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U.S. Born Citizen Almost Deported to Mexico! (VIDEO)

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posted on May, 27 2010 @ 03:15 PM

Immigration Nightmare: U.S. Born Eduardo Caraballo Almost Deported

Born in Puerto Rico, Eduardo Caraballo was detained by federal immigration authorities on suspicion of being an illegal immigrant. Caraballo even showed his i.d. to the authorities but they weren't buying it. Caraballo said: "Because of the way I look, I have Mexican features, they pretty much assumed that my papers were fake."

No racial profiling here, no reason to be upset, no reason to think that you must carry your birth certificate is anything to worry about if you look illegal (latino). This is the type of bs that the great law of arizona will bring to us very soon.

Please save the whole "have you read the law" bull yes I have and I know it states there will be no racial profiling Yada Yada Yada! But of course we all know that's bull and of course there will be racial profiling if you "look illegal" As shown in this story I.D nor perfect english is going to be enough, get ready to carry your Birth Certificate and hopefully they will buy it after you spend few days in jail or see you in mexico..

I can't wait for this law to start kicking in and seeing all these hispanic looking people that are supporting this arizona law get stopped and taken down town till they can verify that your documents aren't fake.

[edit on 27-5-2010 by XNeMeSis21]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 03:23 PM
wow this took place in berwyn, illinois. i live 20 minutes from there! oooh man i hope this guy gets paid!!! i want them to take me and hold me for 3 days so i can sue them for everything they got!!! what happened to this man was wrong!

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 03:24 PM
Wow I think that I seen a movie about this.If I remember it was Cheech Marin from cheech and chong and the movie was Born in East LA. It was a funny as hell movie. I do feel sorry that he had to go through that ordeal, but this will be happening more than it should with the direction we are headed.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 03:28 PM
Those of us who know how screwed up cops are have predicted this and worse ever since this mess started.

Cops will grab anyone that looks like a Latino and harrass, demand ID, even though none is required legally unless driving...and will arrest them and try to deport them just to spend time and get paid.

The police are awful and cannot be trusted with even the most simple things....they screw up so often that it is embarrassing for them. I forgot, they have no shame..

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 03:30 PM
star and flagged! everyone should take a look at this story, this kind of thing should not happen in the U.S.A!!

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 03:43 PM
And all these racist people say that they are for this crap it’s a damn good thing I work for one of the best lawyers in Texas if any of this bull # were to ever happen to me, I would sue and cost the officers their jobs! I understand that we have an immigration problem but we have to go about this another way! racial profiling is so 1950’s I have read the law and so has my boss the “lawyer” even he is against it and that is because he is a Anglo

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 03:58 PM
This is in illinois not arizona. More BS from illegal ALIEN defenders.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by tauempire
This is in illinois not arizona. More BS from illegal ALIEN defenders.

No one said it was arizona. And the guy is a natural born citizen. So we're not defending any illegal alien here but thanks for the post.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 04:45 PM
After the criminal government implodes the dollar, US citizens will be demanding to be deported.

You know those border fences everyone wants?

Yeah, those will be keeping people in rather than keeping people out.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by tauempire

Man you remind me of these idiots lmfao

[edit on 27-5-2010 by Cradle12003]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 04:47 PM
My favorite thing about keyboard patriots is that they have absolutely no roots in reality. This Arizona law is like communism, a good idea on paper that doesn't work in reality. The United States is a racist nation at it's core. Even though a piece of paper may say that laws aren't to be based on prejudice or profiling. The laws are being carried out by law enforcements officers of poor reputation who's discretion and personal view points are at play. So we basically we gave away some of our freedom to authorities because "patriots" were scared into a quasi-racist frenzy. Kind of funny how often this works considering it's been the bait and switch used by the right for almost two decades now.

This issue is stupid, it doesn't deserve this much attention, and it's really just an excuse for people to exhibit their inner-racist tendencies and blame the nation's problems on the lowest class. But after all, that's the American way.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 05:10 PM
Yea this guy should sue for all the taxpayer money he can get, billions maybe even trillions a quadrillion even.

Law enforcement is trying to quell many issues related to immigration enforcement such as identity theft and fraud - I've been detained for no identity before over night and I'm white as whitey mcwhiterton and I've had a cop put a loaded gun to my head during a routine traffic stop in broad daylight where I clearly presented no malice.

I should therefore get all of the money in the world for police misconduct and reverse stereotyping by police.

The Treasury Department should build me a facilty and supply it with printing presses so I can manufacture as much money as I want - so much that you will pay me in sand rather than money to stop giving it away.

sorry but I just wanted to respond to stupidity with a little.

1 guy gets harassed and it's the end of the world how about the illegal who jackknifed a big rig killing 3 people on the fwy next to my house and tried to flee by stupidly trying to jump off a 20 foot high overpass.

I'll tell my girlfriend whose a latina that I really hate her not just law breakers

[edit on 27-5-2010 by circuitsports]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by circuitsports

Law enforcement is trying to quell many issues related to immigration enforcement such as identity theft and fraud - I've been detained for no identity before over night and I'm white as whitey mcwhiterton and I've had a cop put a loaded gun to my head during a routine traffic stop in broad daylight where I clearly presented no malice.

I understand detained for no ID but the guy showe his picture ID and they didn't care because of how he looked. I don't see how this applies two different situations.And are you sure you weren't detained for a different reason? the cop put a gun to your head for no ID a little hard to believe

1 guy gets harassed and it's the end of the world how about the illegal who jackknifed a big rig killing 3 people on the fwy next to my house and tried to flee by stupidly trying to jump off a 20 foot high overpass.

Please explain how this has anything to do with it? This doesn't apply here we are talking about a Natural Born Citizen not and illegal alien so don't use this bull here to justify this bull.

I'll tell my girlfriend whose a latina that I really hate her not just law breakers

That sounds personal you should be the one to tell her.
good luck!

[edit on 27-5-2010 by XNeMeSis21]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by circuitsports

1 guy gets harassed and it's the end of the world how about the illegal who jackknifed a big rig killing 3 people on the fwy next to my house and tried to flee by stupidly trying to jump off a 20 foot high overpass.

sounds like that guy committed a crime, the man in the op did not commit a crime!!

i dont care how you put it, being detained for 3 days after showing your i.d for no crime and then showing your birth certificate!!! i mean how can anyone ever justify this? yes i will sue the living hell off the police if they detain me for no crime after i show them my i.d. this is not freakin nazi germany!!!

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