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The truth about sleep paralysis

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posted on May, 29 2010 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by Myuzik

I never had S.P. through ages 1-11 years they all started after i witnessed a huge ufo when i was living in the klamath national forest they all started after that incident. And the seem to stop after a certain age. alien abduction no question.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 03:17 PM
If sleep paralysis is only ever E.T. related, then why when I took 5Meo-'___' did I never experience sleep paralysis again. Did this strong hallucinogen make me un-target-able by the aliens?

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 03:23 PM
I've often thought of doing a camera experiment, but the camera part is not the issue. You'd have to set the surrounding environment up correctly.

I've wittered on about this before, but in my experiment, you'ld need 2 rooms. One would be empty and left undisturbed (very important) and the other would have white walls with the bed long ways against the wall adjoining the other room. The "bait" would then use the bed. The camera set up could be as simple or as complex as you want, but it must be able to record a range of wavelengths and not just human visual.

The experiment would have to run for at least a year and the undisturbed room left that way for the duration of the experiment.

If the answer is a psychological effect or a psychiatric chemical imbalance or sleep disorder or a "whatever" then the results will be documented and this can be sorted out once and for all.

I haven't got time for this, but I'd love to do it.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:54 PM
OP, sleep paralysis appears to be a normal and natural phenomena. Anyone who has ever experimented and delved deeply enough into the process of sleep will probably already know this. It has been known about all the way back to ancient times. I am open to the possibility that aliens exist, possibly even abduct people. There seems no genuine evidence of either, though cases of missing time etc after seeing ufo's is interesting. Don't see how sleep paralysis necessarily ties in.

Though it can be caused by evil spirits or aliens if you like. Whether these things exist at all in the manner spoken of is another matter. Could also be caused by the fairies from the garden or Snow White and the seven dwarfs. IMO the Snow White theory probably has more going for it than the alien one. I asked them and they said yes, it was them and not the aliens or fairies. Please be open minded enough to believe it is caused by Snow White and the seven shape shifting dwarves, or perhaps you could prove otherwise. I have the feeling it is, heard them singing once...hi ho, hi ho etc. They perform all sorts of logical actions such as sleep hypnosis to make their reality easily debunkable, often giving people alien experiences to suit their world view and make them feel better. Though only seven in number(eight including Snow White), they are ubuquitous like Santa due to the variables they have to work under. All world governments know this, in fact Walt Disney was working with various agencies to get the populace ready before full disclosure. I can also communicate with them at will via chanelling. They have fooled many.

My claims are obviously rediculous. Though to claim to know the "truth" of some phenomena infers more than a personal theory. In what way have you studied and discounted other posibilities, to what depth?. It might have been better to title it as "a possible theory" as to the reality of etc...

[edit on 30-5-2010 by Cogito, Ergo Sum]

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by VioletDawn
reply to post by Myuzik

After a couple years of advanced ETs interacting with you every day, you know its ETs.

I often wonder, those who get abducted on a regular basis, how come you don't set up video surveillance in your house so that you can have physical proof of what's happening to you? Don't you think the world deserves to see what's happening with their own eyes? I think something as huge as abductions by ET's should be shown to the public so they can know and protect themselves. Why is it there are so many cases of this happening around the world, but no proof, no video? In today's society, this should be an easy thing for almost anyone to do.

They mainly operate in another dimension. They would only materialize in our dimension if they had a reason to. If you want to buy me a camera with the ability to see heat maybe. Or something very advanced, I would set it up in my room. A normal cam would do nothing. And its likely they could operate on me without any sort of camera we have being able to detect their interactions. And even if it did they would just do it to me when i left my room, and only talk to me telepathically when I am in my room.

