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Quantum Reality and Religion

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posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 11:54 PM
Quantum Reality and Religion

I see reality as being a self fulfilling reality kind of like the "self fulfilling prophecy" idea in psychology. If you look back on certain events like the moon landing, the invention of the airplane, etc... there were always writings, movies, or discussion about them that sparked ideas and instigated study therefore allowing us to learn or create a new reality. This really isn't any different than a very generalized version of quantum reality if you think about it. If it was not ever thought about it would not exist. Once stories instigated thought toward it or the idea was measured (studied) then it was able to exist. There may be many holes in my generalization, but I think that after reading a little about quantum theory as you get further and further from the molecular scale of quantum theory the more and more generalized the theory naturally becomes. This could be why praying and church attendance could be so important in religious belief. If you have faith and believe, then you are collectively creating a reality of a god. This would make god not just be one person, but every person would make up god.

Let me know what you think.
This may be a bad theory, but I thought I would throw the idea out there to get your opinion.

Mods, not really sure where this one belonged so if you wish to move, well hey you don't have to ask me.


posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 02:05 AM
Its interesting mate, but for me its a little more clear cut, someone who belives in this stuff would give you an interesting answer

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 02:29 AM
I have an 84 year old Methodist minister grandad who has helped me come to the conclusion that the energy that makes up our being can be considered to be God , I believe that we are an assembly of atoms and energy , each in our own unique way . When we pass on , our energy is free to mingle with the rest of creation without being bound by the flesh .

Energy does not die , it just changes forms . You and I most definitely share the energy that has been here for millions of years . We share the combined energy of all that came before us , and as long as we don't commit to modern burial rituals(enbalmed , encapsulated , and preserved in the concrete shell that coffins are required to be housed in )and perhaps choose cremation , then our energy will be free to mingle and recombine with the physical plane (a little out there I know , closest thing to reincarnation that I choose to beleive) We are one ....To bad we can't get along in our short time in this form.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 03:07 AM
Or One God could be the collective of everyone's perception of God. I tend to believe that God would be all encompassing of not only notions of God, but relating to every organism/thing alive.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
Or One God could be the collective of everyone's perception of God. I tend to believe that God would be all encompassing of not only notions of God, but relating to every organism/thing alive.
Sorry I used so many words to try to say the same thing . odd


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