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Isreal did 911 says Army War College Director

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posted on May, 27 2010 @ 07:45 PM

I feel sorry for all the innocent Jews that will suffer because of the Zionist
scumbags who did this to America. If I was President I would urge Congress for a declaration of War.

[edit on 27-5-2010 by Anti-Evil]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 09:21 PM
As much as I value his "opinion" and even buy it to a certain degree, I think it would carry much more weight if he just stopped at disagreeing with the official conspiracy theory. He is now going to be made out as an anti-semite even though is most likely isn't.

The way I look at it, is we need to call for a new investigation so we should only worry about disproving the official conspiracy theory instead of offering up theories about could have happened. People seem to be more willing to except certain things when their own minds makes the decision. When you give most people a theory, they are more likely to brush it off but when their own mind comes up with the theory, they are sold. That's why it's important, IMO, that we plant the seed for this by disproving the OS and only calling for a real investigation.

By him coming out and offering up a theory, he is only going to get the average person to blow him off. Further more, he is setting himself up to be dismissed as an anti-semite. Never the less, I applaud him for being so brave and crossing over to the logical side. Just one more intellectual to leave the ranks of the brain dead.

Just my 2 cents.


posted on May, 27 2010 @ 09:39 PM
you claim his Opinion.... Interesting, only problem is - those guys dont do opinion. they do countries. He talks like he has consulted as high if not higher commands within our military establishments. So, I think he is no crack pot so he sent evidence with his comments. I guarantee

as far as a new investigation - I figure that will be a International Court
as this crime is just not confined within our borders.
once we have the laws they passed repealed then the arrests and prosecutions will begin. we will issue international arrest warrents with interpol. and judgement will be handed down from a world body.

If they make it that far.

for a complete list of all the suspect you will need to ask the FBI for that
but for the initial round up - I suspect these suspects will be among the first wave of arrests.

[edit on 27-5-2010 by Anti-Evil]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

For piece of information that you get from youtube I would find that same piece of information from a non youtube source first.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 12:08 PM


posted on May, 28 2010 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

I'm assuming that this statement was is his and not the War College's. For this reason, it is his opinion. Was he making this statement through his capacity at the War College? No, or at least not that we are aware of. I don't think he was commissioned to look into this, though I could be wrong. If he was making this statement through the capacity of the War College, that would be one thing.

Also, I know he isn't a crack-pot and you know that he isn't a crack-pot but he can easily be made out to be one once the pro-Israel lobbies respond. He will be made out to be an anti-semite for daring to criticize Israel. That's what they do and their d# good at it.

Also, through my own research, I am convinced that the Mossad didn't play this game alone. If they did have a role (and I think they did), it wasn't nearly as big as the role played by others, though certainly big enough to warrant blame. But of course, this is just my own opinion.


posted on May, 28 2010 @ 12:12 PM
Here is some reading.

Who pushed the WTC for privatization?
-Ronald S. Lauder
He was on the board of directors of the NY board of privatization. He is the key individual who lobbied for the privatization of the WTC, but he also got Stewart Airport, formerly Stewart AFB, to become privatized. Oddly, the flightpaths of flight 175 and flight 11 converged directly over this airport.
Lauder is active in the following organizations:
-Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
-Jewish National Fund
-World Jewish Congress
-American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
-Anti-Defamation League
-Jewish Theological Seminary
Lauder has funded a school for the Mossad in Herzliya, Israel.
Who ran security at all three airports of “alleged” hijackings?
ICTS International / Huntsleigh USA (wholly owned subsidiary)
Owned by Ezra Harel and Menachem Atzmon. Both Israeli Jews.
It is run by “experts” in the security and intelligence field. Israeli intelligence that is. Most employees were ex- Shin Bet agents.
Is this airport security company, who ran the security at Dulles, Logan, and Newark, really that shotty to allow 19 arabs on board 4 different planes with boxcutters, mace, and even a gun, or is there something else going on here?

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by airspoon
I'm assuming that this statement was is his and not the War College's. For this reason, it is his opinion. Was he making this statement through his capacity at the War College? No, or at least not that we are aware of. I don't think he was commissioned to look into this, though I could be wrong. If he was making this statement through the capacity of the War College, that would be one thing.

It sounds like your idea for a "truther party" is starting to fail before it begins, Airspoon. The "Jewish world order" people are coming out of the woodwork in numbers and their voices are growing louder than yours.