A memory they just gave me(possibly to discredit me but I will still say it):

One of my first encounters with ETs I was bleeding laying on my bed. It was the very beginning of my contact where they were making me do crazy things with mind control. They said if I didnt jump out a window(2nd story), freemason grandmasters would die. I was under the impression the ones that would die would be the good ones who had reached grandmaster. I know its ridiculous but until you experience ET mind control in malicious ways without an introduction to it you have no say. Prob get jumped on saying im crazy. Well that was the idea of making me do it, and I am not vulnerable to mind control like this anymore. It was all so new to me and at first I believed things I would not normally believe or consider rational partly due to mind control and partly due to just being overwhealmed by the situation.. Anyway I jumped. landed on a wet trash can top(as I aimed for it, being higher than the ground). My foot slipped and my body was parallel to the ground. I smashed sideways partly on my face. It was pretty painless compared to the height.

I was told the greys respected me for sacrificing for others(I am unsure who the actual ET was, I was later told it was a nordic but they arent letting me formulate a belief or close to one). And was told they were in route to my house. And to lay in my bed motionless if i wanted to interact with one.

A few minutes later(after I had telepathic conversations with thankful freemasons, later told to me as being simulated by AI and not real)It started with snapple cap sounds in the hallway with the concept of 'I'm inside your house'. this went on for maybe a minute if i remember correctly. I dont remember the conversation, but it was one of my first telepathic encounters with an ET(as the previous telepathic interactions I had were said to be human like us[also simulated by an ETs AI]). At some point I felt a finger touch my hair. This enchanted me. I know it sounds goofy or lame, but I was extremely excited an ET was in my house, and had just touched me.

Anyway, in this occurrence, a heat sensing camera may have just caught them. But I doubt they would have done it if it was to later be a very famous video. There is simply no way to hide it from them.. They monitor every thought I have on every level of consciousness I have. From what I understand almost always, any disclosure that is ET, was planned by an ET at some time, UFOs to contactees to government officials. I can't think of a situation where ETs would not have planned disclosure from any event they do in any act of disclosure I have seen. You are welcome to test that and see what I could come up with just by knowing them..

[edit on 30-5-2010 by Myuzik]

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 12:19 AM
As for sleep paralysis i believe it is natural(in terms of there is a variable in US that causes it). It is possible it was not natural, and ETs caused the variables that cause it in us to go the way they did for us to have this malfunction.

I do know ETs can make you unable to move. I have experienced this many times. And no its not sleep paralysis. A being saying "try to move" /move tried, and then an AI inflicting claustrophobia into your consciousness obviously by intelligent design and not natural...

They can do this in multiple different levels too.

I have experienced being able to feel the command to move, but i do not move. My brain is creating the command to move, but it is being cut off. I also have been in the situation there is no ability I have to create commands to my body. I wonder if any of you SP experienced people could explain to me how they felt in terms of commands. Can you detect them yet? They were magnified for me i a told, but not much. Could you conceptually feel what you feel when you move your arm for example? Motor function commands can be detected with a naked consciousness.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 01:15 AM
Lets use Occam’s razor on this topic.
Which is more probable, Aliens abducting you in your sleep, or sleep paralysis?

I think I know the most likely answer to that one...

Looks like the obvious is the right result for this subject.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 01:33 AM
Just curious if anyone here has tried to induce sleep paralysis. I had a fear of this when it started happening to me, but it was a fear of the unknown, my own imagination created the fear. I even wrote a thread on my experience in the paranormal forum. Then right after, there was another thread in the metaphysics forum explaining how natural sleep paralysis is and how you can control it.

So then I felt overwhelmingly comfortable once someone explained to me the audio/visual hallucinations, as well has what causes it and how it works.

After that, I attempted to have sleep paralysis and control turn it into an Out of body experience, and to my surprise - it does work. It also takes practice, and it is very normal.

It is scary because it is phenomenal, and a very different experience than anything else IMO. But now, I think its pretty cool, if it wasn't for the fact that I like sleeping better than sleep paralysis, I would do it all the time. It takes patience and timing with your circadian clock.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by juveous

I agree juveous.

It seems a normal part of the process of going into normal deep sleep.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by Myuzik

ok, myuzik...please set up a conscious encounter for me with one of your benevolent ETs.

conscious, ok?

