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Daylight footage of shiny metal flying saucer UFO PROOF.

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posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:24 AM
If this isn't "proof" anymore, then "proof" is an endangered species:

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:36 AM

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:43 AM

I think its a balloon, as discussed previously, so no its not proof.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:52 AM
I think I saw a little boy inside....oh no..he is upstairs hiding in the attic, until the news crew has gone away.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by polarwarrior

I think its a balloon, as discussed previously, so no its not proof.

Of course it's proof! Proof that it's a balloon!!

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 04:10 AM

That is incredible! I just can’t believe it...

I can’t believe that somebody has posted that as an actual UFO hanging by a piece of string in somebody’s un-furnished back room.

It beggars belief sometimes.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 04:33 AM
The pale white possible chemtrail jet just happening to fly behind it lends it some credibility....

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by sandwiches

You know what, you might have something there.

That white strip light looks exactly like a boeing 747.

That UFO must be massive then, seeing its about 10 times the size of the Boeing!

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 05:17 AM
i think i goe for the balloon theory as it looks to be swaying in the wind

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 05:29 AM
I agree with the woman in the background. I think it was a remote controlled toy.

Just didn't seem to behave like I would think a UFO (governmental or alien) would.

Plus, what would be the occupants (governmental or alien) purpose? To just hang around so it can be captured on fllm during the daylight?

Nah......didn't do it for me but thanks for posting

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 06:32 AM
If the matter is that the guy who took the video really didnt do it, i mean trying to hoax it. If he did see this and took video. Lets assume someone else did this balloon stuff and this guy thought this was the real deal and shot it.

My question is why would someone deliberately make a balloon like a ufo and let it fly? Is it a attempt to discredit ufo videos taken worldwide? Are they trying to tell all is either a hoax or something else except that government does'nt have connections? We also saw Haiti ufo which was later told that a guy,a animation engineer did this. Again that footage was really looking very real. It also doesnt seem like a cheap hoax. They have spent good money on that and did it. then the guy comes forward and tells i did this to see people's reaction. Wtf? What is with all these fake stuff deliberately done which seems like a plan to discredit the real footages of ufo?

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by chaosinorder

The guy who owned the balloon was pissed he lost it, it cost him $400 bucks and was going to be part of some 4th of July celebration filled with helium, but sure enough he didnt have it tethered securely the day before. There is a website that sells these balloons so many have probs been fooled before. It was spinning on its side, a distinct marker that its out of control and being pushed around by the wind, if the video was longer it would not be seen to dart away or else they would have included that crucial part in the video, im betting it slowly rose out of site possibly fooling an airliner crew on its way. As annoying as it is for a ufologist there is no conspiracy behind the balloons being sold, some company would have thought of it, you can even buy a giant floatin dog turd balloon. The balloons are easy to spot so any keen ufologist will pick it out quickly enough as was done when this same footage was discussed in the past.

[edit on 28-5-2010 by polarwarrior]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

Ok . But Haiti ufo scam was too good. The stuff you see in hollywood. Even though a guy has reprtedly come forward and told it was his and he did it as a experiment. This is a too expensive experiment. No matter what he says why and how much it costed... Still that stuff was too good. I dont think there is conspiracy in everything. Just like the federal reserve stuff came out and people being aware of it. This too shall come out one day. Ufo is seen from Alexander the great era. Its noted that the animals they rode for war for panicked and stuff like that. Also i dont think people posting all these true and mistaken evidences people are posting trying to find a solid proof isnt going to happen. Already there are enough proofs.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by chaosinorder

I think ufos go back alot further than alexander the great, there is evidence to suggest this. The cgi hoaxs play a roll in the great cosmic plan of a people awakening to not being alone, it has to do with the concept of confusion and free will. Disclosure will not come as a shock one day perturbation of this hornets nest of a planet, we will warm up to it in a gradual build up of numbers. The outlet of cgi allows for another excuse for people not ready to believe yet to write off all ufo videos they see as hoaxes hence not forcing them into the belief of et's against their will, free will is why evidence of mysterious phenomena will always leave one sitting on the fence if they have been researching thoroughly enough. With the advent of cgi, the real sightings can become clearer and more stunning without it disturbing people who are not yet ready to believe, and we the believers are still treated to a nice show once we apply discrimination and descernment to detirmine whats genuine. The universe is unimaginably complex, ingeniously and carefully balanced to support freedom of the variety of beliefs chosen by peoples without forcing us any which way by an undeniable silver bullet. So in a sense, the cgi advances and subsequesnt hoaxes can be seen to play a key positive roll and shouldnt be complained about when one sees the "big picture" of the gentle way the universe is guiding us through these potentially shocking times.

[edit on 28-5-2010 by polarwarrior]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 08:08 AM
Yes, this has been shown before and yes, it was previously identified to be a balloon. This is proof that some flying saucers are actually IFOs and that some IFOs are balloons.

I wish there was a separate topic area for posting photographs of blurry birds and bugs and videos of amazing balloons and jet contrails - never mind the amazing CG animations.

It gets to be really boring looking at the same old "amazing proof" over ands over.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by multichild
reply to post by sandwiches

You know what, you might have something there.

That white strip light looks exactly like a boeing 747.

That UFO must be massive then, seeing its about 10 times the size of the Boeing!

Or, maybe the "flying saucer balloon" is simply much closer to the camera, so it just looks bigger.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by chaosinorder
reply to post by polarwarrior

Ok . But Haiti ufo scam was too good. The stuff you see in hollywood.

Seriously? I knew it was fake seconds into it. How? Because I didn't even need to spend time analyzing the video at all. The surrounding lacking evidence of such a video INSTANTLY tells you it is 100% fabricated. Screw video analysis. So yeah, I don't care how good folks get using CGI, if it is something like the Haiti video and there is no SERIOUS supporting evidence you can dismiss it without the need to cry about how good the video looked.

[edit on 28-5-2010 by IgnoreTheFacts]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 11:09 AM
I'm not saying the UFO in the you tube is not a balloon. It certainly seems to be blowing in upper air currents. Only thing I want to point out is the balloon shown by Polar Warrior is not the same as the object in the video. You have to freeze the video and look close. They are similar but not the same. Maybe there are different versions of those flying saucer balloons out the for sale? I really did not know there was such a big market for hoaxing.

Also, to Polar Warrior, where did you see the info about the guy losing the balloon? Care to copy and post it here?

[edit on 28-5-2010 by Unknown Origin]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 11:20 AM
Nice balloon, 'RealAnswers'. A classic example of poor research. Given that the object is slowly and continuously ascending should tell u something. Please don't waste our time and bandwidth.

Posts like these are the chum of ATS. Chewed up and eaten before anyone even knows they exist.

[edit on 28-5-2010 by NightVision]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:53 PM
Yup, it's a ballon saucer.

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