posted on May, 30 2010 @ 12:04 PM
Folks ya'll need to look over the kind of strata they are wanting to nuke. This link is a bit technical but will bring ya'll up to speed on the kind
of geology that we are thinking of screwing with.
We are talking basically of shattering an already brittle porous seafloor that is already being infused from below with oil and gas and hoping it does
not release even more than it is already.
I am a guy who really looks for the shiny side of the penny but in this case ALL my education in chemistry(Masters, O-chem) and the years I worked the
rigs and fields to get that education are telling me this is a game changer for the planet and the life on it.
IMO we are on the brink of a methane release of possible extinction levels and the wrong move at this point may well decide how we continue life on
At this point I say, May god help us or bring our end swiftly.