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by reject
reply to post by Myuzik

ok, myuzik...please set up a conscious encounter for me with one of your benevolent ETs.

conscious, ok?

I wish I could do that. lol. I also once tried to get someone abducted by bad ETs(a disbeliever who ridicules me), but they werent interested. I said they could puncture my organs 3 times(long as nordics could fix completely). The nordics say they have little to no desire to abduct fearfully and traumatically any human who attacks contactees. lol. Hear that debunkers and disinfo agents? You are in the clear... Kind of.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 05:00 AM
I have experienced sleep paralysis several times. In many cases there were entitiies involved but none of them were ETs. I believe that most ETS abuctees could be called fairy abuctions in olden days. The UFO researcher Jaques Vallee was of this opinion.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by Myuzik

I wish I could do that. lol. I also once tried to get someone abducted by bad ETs(a disbeliever who ridicules me), but they werent interested. I said they could puncture my organs 3 times(long as nordics could fix completely). The nordics say they have little to no desire to abduct fearfully and traumatically any human who attacks contactees. lol. Hear that debunkers and disinfo agents? You are in the clear... Kind of.

This is one of the saddest and more contemptible posts I've read on ATS. Your claim to have been chosen appears ridiculous and will attract ridicule.

Your claimed attempt to have a 'disbeliever' abducted (fearfully and traumatically) by 'bad ETs,' shines a sad light on your character. If we're to believe you have the ears of benevolent ETs, they'd do well to reassess the company they keep. From where I'm standing, they're hanging with a spiteful infant.

Unless you have youth as an excuse for your ignorance, it's worth pointing out that a person who disagrees with you doesn't deserve to be abducted....traumatically or otherwise

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by Myuzik

I wish I could do that. lol. I also once tried to get someone abducted by bad ETs(a disbeliever who ridicules me), but they werent interested. I said they could puncture my organs 3 times(long as nordics could fix completely). The nordics say they have little to no desire to abduct fearfully and traumatically any human who attacks contactees. lol. Hear that debunkers and disinfo agents? You are in the clear... Kind of.

This is one of the saddest and more contemptible posts I've read on ATS. Your claim to have been chosen appears ridiculous and will attract ridicule.

Your claimed attempt to have a 'disbeliever' abducted (fearfully and traumatically) by 'bad ETs,' shines a sad light on your character. If we're to believe you have the ears of benevolent ETs, they'd do well to reassess the company they keep. From where I'm standing, they're hanging with a spiteful infant.

Unless you have youth as an excuse for your ignorance, it's worth pointing out that a person who disagrees with you doesn't deserve to be abducted....traumatically or otherwise

It wouldnt be that bad. Everyone experiences fear from time to time. He ridiculed me many times saying ETs are not here and that im crazy. Hes a douchebag. I have been through over a year of torture from ETs... He could endure a few scarey seconds, and have his whole reality shifted and become a better non spiteful person.

The nordics say it wasnt fully my thought, but they did give it their attention. And also said it was the first time I got in any type of trouble with them in terms of ideology. It was(in their view) bad ETs trying to get me in trouble. Regardless... They asked if I wanted him hurt I said no. They also asked if I would prefer benevolent contact explaining to him the situation in their view, which I also wanted moreso. Emotions make us unreasonable at times. And synthetic emotions contributed to why I would partially want someone abducted(as it was partially mind control). They know who their contactee is. You just read at the wrong time. And also dont seem to get how demeaning and how much of an ass he was. A pure asshole. If there was karma, he'd be in line for some.

I dont believe in punishment over enlightenment typically, it was out of character.

Unless you have youth as an excuse for your ignorance, it's worth pointing out that a person who disagrees with you doesn't deserve to be abducted....traumatically or otherwise

ridicule and torment is different than disblieving. I just wish the truth and ET contact for disbelievers. Its quite a great thing to witness.