Wouldn't it be something if you got kicked out of your own truther party becuase you don't subscribe to their "majority viewpoint"? Now THAT would be a laugh.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 12:23 PM

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

OlDave, it's not my "truth party" and it was only a loose proposal. Furthermore, it's not that I don't subscribe to any of these theories, it's just that I think it's the wrong way to go about it. Like any objective observer, I don't confirm anything without proof. I have theories of my own that for the most part, are commonly held by others but they are just that, theories and I don't pass them off as fact. A truth party would serve the purpose of uniting people with a certain belief so you have to stick to that one belief in order to stay united. That one belief is that the OS is wrong.

I'm not going to go too far off topic here by talking about another unrelated thread but I'll just add that any "truth party" wouldn't be against any of these theories so much as they wouldn't be planked. Everyone has their own theories pretty much so instead of focusing on what we think happened, we should focus on what we know didn't happen, something that "truthers" pretty much have in common as far as the OS. It's also much more effective. As far as any "truth party", it would be pointless and ineffective to focus on what could have happened as opposed to what didn't happen.

Frankly, until we get an investigation, we shouldn't focus on what we think happened as far as a political agenda to get the truth, IMO. With that being said, there certainly isn't anything wrong with theorizing about what happened, it's just not as effective at getting people to listen.

I know your not a subscriber to the idea that anyone other than cave-dwelling arabs pulled this off and you must think that all of the evidence is purely coincidental but this explanation was pretty much for other readers.

I applaud this guy's effort and his bravery in speaking out, however I think he could be much more effective if he just stuck to what didn't happen. It's much easier to get folks to believe cold hard facts pointing against the OS then it is to get them to believe what would seem like wild accusations.


posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by airspoon
I know your not a subscriber to the idea that anyone other than cave-dwelling arabs pulled this off and you must think that all of the evidence is purely coincidental but this explanation was pretty much for other readers.

On the contrary, I do NOT subscribe to the idea that 19 arab cave dweller pulled off the 9/11 attack. I subscribe to the idea that the attack was pulled off by a group of very well educated Islamic fundamentalists, organized by a man who had a fanatic grudge against America, funded by an exiled political radical who inherited billions from his family, and carried out by a sociopath who dismembered his girfriend's kittens in an argument.

This subhuman, "cave dweller" image is nothing but dishonest hyperbole on the part of the conspiracy theorists which is meant to give their claims false credibility. You claim you want to stick to exposing what didn't happen and yet I notice you're more than eagar to introduce such non-truths yourself. May I ask why?

You are quite an intelligent person, Airspoon, so I need not point out the striking similarities between this and the behavior of the "Jewish World Order" proponents.

[edit on 28-5-2010 by GoodOlDave]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by airspoon
I know your not a subscriber to the idea that anyone other than cave-dwelling arabs pulled this off and you must think that all of the evidence is purely coincidental but this explanation was pretty much for other readers.

On the contrary, I do NOT subscribe to the idea that 19 arab cave dweller pulled off the 9/11 attack.

[edit on 28-5-2010 by GoodOlDave]

Well there you go.... Now you understand that what we were told was a lie. You can cherry pick which lie suits your liking but the point is that we were lied to and people died and their is an unjust war(s) raging in the middle east in result.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

Thank you so much for your sources shadow hunter!

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by airspoon
I know your not a subscriber to the idea that anyone other than cave-dwelling arabs pulled this off and you must think that all of the evidence is purely coincidental but this explanation was pretty much for other readers.

On the contrary, I do NOT subscribe to the idea that 19 arab cave dweller pulled off the 9/11 attack.

[edit on 28-5-2010 by GoodOlDave]

Well there you go.... Now you understand that what we were told was a lie. You can cherry pick which lie suits your liking but the point is that we were lied to and people died and their is an unjust war(s) raging in the middle east in result.

"I subscribe to the idea that the attack was pulled off by a group of very well educated Islamic fundamentalists, organized by a man who had a fanatic grudge against America, funded by an exiled political radical who inherited billions from his family, and carried out by a sociopath who dismembered his girfriend's kittens in an argument."

"At least one leader of the 19 hijackers, Hani Hanjour, received flight training in Arizona in 2001 but his name had not surfaced in the FBI intelligence from Arizona, the officials said."



