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BP Reveals 'Fundamental Mistake' on Oil Well

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posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:35 AM

BP Reveals 'Fundamental Mistake' on Oil Well

Oil giant BP PLC told congressional investigators that a decision to continue work on an oil well in the Gulf of Mexico after a test warned that something was wrong may have been a "fundamental mistake," according to a memo released by two lawmakers Tuesday.

The document describes a wide array of mistakes in the fateful final hours aboard the Deepwater Horizon—but the main revelation is that BP now says there was a clear warning sign of a "very large abnormality" in the well, but work proceeded anyway.

The rig exploded about two hours later.

The congressional memo outlines what
(visit the link for the full news article)

MOD: i searched, didn't see anything related, but with some many threads on this topic-in many different areas. Sorry if a double posting

MODERATOR NOTE: Copy the exact headline of the story into the headline field

[edit on 26-5-2010 by burdman30ott6]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:35 AM
Well here we go. Getting some truth, finally.

Well now. are they still the best ones to be dealing with this mess. Maybe the Gov't better start listening to someone other than the ones lining their pockets.

This is absolutely disgusting. And Obama hands (of lack of) are all over it. We need to get people in to Congress/W.H that aren't out to screw everyone over and get as much cash for themselves.

And I am sure this is just a one party thing. Plenty of blame to be spread around but only when the American people are in charge of the spreading.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by anon72

According to the memo, BP identified several other mistakes aboard the rig, including possible contamination of the cement meant to seal off the well from volatile natural gas and the apparent failure to monitor the well closely for signs that gas was leaking in, the congressmen wrote in their post-meeting memo. An immense column of natural gas, erupting from the oil well, fueled the fireball that destroyed the rig.

I hope DOJ throws the book at them. For shame.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by dontblink

Yes, the article say more. I just shared this with some friends and you could see the disappointment and confusion on their faces.

Like; Why is BP lying about all of this and now this? A little late look.

Then we got to discussing the ramifications of all of this. Very scary, very.

I see the talk of a nuke being used is coming back around.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by anon72

Well, something needs to happen to seal this leak. They have quite possibly already caused many decades of damage to the fragile marine ecosystem. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the big wigs are brought up on some serious criminal charges. Then I hope the populace brings a joint civil suit against them.

We need accountability in companies. We need them to do the right thing and say 'we messed up, we'll take our medicine.'

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:22 AM
One guy skimps on the $500,000 redundant shut off value, another skimps in disaster planning, another doesn't bother to update the plans on the riser pipe, another skips the final (and the only conclusive) cement test, yet another ignores the danger signals b/c the bigwigs are there and they want to party. A classic fault tree where multiple mistakes = breathtakingly huge doom.

This is serious criminal negligence, on so many sides. When the oil clears, we had better see some regulators fired and BP exec's wearing stripes.

One small way you can help. Boycott these BP brands and send 'em an email telling them you will not be buying their products until the oil leak is stopped and clean up efforts well under way:

BP retail brands
8.1 BP
8.2 ampm
8.3 ARCO
8.4 BP Travel Centre
8.5 BP Connect
8.6 BP Express
8.7 BP Shop
8.8 BP 2go
8.9 Castrol
8.10 Air BP and BP Shipping

From Wikipedia......

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:28 AM
I ask all people to take this as a sign, of near future distress.

The only thing that will change is the food chain. After a few months of the oceans dying food will become scarce and the NWO will go into hiding.

Gather your supplies now before it is too late.

Go to a dollar store and pick up beans, rice and canned goods.

"and all of the oceans ran red and all sea life died" - Revelations - The bible.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Quickfix
I ask all people to take this as a sign, of near future distress.

The only thing that will change is the food chain. After a few months of the oceans dying food will become scarce and the NWO will go into hiding.

Gather your supplies now before it is too late.

Go to a dollar store and pick up beans, rice and canned goods.

"and all of the oceans ran red and all sea life died" - Revelations - The bible.

Hate to bust your buble but that prophecy you mention isn't whats happening now... It could prove to be the fullfilment in the long run but the see running red is infact symbolical for "the sea of humans"

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by Quickfix

Very interesting, I must say. Good Bible quote. I am sure that will get someone on here going.

I don't know about all of us needing to prepare but I think the one along the coast lines and who make a living from the Guld waters need to get ready. It is going to be a long time before this gets cleaned up and useable again (to the amount it was used prior to the event).