[edit on 30-5-2010 by Myuzik]

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 06:16 AM
Having had sleep paralysis for many yeras and doing much research on this subject.Most sleep paralysis has nothing to do with alien abductions.There are many different forms of paraylsis people can suiffer from both being asleep and awake.The paralysis can occure in different ways.You can have a attack during sleep.You can have a attack when waking up too quickly and you can induce a attack just by putting a state of fear in your mind.If i really think about something scarey it will bring on the paralysis.It slowly comes from the top of the head like a tingling and it travels down your whole body.When the tingling covers yout whole body it then turns to a bussing and paralysis your whole body.Its has something to do with the fear receptors in your brain.Thoses people who suffer paralysis during sleep is usually trigged by scary images from a nightmare not a alien abduction.Once i even broke the paraylsis by getting the streagth to move my arm just a bit and the paralysis was broken just like that.If that paraylsis was alien induced there is noway i could break it just like that.I think its some form of rare epilepsy.When aliens abduct people it usually done during sleep and most people remember nothing and if they do manage to remember something its usually related to a dream.Eighty persent of alien abductees remember nothing and continue to have a happy lifestyle not knowing whats really happening to them at night.Its not as if you get abducted every night.Most aliens abductees usually get taken every two to three years.So in reallity if you ever get any sign of sleep paraylsis just put it down to nightmares or waking up too quickly.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by Myuzik

OP, leaving alone for a moment whether there is any truth to your claims. There is every chance you will find ridicule, simply due to the fact that your claims sound rediculous. Do you not expect this? All people can be @-holes, including you and I, humans in general have a talent for it. Some more so than others. Your claims regarding being under the influence of "bad et's" to explain away poor form, sounds like a child blaming their imaginary freinds when in trouble. Rightly or wrongly, it doesn't inspire confidence.

If aliens are visiting us, there is every chance they view this planet as a galactic insane assylum. It might be difficult to view us any other way.

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by Cogito, Ergo Sum
reply to post by Myuzik

OP, leaving alone for a moment whether there is any truth to your claims. There is every chance you will find ridicule, simply due to the fact that your claims sound rediculous. Do you not expect this? All people can be @-holes, including you and I, humans in general have a talent for it. Some more so than others. Your claims regarding being under the influence of "bad et's" to explain away poor form, sounds like a child blaming their imaginary freinds when in trouble. Rightly or wrongly, it doesn't inspire confidence.

If aliens are visiting us, there is every chance they view this planet as a galactic insane assylum. It might be difficult to view us any other way.

It is simply the truth. I have been mind controlled many times.

And although its not the main view of our people. They do agree most are lost, insane, or bitter people. "But there are a few shining stars here".

As for ridicule Im sure I'll find it here. It follows me around due to openly admitting ET contact.

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Myuzik
Hear that debunkers and disinfo agents? You are in the clear... Kind of.

Who are the debunkers and disinfo agents who you think you are talking to?

Echoing Kadinsky, the above post shows what an immature and despicable person you are, whether or not your claims are real.

[edit on 31-5-2010 by DoomsdayRex]

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Myuzik

You claim to have thousands of encounters, including a year of torture. Do you have any physical evidence?

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 02:45 PM
When I was 15, I started to experience "SP".

Just like everyone else, The experience was absolutely horrific.

Now at age 34, I look forward to it...and most of the times I am able to bring it on upon myself.

Its hard to explain, its like your in the same world but then again your in a totally different place.

You can leave your body, interact with people...teleport yourself to any place.

Your able to travel back in time, into the future and into the present...BUT when ever i try to get too much info , its as if there is an invisable power locking me out.

I cant look at newspapers ...I cant make phone calls...I cant use electricity....anything that would allow me certain info like dates, times, events will be blocked out.

For the people who fear this, I can tell you this:

Stop being scared and jump into this head first.


I have been dealing with SP for about 15 years so far...and yes it is #in scary as hell in the beginning...your mind will unleash the worst of the worst on you. Once you stop being scared , your mind will awaken to something AMAZING.

[edit on 2-6-2010 by yuckysmurf]

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