posted on May, 29 2010 @ 01:45 PM
This actually happened to me last night. I couldn't sleep so I began playing a few games of Modern Warfare 2 (SmackinPuppies is my name), after
getting my ass kicked a few games I decided to try to go to sleep again. Ended up having a dream where a few Call of Duty levels were blended together
and I was running from a bunch of gunmen in gas masks. Man could I run; I was running around about 40 mph, nothing could catch me, eventually it
dawned on me that I was dreaming when I closed my eyes (fearing I would get hurt) and jumped off this balcony, and instead of falling I sort of
floated down; when I opened my eyes I was in some big house and saw this good looking woman standing by a window, she didn't have a personality or
anything, literally, she just had a blank look on her face and was just staring at me, almost like a hollow person, and for some reason I kissed her.
When I turned around I saw a coke can on a table so I began levitating it with my hand, could feel my fingers prickling like they do when they go to
sleep, very weird sensation, then I saw this old lady in a nightgown walked into the room, she appears in a lot of my dreams and is sometimes a ghost,
for some reason I panicked and grabbed her and threw her out the window.
My focus on my dreams never lasts long, so I lose lucidity quiet fast, I think it turned into a regular dream a little after I started levitating the
coke can, wish I could keep my focus for more than five minutes and stay lucid, but haven't had much luck.
[edit on 29-5-2010 by milkmustache]