"He trained at the CRM Airline Training Center in Scottsdale, Arizona, earning his FAA commercial pilot's certificate in April 1999"

"Born in the United Arab Emirates, Al-Shehhi, 23, is believed to have organized a terrorist cell in Hamburg with Atta. Al-Shehhi was enrolled as an electrical engineering student there for a year but may have seldom gone to class. He trained to be a pilot at Huffman Aviation. His commercial pilot's license, which lists a Hollywood, Fla.,"

"Mohamed Atta
Trained at Huffman Aviation in Venice, Fla., he held a pilot's license. Atta, who was born in Egypt, formed a terrorist cell with Marwan Al-Shehhi in Hamburg, where he also attended the local Technical University and wrote a thesis on urban planning in Syria. The morning of the attacks, Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari were videotaped in Maine at the Portland Jetport boarding a 6 a.m. flight for Boston. "

"Hamza Alghamdi
May have lived in Delray Beach, the FBI said. He apparently used a Mail Boxes Etc. address to obtain a Florida driver's license. Mohald Alshehri
The FBI lists Delray Beach as a possible address. He rented a box at the same Mail Boxes Etc. "


so the OS (FBI) says none of the hijackers lived in caves. They went to school, they had jobs, some of them even got flight training and lived in America.

The OS (FBI) would say that idea that to say that 19 arab cave dwellers pulled off the 9/11 attacks is a lie

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder
Well there you go.... Now you understand that what we were told was a lie. You can cherry pick which lie suits your liking but the point is that we were lied to and people died and their is an unjust war(s) raging in the middle east in result.

The only ones telling you that the 19 hijackers are all illiterate cave men are those damned fool conspiracy web sites you're getting all your information from. It's the 9/11 commission report that goes into the details on Bin Laden's exile from Saudi Arabia, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed being the uncle of one of the 1993 WTC bombers, and Mohammed Atta's dismembering his girlfriend's kittens in a fit of rage. Did those college kids making internet videos in their dorm room (or whoever it is you're getting your rubbish from) even tell you that Khalid Sheick Mohammed had a degree in Mechanical engineering?

If any of this is a lie, then it's up to you to show why it's a lie. Don't simply just say, "it's a pack of lies" before running away giggling like a ten year old, becuase the only person's credibility that will be suffering from it is yours.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Dave, the cave-dwelling was meant as an euphemism. I know they weren't actually dwelling in caves as I'm sure most can figure that out. If it was these Arabs alone, then how do you explain the no intercept, even though intercepts were common up until that very day for planes that went just a few minutes off course. How do you explain building 7? How do you explain certain military units, including mine, preparing to deploy to the Middle East before 9/11 (being issued Desert camos, Having base closure and 1 hour recall, only to be the first deployed to Afghanistan)? What about the Shah-e-Kot (which my unit took part), Tora Bora? Just about everyone in the mountains that day can't explain Shah-e-Kot or Tora Bora, making many question our motive. How do you explain the "put options"? How do you explain the dancing Israelis? Are we to believe that these are all just coincidence? So, a huge string of coincidence occurred on the same day that the laws of physics were also turned upside down along with a huge break in the SOP for the United States government and military?

Come on, we both know better than that. How do you explain the 1997 meeting in Texas with the Taliban, Bush W. and UNOCAL execs in which the Taliban turned down an offer from UNOCAL for the Caspian pipeline. That had to have angered Bush & Co. How do we explain the willingness of of Omar to hand over Bin Laden, provided we hand over some evidence. How do you explain the Bush admin not willing to cooperate with the investigation, including cutting the funding and trying to stonewall an investigation all together? Why did the 9/11 commission fail to do any kind of worthwhile investigation?

There are just too many questions, much more than I am willing to list here. Somewhere deep down, you have to admit to yourself that things aren't adding up, whether you will admit it or not is different. So Bin Laden was exiled though he was able to keep a fortune from his family. Now this fortune somehow doesn't get depleted or frozen by either the US or Saudi Arabia? Does he carry around this cash in a briefcase? Why is it not yet frozen? We can pin point people around the globe by triangulating their cell signal, yet we can't trace the funding of an alleged terrorist network? I find that hard to believe. Also, why do you think he has a grudge with the US, because Saudi Arabia used us to liberate Kuwait and not the mujahedeen? I also find this hard to believe. Is he jealous of our freedoms? Why would he dedicate his life, even going against the Quran to hurt us? Why has he never confessed? No, I don't believe that was him confessing and neither does any of the independent experts.