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:52 AM
It is very easy to blame Bp for this and rightly so but dont forget all oil companies would have done the same as Bp. If anything this should be a wake up call to get off oil and # the capitalistic rewards of having oil. This however will not happen as the worlds population are nothing more than idiots at best or no brained at worst. I think people should be blaming each other for their reliance on oil in an age where we can actually stop using it altogether but that requires intelligence something that is seriously lacking in todays world.

[edit on 26/5/2010 by loner007]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by faceoff85

Maybe you have not seen this video.

In it you can see very clearly that the ocean is turning red.

Revelation 16:3 Found the passage so you can look it up.

I am not religious as I see it as a program for other people to follow. I have my own Idea of what may be Yahweh, but who am I to push my beliefs/Ideas on to someone else.

I only see and hear what is going on and say what is.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by Quickfix

It is curious that the dispersant (?) has turned the oil to a reddish color. The "blood" reference could also mean the massive deaths of life- except that's mentioned separately.
I am a Believer, but not prophecy based, so I tried to look it up & some interpretations. This seems quite a bit out of sequence, but I just don't know.

Thank you, Tribble, for the links. I would imagine they can just close up as they are probably toast. DH has to drive a lot in his job, but I drive as little as possible (even with out of town stuff)- less than 3000 miles a year.
I hope people will remember plastics and textiles. Many folks don't realize just how much of that is petroleum based.

Tony Hayward keeps saying this is "unprecedented". That is a matter of degree at least & a bald faced lie at worst. The shortcuts/ money grubbing, the blowouts & the consequences of those are nothing new. Neither is their getting away with it. I am not a teetotaler or hyper environmentalist, but they could afford a LOT less profit (in the Billions? Please) & a lot more planning & prevention could make a huge difference. Wanton destruction comes to mind. They don't care who or what they kill, obviously.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by loner007
It is very easy to blame Bp for this and rightly so but dont forget all companies would have done the same as Bp. If anything this should be a wake up call to get of oil and # the capitalistic rewards of having oil. This however will not happen as the worlds population are nothing more than idiots at best or no brained at worst. I think people should be blaming each other for their reliance on oil in an age where we can actually stop using it altogether but that requires intelligence something that is seriously lacking in todays world.

We cannot stop using oil altogether right now. Most people cannot even afford the higher technology.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:28 AM
The fundamental mistake was putting the hole in the ground to begin with.

Just sayin"

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by Aggie Man

And there you go. The best one. Agreed.

2nd line.

(easy to say now but none the less-correct)

[Guess you are a Penn State fan hun? lol: we'll have to have a friendly bet if they ever play against each other]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:05 PM
The "mistakes" & "accidents" excuses aren't likely to last long.

Hearings: Chief mechanic details disagreement between BP, Transocean representatives on displacing mud

By David Hammer, The Times-Picayune
May 26, 2010, 10:55AM

"The chief mechanic on the Deepwater Horizon testified Wednesday that he was at a planning meeting 11 hours before the rig exploded at which the BP company man overruled drillers from rig owner Transocean and insisted on displacing protective drilling mud from the riser that connected the rig to the oil well.
"I recall a skirmish between the company man, the OIM (offshore installation manager), the tool-pusher and the driller," said Doug Brown, one of 115 rig workers who survived the April 20 disaster. "The driller was outlining what would be taking place, whereupon the company man stood up and said, 'No, we'll be having some changes to that.' It had to do with displacing the riser for later on. The OIM, tool-pusher and driller disagreed with that, but the company man said, 'Well, this is how it's gonna be,' and the tool-pusher, driller and OIM reluctantly agreed."

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:14 PM
I have read that BP has another platform described as "more dangerous" than this one: Atlantis.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by ickylevel

Didn't know about that. Thank you.

I just checked and a story came out about 2 hours ago related to Atlantis: Congressional Oversight of MMS Needed to Ensure Proper BP Atlantis Investigation

Pretty interesting read.

and this one:
Why Obama Must Shut Down BP Atlantis

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:47 PM
i think this BLAME GAME is quite LAME and is a cover up for something bigger that will be unveiled in the coming weeks possibly days. My question is did the bp oil rig just BLOW UP because of BP or was this a torpedo that blew up this oil rig that just so happened to be built and financed by South Korea. I found an article stating that the US issued a media blackout right after the rig blew up and now I'm researching another oil spill in alaska.


posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by incthemedia
i think this BLAME GAME is quite LAME and is a cover up for something bigger that will be unveiled in the coming weeks possibly days.

I think you are right, but speculating about what it is at this point won't help either...

It may be just simple greed and irresponsibility.

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