOW it exists.

As a teenager, I often rebelled....knowing my parents were very real, knowing they had set rules for me, knowing there would be a punishment if I got caught.

You saying that atheists are a rebellion against a false statement. If you dont 'know' something exists or is not rebelling to not believe in it. To rebel against something, you assume that something is REAL.

Atheists just use their senses, they believe what they can see, touch, hear, smell, ect....they believe in what they can KNOW.

This is not rebelling against something that they do not know exists. And to be frank....God is not considered with 'beliefs'....the Spirit is concerned with our hearts, our does our nature weigh out and measure in the end. Is it a selfish nature or a offering nature? Are we caught up in the individual experiences or are we concerned with the Universal experience?

God is not going to punish people for not banking their souls on things they know not. Forgive them, for what they do not know.

Be careful to just believe the nature of God has been given to you through another man. We are logical beings for very good reason. It is within us to know the nature of what is Holy and the ways of the Holy Spirit. You must discern all things through Thee.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Loken68

How is this any different then all of our past ways? Is this not what has been happening since the dawn of time?

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 10:33 AM
I think you await a Divine Intervention?

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by Loken68
reply to post by jfj123

The state established atheism as the only scientific truth and actively taught atheism as truth in all public schools.

Please show me where this is true in the United States.

Communists leaders were motivated by a strong desire to impose an ideological "package" over the whole world. The package included the eradication of Religion, defined by arch-atheist, Karl Marx, as “The opium of the people.” According to Marx, religion helped keep the masses passive before the abuse of the wealthy and powerful, and the only way to free them from the “stupor," God and religion had to be eradicated. Lenin embraced Marx's views and so did Stalin up to the Second World war. The enforcement of Atheism was a “critical” requirement for Communism’s success, and thus it had to be implemented at all costs. This meant oppressive measures, such as brainwashing in state schools, the closing of houses of worship and arresting countless religious leaders.

Since the end justified the means, as Machiavelli had instructed, they could do whatever was necessary to bring about a workers’ paradise. Because the opposition in some cases proved to be powerful and resilient, drastic means were used. Large numbers were killed for refusing to abandon their religious beliefs. A great many were sent to concentration camps.Atheism exposed

I'm not even going to include China, North Korea, Vietnam and Cuba

[edit on 30-5-2010 by Loken68]

Oh I see. You're only stating that atheism WAS in effect in USSR and not the whole world.

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