Even you have to admit that the world turned upside down for this day to have occurred as it did. Did the Arabs know that the whole world would turn upside down and therefore their mission would be a success? If anyone one thing would have went right, they would have failed. Why would they even have attempted? What's wrong with a real investigation, if for nothing else than to shut the "tinfoilers" up? Let me ask you this, do you even see why so many people would call "BS"?


[edit on 28-5-2010 by airspoon]

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by airspoon

Come on, we both know better than that. How do you explain the 1997 meeting in Texas with the Taliban, Bush W. and UNOCAL execs in which the Taliban turned down an offer from UNOCAL for the Caspian pipeline. That had to have angered Bush & Co. How do we explain the willingness of of Omar to hand over Bin Laden, provided we hand over some evidence. How do you explain the Bush admin not willing to cooperate with the investigation, including cutting the funding and trying to stonewall an investigation all together? Why did the 9/11 commission fail to do any kind of worthwhile investigation?

How do I explain it? Easy -you are getting your information from those damned fool conspiracyweb sites who are feeding you complete rubbish to get you all paranoid over shadows. Case in point-

a) The Taliban did NOT meet with Bush in 1997. They met with Unocal with Clinton representatives in attendance. The Taliban wanted a pileline to bring in investments but Unocal didn't want to have anythign to do with that basketcase of a country.

b) This "dancing Israelis" sounds like more conspiracy monger manipulation, to me. Some tourists stumbling around in shock and horror will almost certainly be manipulated into "dancing israelis" by self serving anti-Israeli interests. Namely, the same anti-Israeli interests trying to take over your movement. I wasn't there to see them dance , and neither were you.

c) We did not recognize the Taliban as a legitimate gov't so the US had no reason to give them any sensitive intelligence showing Al Qaida was responsible...and no, Omar did NOT want to give up Bin Laden. He wanted to give him to some neutral country for trial, and we weren't in any mood to play games. How do YOU explain that we did give our intelligence to NATO and after comparing it with what their own intelligence services were telling them, they invoked article 5?

d) the reason why Bush didn't want to cooperate is obvious- Bush thought he f**ked up again like he f**ked up everythign else he touched, and he thought the Commission wanted to find a reason to hang him.

e) Intercepts were NOT common up until that time. Remember when that nut swiped that plane and crashed it on the White House lawn during the Clinton administration becuase his daddy never said he loved him?

f) Yes, we can trace transfer of funds around the globe. That's one of the ways the FBI found out Al Qaida was suppoting Mohammed Atta and his bunch via Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

It should be increasingly obvious that it's less the case that there's any actual conspiracy, and more the case that a lot of self serving con artists are deliberately misrepresenting everything and feeding you nonsense to make it look like there's a conspiracy. Tel me somethign, before I continue- did you ever even read the 9/11 commission report?

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

a) The Taliban did NOT meet with Bush in 1997. They met with Unocal with Clinton representatives in attendance. The Taliban wanted a pileline to bring in investments but Unocal didn't want to have anythign to do with that basketcase of a country.

Dave, the Taliban did meet with Bush in 1997 but under what capacity, is anyone's guess. He was the Governor of Texas and I remember it being on the news, as I was living in Texas at that time.

Also, if the Taliban wanted the pipeline and UNOCAL didn't, then why was the pipeline one of the first issues after our invasion? The 10th Mountain Division of the US army, had deployed two battalions to Afghanistan in September of 2001. The first Battalion, 1-87 inf, was tasked with securing the Kandahar airport for the Marines that would later fly in (after a heated battle to secure the landing strip) and take all of the glory. The second battalion, 4-31 inf, crossed the border from Uzbekistan with civilian "contractors", with what seemed like a mission to secure and plot a route for the pipeline.

Furthermore, there was nowhere else but through Afghanistan for that pipeline. Iran was obviously out of the question, as was China. The logical thing to assume is that UNOCAL wanted the pipeline and because of the strict religious philosophies of the Taliban, it is only logical they they wouldn't want the pipeline. I hardly doubt that UNOCAL (and Bush) would invite the Taliban to Texas for a deal that only the Taliban wanted. Why schmooze them, as was done? It looks like you are trying to distort the truth and your distortion doesn't add up, as with most of what debunkers try to claim.

b) This "dancing Israelis" sounds like more conspiracy monger manipulation, to me. Some tourists stumbling around in shock and horror will almost certainly be manipulated into "dancing israelis" by self serving anti-Israeli interests. Namely, the same anti-Israeli interests trying to take over your movement. I wasn't there to see them dance , and neither were you.

