posted on May, 26 2010 @ 06:42 PM
The year is 2040 A.D. You stand atop a hill, looking out over the oil ravaged coast, and former marshlands. This is part of your vacation. You look to
the sky, overcast with smog. You smile, remembering how beautiful this place once was. Now all the Earths coastlines are covered in garbage and oil.
Pollutants have killed the ocean. Industry is back in a big way in the formerly united states of America. War is raging across the Northern States and
Canada over fresh water. You think back to your early twenties, and how its not that bad nowadays really.
On the bright side, you don't have to worry about nuclear war. It already happened during the summer of 2011. After years of posturing, North Korea
used up its entire nuclear arsenal on Seoul. Americans reciprocated, ensuring their role in what they assumed would be a quick cleanup. This day was
remembered as the first nuclear exchange of the third world war. That "cluster-something"
Within days of the American strike, Iran uses its nuclear weapons on Israel. In total Israel detonated over 20 warheads throughout Iran, as well as
striking Damascus with an undisclosed high-yield nuclear warhead. The Jews begin to flood home to fight for their homeland. I'll let you guess who
won that won without any Military assistance.
The world is in shambles. We are left clambering for our share of what is left.
Just some of the highlights.