posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:18 AM
So years ago when I joined ATS it was in the aftermath of knowledge and conspiracies regarding 911. One of the most common theories was thermite in
the world trade centers. I didn't know what thermite was... So in researching I discovered it is a mix of about 75% iron oxide ( rust ) and 25%
aluminum powder. Once ignited it it is self oxidizing ( so it won't go out till the chemical reaction is over). It burns inexcess of 5400 degrees F.
and is capable of easily cutting and fusing other metals together.
The question I have now is why hasn't BP ( a company with many Chemists ) already used this to seal off the leak in the Gulf of Mexico? It would fuse
everything together. The pipes, the sand,and the damn leak that's gonna trash our oceans, planet, and sw coast of Florida where I live.
Can't believe no one has thought of this... It came to me at work the otherday. If someone has and I'm being rude I appologize for over looking your
similar thoughts.
So come on BP shut this leak down and clean up your mess.... Bastards!!!