reply to post by queenannie38
Thanks queenannie38 (3 plus 8 = 11 ?!!). Just kidding. But thank you for putting the obvious out there, yes, 4/20 is Hitler's birthday, might as
well say it, because it's probably not on the average radar. But, it's so much more than just that. The thing that people should be concerned
about is the fact that TPTB seem to regard Hitler as an important figure in their system. Could that possibly bode well? Regardless of who Hitler
really was, today he is a "symbol" that has gained universal acceptance, as being synonymous with evil.
And the "elevens" are something people should really think about too, thank you for posting that info. As I've pointed out in other threads, the
fact that there are 11 dead says much more than meets the eye. To the occultist, the numbers have to be "right" for an operation to be considered a
maximum success.
Think about what this means when our masters go into something with a "target number" in mind. As the "accident" unfolds, if we were "them", we
would have to make sure that our numbers were right. We can imagine things not always going perfectly, can't we? What if, only 8 were killed
initially, and of the injured, it wasn't looking like you were going to get your additional three victims / sacrifices? Well, this implies that you
would want to have things set up in advance, to make sure things would still come out OK. In fact, you might well be quite "conservative", making
sure "too many" weren't immediately killed.
Still with me? This implies that someone else would be prepositioned, perhaps a medic, someone to ensure the final count is "right". This sort of
thing is of course completely off the scale for the average bear. The titanic evil that would necessarily be involved in orchestrating such an affair
boggles the mind. But, "what if" such a thing was in fact the
I have no doubt these ideas are simply too much for most people to seriously consider, but after 9/11, maybe it's time to entertain even formerly
unthinkable possibilites.
Glad you have a friend! You say you do not have a master? Perhaps you don't, but humanity as a whole, well, it's looking more and more like we do.
I tend to think that we're all in this together, whether we like it or not, and sometimes, it's good to really look at the situation, and maybe
it's even healthy to admit even the unpleasant things about ourselves.
I can imagine an old southern plantation before the War, with slaves, and one among them rising up and telling "the" master, "You ain't my
masta!" Well, we may know what he means, perhaps in his heart he is "free", but I would guess that soon it wouldn't matter, at least not for him.
Of course, if Mama had still been alive, she would have told him to shut his pie hole, but only out of love.
I personally like to use the term "our masters", not out of some sort of subservience, but because I think it has some merit when communicating with
those who have never taken the red pill. It should, you would think, stop us in our tracks, and maybe have the same effect that it seemed to have on
you. "I don't have a master!" Well, too much to get into here, but I would suggest that the real issue isn't the "master" at all. The real
issue is that we, taking humanity as a whole, are in fact "slaves", in mind, and heart. We could debate this of course, but the proof of the
pudding is that we have left, collectively, a "power vacuum" if you will, and since nature seems to abhor vacuums, someone has stepped in (has
always stepped in), to rule. So it has ever been, and will be. Unless, WE change.
If the time ever comes when we are no longer slaves, then we will no longer have masters. Until then, it is nice to have friends.