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US military alert level raised in Seoul, 24 stealth fighters jets ready

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posted on May, 29 2010 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
reply to post by virgom129

That happened when Japan was a empire. Times have changed and Japan has grown up after WW2.

I was stationed in Japan for 4 years and a good amount of the population wanted blood for the Japanese nationals that died in the WTC, we got quite the send off from the JMSDF. They're very nice and polite until they start getting killed.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 02:54 PM
Baghdad in 1991 was the worlds most heavily defended city (including air defense). You see how that worked out right? And Iraq's equipment was better than NK's is now and they had more of it. Dont be impressed by the number "18,000".

Originally posted by Skellon

Originally posted by john124
reply to post by Rentor

The F-22 Raptor and F-35 are more maneuverable than The F-117 nighthawk, so I'd go with an F-22 squadron with several B-2 spirits flattening air defences and then give the nod to the S.Korean airforce to finish off the job.

Good luck to them though with North Korea having 18,000 air defence weapons..

Considering 1 B-2 actually cost more than the Space Shuttle per unit, losing a few of them will be a sting politically.

But then we will never know, with such biased media reporting.

[edit on 29-5-2010 by princeofpeace]

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 03:20 PM
Can someone explain to me, how would this war help boost American economy? Americans will start making cars again? Retrieve their factories they sent to China and Russia? Sell more iPads to Congolese?

There is growing dissent in America, not just jobless people, but problem with immigration. And there is the oil spill and hurricane season. I don't see how a war can be a way out? But a way down, more probably.

And besides, preparations for a war of this kind would take more than a couple of weeks and a lot more than 24 "Raptors". If there is going to be a war with NK, massive preparations would occur and those can not be concealed.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by princeofpeace

you forgett one thing...NK is all hills and mountains...
american forces cant deal with that kind of terrain history has proven...
Bagdad was fallen couse irak troups diddend want to fight for it...
NK is slightly differant... :-|)

vietnam / afghanistan... ect....
thats the reason that NK still exist...

[edit on 29-5-2010 by ressiv]

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 04:44 PM
Iraq's troops fought long after their war machine was decimated. Just because NK has mountains and hills doesnt mean their major war making equipment wouldnt be destroyed.

Now if folks are talking about going in and occupying the country then that is whole different matter altogether but i havent heard anything about that.

Originally posted by ressiv
reply to post by princeofpeace

you forgett one thing...NK is all hills and mountains...
american forces cant deal with that kind of terrain history has proven...
Bagdad was fallen couse irak troups diddend want to fight for it...
NK is slightly differant... :-|)

vietnam / afghanistan... ect....
thats the reason that NK still exist...

[edit on 29-5-2010 by ressiv]

[edit on 29-5-2010 by princeofpeace]

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by CanadianDream420

North Korea has or one of the largest standing army in the world since they would take South Korea they wouldn't have to worry about retreating . In the event North Korean forces had to withdraw they would have slightly more wiggle room because they don't face the sea . Your radar and tracking systems will do no good for the defenders who would simply run out of ammunition if they were not over run first .

New jets and bombs ?
Sure just like the Me 262 went against the American bomber streams they were simply to outnumbered to make a real difference . Even with them being virtually unopposed in the air you would need an awful lot of air power to subdue North Korea . During Gulf War One just look at the effort that was required from Air Power before ground forces went in .

[edit on 30-5-2010 by xpert11]

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 04:47 AM
Sounds like Iraq again...They have WMD's then they don't.

North Korea sank the ship...Then later we learn it was an accident after all. Thats after the war has started that is.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by virgom129
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

Japan Pacifists???
Pearl Harbour comes to mind, how quick we forget...

What the... Pearl Harbor? You are touchy over some ships and some sailors?

Look if japan really had their bushido intact they would never forget the 2 nuclear bombs america dropped on them.

If I was a japanese leader, I would wait, first I would show my support to the US, they I'd make sure I'd fail them in their hour of need and back up and watch them fall... the US still have to pay for the bombs.

But japan is nothing but a bunch of mind controlled work-sleep-work-sleep people now and their leaders are US puppets since Hirohito. Japan needs a Tokugawa blood line again, that respects and follows the samurai code and honors the bushido. If Japan had that leader they would have never allied themselves with the US.

Pearl Harbor was nothing compared to what the US did to japan... japan should NEVER forget those bombs.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
Iraq's troops fought long after their war machine was decimated. Just because NK has mountains and hills doesnt mean their major war making equipment wouldnt be destroyed.

Now if folks are talking about going in and occupying the country then that is whole different matter altogether but i havent heard anything about that.

what are you talking about?

when the coalition forces broke through basra and made thier way to baghdad, 90% of the iraqi forces stopped fighting, infact most of them turned against thier baathist superiors.

iraq is flat land, while NK is different. thier men are more disciplined.

the only reason the iraqis fought was because of fear, when baath fell in 2003, every iraqi turned against saddam hussien.

why do you even compare a middle eastern country with an asian one?

they're both different on so many levels that even you're militiray commanders will laugh.

its like you kill a fox, and then you think it will be the same or as easy to kill a wolf. its different. for one reason the US is broke, and half of the world is against you.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 09:44 AM
Im not talking about soldiers im talking about the enemies hardware i.e. tanks, planes, ships, artillery pieces etc. That stuff will be decimated.

Originally posted by RizeorDie

Originally posted by princeofpeace
Iraq's troops fought long after their war machine was decimated. Just because NK has mountains and hills doesnt mean their major war making equipment wouldnt be destroyed.

Now if folks are talking about going in and occupying the country then that is whole different matter altogether but i havent heard anything about that.

what are you talking about?

when the coalition forces broke through basra and made thier way to baghdad, 90% of the iraqi forces stopped fighting, infact most of them turned against thier baathist superiors.

iraq is flat land, while NK is different. thier men are more disciplined.

the only reason the iraqis fought was because of fear, when baath fell in 2003, every iraqi turned against saddam hussien.

why do you even compare a middle eastern country with an asian one?

they're both different on so many levels that even you're militiray commanders will laugh.

its like you kill a fox, and then you think it will be the same or as easy to kill a wolf. its different. for one reason the US is broke, and half of the world is against you.

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