reply to post by RKWWWW
And your response to the addendum he added 12-16-09?
ADDENDUM (added 12/16/2009)
"You should be aware that I have received a few emails (3 so far) from sincere people cautioning me that the facility I have reported on above is not
the Dulce Base but simply the New Mexico San Juan Power Plant. Their point being that I have misidentified the place in my above reporting. These
observations have uncovered a fault in my reporting even if not the one they are pointing out. My fault is that I failed to mention that the above
ground evidence in the above reporting is indeed named the San Juan Power Plant.
You see, after years of doing this kind of reporting that so often also happens to impinge on the clandestine activities of others and placing so much
emphasis on visual evidence, I assumed that the visual evidence I pointed out in my above reporting was obvious enough to overcome the personal
experience of some that might be associated with the places I report on. That was a mistake. What is obvious to me or any one person may not
necessarily be obvious to others.
Since this website's content tends to be universal in its appeal covering so many walks of life, I should have anticipated that those more closely
associated with the surface San Juan facility and familiar with it but not necessarily with its underground clandestine aspect would be put off a bit
by my reporting. Further, some of those doing the Google Earth search to verify would encounter the Google labeling of this place that it is just the
San Juan Power Plant giving them pause as well. No my reporting has not misidentified this place but it was insufficient in taking all these types of
reactions to my reporting into consideration.
If a clandestine operation i trying to be super secret, it often historically depends on being located at remote places insulated by desolate terrain
few wish to intrude into and supplemented by guard assets. Area 51 as well as Pine Gap and Tower Zero in Australia are examples of that but all the
unusual visual activity in the sky around such facilities eventually and predictably erodes their secrecy value. When it comes to secrecy, unusual
visual activity observable by very many civilians is always a bane. In other words, surface isolation is not always effective when it comes to
The secrecy alternative of going underground takes care of a lot of the visual observation problems but preparing the space underground then becomes a
significant problem in the form of what to do with the waste produced by excavations. If the underground facility is going to be very extensive, the
waste in the form of mining spoils or tailings can easily compromise secrecy. So you locate at an already existing mine that already has
spoil/tailings grounds on the surface that some locals are already familiar with seeing.
You must have a cover like a spy might operate out of an innocuous antique store as their front operation. So you install an above ground power plant
at or near the old mining site that in theory burns coal from the nearby old mine. It is big and the surface excavations for the power plant
installation in 1973 in this case serve as cover for starting the underground facility. You have two fronts working for you, one being the power plant
on the surface and the other being the subterranean coal mine. These fronts employ locals who in turn become dependent of that employment and quite
naturally favorable to the place since it supports lives and families over the following decades. It doesn't pay for them to be too suspicious of
anything and normally they aren't. You just keep their focus on the front operations and away from any clandestine activities below.
So you gradually dig out your underground facility far down deep below. The clandestine digging waste mixes with the old coal mining spoils and
fresher power plant excavations. However, your underground facility is very ambitious and there's just too much waste over time that you know will
eventually draw curious local attention. You anticipate this and start spreading the waste out at other remote but reasonably convenient sites like
the site of another big power plant just a few miles away to the south that you also installed and also at an old mine site northeast.
The problem is that this may put off your own average civilian but it is not really going to put off professional clandestine observers employed by
adversaries looking at the evidence from their own satellites with close clear views far better than those available on Google Earth. They know about
the spreading out of the waste strategy because many of them are likely doing the same thing in their countries with their covert facilities facing
similar problems. They can add up the spoil volume and get a pretty good idea of how extensive your underground activities are far beyond the scope of
simple coal mining and whether your activities are current or not. Any other consideration is simply delusion.
Competitors and adversaries clearly see the huge surface retention ponds that you can't hide where you are having to deal with deadly toxic wastes
from very deep mining. They clearly see the huge air handling fan systems required to make your subterranean operation viable for human activity. They
monitor this for many years and even decades tracking all the surface changes also an unavoidable result of your activity. One of those changes over
time is the great number of dumped uniform cylinders or cartridges of compacted waste stacked around at the spoil sites identifying the use of TBMs
(Tunnel Boring Machines) that you allowed to sit around too long before bulldozing them out into smoother profiles in the spoil sites. Remember, being
secrecy types themselves, they think like you do and not like innocent civilians.
Let's face it, what you are doing deep down in fulfilling the purpose of creating an underground facility may still be a secret from most distant
prying eyes but that there is a facility and its likely extent and where its main activity you don't mind them seeing is located (San Juan) is no
secret at all except possibly to the people of the country or area in which this is happening. I follow evidence and the visual evidence of an
extensive underground complex beginning with the San Juan facility location is visible in publicly available programs like Google Earth. You could
have hidden them if you truly wanted to. I cannot help what the front operation is formally named or what local personal experience with it may or may
not be.
Now the fight with aliens story as told is one of an underground deep mining complex operation by the Air Force that is suppose to be an underground
base named Dulce and it is suppose to be a super secret facility in the 4-Corners area. Remember, I cannot and do not make comment on the truth of
this story as that cannot be answered by this satellite visual evidence even as the implications of its presence is another matter. As for UFO
sightings around "Dulce" the town 80+ miles east of San Juan, that is another matter. I am reminded that UFO sightings are also thick in the
4-Corners multi state area nearby the facility that I have reported on here and not that far from the town of Dulce.
Yes the facility I've reported on may be formally named the San Juan Power Plant but it also fits the Dulce Air Force deep tunneling operation
profile just fine, if a place by that name really exists. The fact that there is a town east of this facility named Dulce is just incidental to the
visual evidence at hand here at San Juan and likely merely misdirection."
continued below