Now this, I remember as clear as day. I remember the news reports from that time. I remember the Israelis were not tourists, they were working for a company that later turned out to be a Mossad front company. I then remember the US quietly releasing them back to Israel. This news wasn't that big here in the States, although it was reported but it was really big in Israel as these Israelis went on TV show after TV show. I remember clear as day, the Israelis being stopped on the GW bridge with traces of explosives found in their van and they were being called Arabs by the media at that time. Then, a relatively short time later, it came out that the company they worked for was actually a Mossad front company in Jersey and that these were Israeli Mossad agents. The Israelis were then quietly released.

c) We did not recognize the Taliban as a legitimate gov't so the US had no reason to give them any sensitive intelligence showing Al Qaida was responsible...and no, Omar did NOT want to give up Bin Laden. He wanted to give him to some neutral country for trial, and we weren't in any mood to play games. How do YOU explain that we did give our intelligence to NATO and after comparing it with what their own intelligence services were telling them, they invoked article 5?

The Taliban did what any other government would have done. Asked for proof before extradition. Some countries would not have even considered extradition, if the death penalty was at play.

Also, if we didn't recognize them as being THE government of Afghanistan, as we officially didn't, then why even talk to them in the first place? Why invite them to Texas as the ruling government of Afghanistan back in 1997?

d) the reason why Bush didn't want to cooperate is obvious- Bush thought he f**ked up again like he f**ked up everything else he touched, and he thought the Commission wanted to find a reason to hang him.

Could very well be the case, either way, none of us knows. I think it's more logical to believe, given the other evidence, that the reason to stonewall an investigation was to cover-up complacency rather than competence. Either way, we have the Bush admin trying to cover up the events of that day. We can only add conjecture as to why.

e) Intercepts were NOT common up until that time. Remember when that nut swiped that plane and crashed it on the White House lawn during the Clinton administration because his daddy never said he loved him?

That was a tiny little plane that not only flew under the commercial radar, but also didn't veer that far off of its planned course. The sad fact of the matter is that between September 2000 and June 2001, interceptors were scrambled 67 times. In the year 2000 alone, jets were scrambled 129 times. While not all of these actually ended in intercepts, the intercepts were not needed because the fighters were scrambled at even a hint of an off-course flight.

It sounds to me, like you are in denial of what should be painfully obvious. It is more than clear that you don't have all of the facts and given that the price is so hefty for all of us, what would it hurt to have a true and real investigation. What you think you know about that day, is only the word from an administration and several corporations tied into that administration that have lied to you many times before. How could you possibly be content with information that they have asked you to trust them with? What's wrong with getting to the bottom of it? If it looks like a monkey, smells like a monkey and behaves like a monkey, what's wrong with calling it a monkey? What's wrong with making sure its a monkey?


posted on May, 31 2010 @ 03:32 PM
Does it even matter being labeled anti semite anymore.

As far as I see about 98% of the world population would now fall into that category since nobody supports Israel anymore, except perhaps paid lobbyists and crackpots.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by airspoon

b) This "dancing Israelis" sounds like more conspiracy monger manipulation, to me. Some tourists stumbling around in shock and horror will almost certainly be manipulated into "dancing israelis" by self serving anti-Israeli interests. Namely, the same anti-Israeli interests trying to take over your movement. I wasn't there to see them dance , and neither were you.

Now this, I remember as clear as day. I remember the news reports from that time. I remember the Israelis were not tourists, they were working for a company that later turned out to be a Mossad front company. I then remember the US quietly releasing them back to Israel. This news wasn't that big here in the States, although it was reported but it was really big in Israel as these Israelis went on TV show after TV show. I remember clear as day, the Israelis being stopped on the GW bridge with traces of explosives found in their van and they were being called Arabs by the media at that time. Then, a relatively short time later, it came out that the company they worked for was actually a Mossad front company in Jersey and that these were Israeli Mossad agents. The Israelis were then quietly released.

I have seen that video and posted it here:

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