posted on May, 27 2010 @ 06:38 PM
This is an article by Tom Campbell, author of "My Big Toe" and former physicist at the Monroe Institute. This article is exceptional in that he
really puts down in very coherent and knowledgeable terms what "Nonphysical Experience" is.
An Orientation to Nonphysical Experience
To make rational sense out of (and to be able to communicate) your personal NPMR experience you turn that experience into metaphors and symbols that
have specific meaning to you (relate to your experience database). So, much of what you see, hear, smell, feel and taste while in NPMR
(interpretations in terms of PMR physical senses that have no applicability in NPMR) is created by yourself as the closest pattern match you can make,
to bridge between what you experience and what is in your personal experiential database. The more you probe, explore, make connections, and gain
understanding, the greater and more capable that personal experiential database becomes in its ability to interpret NPMR experience with a minimum of
It should be clear why skepticism is so critical, why you must learn to live with uncertainty (reality anywhere is more probable than certain) and why
just zipping around experiencing whatever, is not very productive compared to a systematic probing and collecting of data in order to assess what is
fundamental and outside of you from what is not. It should also be clear why those who do just zip around experiencing whatever without skepticism or
deliberate logical probing, come back with lots of exciting fanticiful tales to tell that, for the most part, mean nothing in a literal-detail sense
and typically agree only with the observations of others who share similar cultural beliefs. While the details are different, these stories are most
similar in terms of the generalities that carry the actual significance of the NPMR experience in terms of shared metaphors and symbols. Also there is
agreement when shared beliefs and expectations lead to using similar metaphors and symbols to interpret one’s experience (unintentional leading the
witness toward a specific generally acceptable conclusion). All these stories only fuel the expectations and beliefs of their listeners and make real
understanding that much more difficult. Now we must drag ourselves out of the jaws of a deeply ingrained belief trap before getting a glimpse of the
bigger picture that Is not severely warped by the limitations of a host of explorers who mean well and are doing the very best they can to interpret
accurately but who do not understand the nature of reality and are content to believe that what you see is what is out there.
This is the most difficult concept for people to get. Almost no one actually gets it at a fundamental level. That is why we talk of NPMR as a
“place” with dimension where we have bodies and use our physical senses to describe what we see, hear, etc. Of course that is all oxymoronic –
you don’t have a body or physical senses in NPMR, but we speak that way and use additional metaphors (like “the mind’s eye” or OOBE) to cover
the inconsistencies that such assumptions generate in order to communicate to people who cannot conceive of any other way of interacting. ---- A
simplistic way of speaking in order to communicate anything at all. Sort of like atoms being basket balls with BBs flying around them in circular
orbits. A Complete fiction but far more understandable than the truth.
For these reason, the Hindus see 7 very specific chakras, while the Zen Buddhists and shaman do not. Why? chakras, are only metaphors and not
fundamental. The beams of intense white light that light-workers use to heal are just tools/metaphors. Light is only a metaphor. Energy is only a
metaphor. The various energy bodies (auras) we see around people are metaphors for the data we receive about those people – data that answers our
intent when we connect with people at a level deeper than the physical. People travel through tunnels or go through doors or fly about in NPMR because
they believe that you have to move to go somewhere. Early astral travelers were connected to their bodies by silver cords because they believed the
physical body was fundamental and the astral body was derivative. People have to sit up or roll or do something physical to get OOB when only a shift
of perspective is necessary because they believe you have to do something physical before anything can happen. People talk to (interact with) their
dead relatives who appear in familiar looking bodies wearing typical clothes because that is more natural, comfortable and believable than interacting
with data. Ever wonder why all those non physical entities are humanoid in form (if they are good guys) and are always wearing PMR clothes – have
you noticed that robes are always in style for strangers in NPMR. All is nothing but data moving back and forth and we dress it up in human PMR form
and function from our past experience because that is what we are used to, that is what we believe and the way we think – so that is the way we
interpret the data.
Explorers report what they see with their own eyes. However, eyes exist only in PMR -- seeing is a physical concept. In NPMR we don't see, we
interpret what we experience (the content of the data) in terms of physical sense data because that is our habit -- the only way we know how to
express/communicate information. Being skeptical, having no expectations, and not having any biases or beliefs is critical to getting a good pattern
match metaphor that captures the essence of the NPMR experience.
In any reality frame, One must strive to become aware of one’s abilities and limitations and discover the operational causality of the immediate
Because of the nature of consciousness (units of bounded organized data, sharing bits), everything is subjective, only consistent well planned probing
and a statistical analysis of the results of that probing -- i.e. carefully considered experience, can give you a sense of what the objective reality
behind the data is like.
Mostly NPMR experience is relationship centered (about interaction with others) as opposed observing the set. PMRs have sets (a stage and props) while
NPMR mostly has just actors and ideas (data).
Picking up a rock in PMR has no direct analog in NPMR. People know that either you can pick up a rock or you cannot. If you say you can pick up a 100
lb rock then that is easy to test conclusively. If you say you do remote viewing or OOB, people expect you to describe the painting hanging in the
next room – and do so just as if you physically walked into that room. Maybe can, maybe can’t – there are many variables.
What is “objective here” and what is “objective there” are as different as rocks and data. This misunderstanding accounts for much difficulty
for psi researchers and the public in general. They believe that operating in the non physical must be similar to operating in the physical. Either
you can do it, or you are as bogus as a 3 dollar bill. There are real physical and mental issues of attaining and maintaining precise altered states
– and even more difficult: remaining perfectly detached. No doubt these conditions can be exceedingly difficult to consistently achieve on demand.
But that is not what I am talking about here. These individual problems are in addition to issues that are fundamental to the nature of
The process of perception is the same in all reality frames (objective source with a subjective interpretation) but the mechanics in PMR and NPMR are
very different. One might ask: If our Physical world is really subjective why does it appear to be objective – the same to everyone? Answer: Because
we all have nearly identical physiology (sensors). And, to a lesser extent, very similar cultures. Lets explore the differences: What if some people
could only see Visible, or UV or infrared light? Different perceptions produce different realities. Have you ever experienced not being able to find
something that is right in front of you – that is usually a belief issue. The key concept is: NPMR is experienced through your consciousness –
your consciousness represents an awareness limited by what you come in with (physiology, personality, and consciousness quality) and the PMR
experiences you have after you get here – all of which influences how you interpret those experiences through a complex iterative process of choices
generated by feedback. In NPMR, You experience through your consciousness, not through your senses. Do we all have nearly identical personalities,
beliefs, and experiences like we do sensory equipment? Do we all interpret the same experience in the same way? 5 people viewing the same accident
from the same corner give 5 different stories – why? Then why would one expect that we would all perceive the same reality in NPMR when our sensing
mechanism (consciousness receiving data) is so dramatically individual?