All right, here is how the timewave zero software works. There is something called novelty, and something called action. Novelty are like ideas,
basically an increase in the organized complexity of human life, and actions are when they get manifested into the physical world.
On the chart, when the graph slopes downward, novelty is increasing, and historical events are taking place in response to the "shot" of novelty.
Those historical events would be taking the novelty and arranging it into the physical world.
From what I have read from other sources including Dr. Fred Alan Wolf and Dr. Rick Strassman, whom I read in order to do an independent study on a
quantum theory of mind, our creativity is actually the ability to perceive parallel universes (which have been scientifically proven to exist lately)
with our minds.
According to Terrence McKenna's Timewave Zero software, novelty remains rather low throughout human history, exponentially increasing until December
21, 2012, when it reaches zero.
If you think of the amount of novelty as how fast time flows, or how long it takes you to go from having an idea in your head to manifesting it as
action in the material realm, try watching old movies and noticing how slowly things occur compared to now. In fact, it seems like life in the year
2010 is quite a bit more fast pased than it was in 2005, almost like our Western linear world has stopped completely.
Why would this occur? The reason that makes the most sense to me is that the super-massive black hole at the center of our galaxy emmits some kind of
field that, as we get closer to it, decreases the speed between our ideas and their manifestations.
I will add at this point that at least in my experience, women seem to be immune to this phenomenon and act completely similar all throughout history.
In fact, it gets kind of creepy when I watch a movie from the early 1900's and can relate to the women in them.
Apparently, there is a related band of black galactic dust that our solar system is due to pass through in 2012.
Jenkins suggests that the Maya based their calendar on observations of the Great Rift, a band of dark dust clouds in the Milky Way, which the Maya
called the Xibalba be or "Black Road."[45] Jenkins claims that the Maya were aware of where the ecliptic intersected the Black Road and gave this
position in the sky a special significance in their cosmology.[46] According to the hypothesis, the Sun precisely aligns with this intersection point
at the winter solstice of 2012.[46] Jenkins claimed that the classical Mayans anticipated this conjunction and celebrated it as the harbinger of a
profound spiritual transition for mankind.
This would explain Bible prophecy fairly well, in my opinion.
Matthew 24:29-31:
29 "Immediately after the distress of those days " 'the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the
sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'
30 "At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming
on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.
31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the
As a side, I believe the Bible to be lot more accurate than most people would suspect, although I am not by any means taking this from a Christian
perspective, and certainly not an organized religion perspective. Extra-dimensional or extra-terrestrial beings could easily account for many of the
events explained in the Bible.
At any rate, how the heck do Terrence McKenna and Peter Meyer graph the timewave? This can be explained here. I wish I understood what they were
talking about and how they figured out their formula.
So, I downloaded the software and I used it to predict the flow of events in the next few years. Here is what I got for this year:
According to this graph, we should be seeing an escalation of events from September / November onward, which will then continue their due course until
January, when things will calm down.
Here is another graph, which expands into the year 2011 and shows activity starting in September of that year.
I am not sure how accurate this is. I tried a few other dates, and it looks like the timewave software could just go up and down a lot willy nilly and
get lucky. However, there were accurate waves for Hurricane Katrina and September 11th. And I was surprised to see that the software matched my own
predictions for the flow of events in 2010.
(The software was written in 1998 I believe and I even had to download DosBox to run it).
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