posted on May, 28 2010 @ 04:17 PM
Right now it seems like every third post I come across is someone sharing their dreams and trying to have them deciphered by other members.
For one thing, dreams are extremely personal, there is no general dream interpetation handbook, ... to think someone else can interpet your dream is
extremely naive and unrealistic.
If you don't know what your dreams mean, ...... HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHAT THEY MEAN ????
... and for the " future catastrophe" dreams .......
You may have seen movies like The Matrix, or The Butterfly Effect, ..... You may think your the missing piece in some cosmic puzzle and you are meant
to tell the world of some future catastrophe relayed to you in your dream. You may also think you have some great role to play in the future of
humanity, and though you don't want to face it, .... you are indeed, ..... THE ONE.
Well guess what, ..... your not !!.
You had a DREAM. Everyone has them, about aliens and earthquakes, and volanoes, and everything you can imagine.
But wait YOUR dream SEEMED sooooooooo real. There's just something about it.
..... well there's not. Your Naive, prolly very young, and entertainment has convinced you that not everything is as it seems, and anyone can turn
out to be a savior of humanity.
Your dreams may mean something to you, and thats where we should keep them, to ourselves. If I posted every time I had a dream of the future I'd
have hundreds of posts.
If your dream is supposed to mean something, only you can figure that out. Not a bunch of stranger's on a message board. Dreams can be a mix of
reality, fears, imaginations, ... or even what's on TV while your sleeping. They could be based on a video game you played, or a movie you just
watched. They could be just random firings from your brain.
Their dreams. .... and as much as you think your's are important and must be shared with the world. Trust me, .... their not.
Please, please, ..... just keep them where they came from. Nobody's dream on ATS has EVER, come true, and yours will not be the first. And any
interpetation you get here will mean as much as your dream does, .....
absoloutely nothing.
So what say you ATS, ..... should the board continue to be inundated by peoples dreams and their interpetations ???
Should we make a new forum for dreams and dreamers ???