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Thank a liberal

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posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:12 AM
What do my ATS members of this? Do you believe Liberals did more for this country then conservatives?

"Spinets from the site."
If you do not have skin cancer, and have ever stood outside without having a peeling sunburn within moments, thank the ozone layer, thank the ban on CFCs, and thank a liberal.

If you've ever seen a national park, and it hadn't been strip mined and clearcut into a desert wasteland, thank a liberal.

If you've ever driven on an interstate highway, thank a liberal.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:21 AM
I'm fiscally very conservative, but I do thank liberals for the EPA, as sad and ineffective as it might be....

When I was a little girl, my dad had an automotive shop, and to be honest I don't know if anyone ever THOUGHT about the dangers of dumping oil, transmission fluid, freon, ect.

There was this small stream that ran by his business, and that's where they'd dump everything. It was black with grease, and the water was always gunky and nasty, yet that's where we kids were playing - making mud pies and such.

One day the EPA comes out and says clean it up, do it right or we'll fine you - a lot. My dad sure did complain about the cost, but when it was done, my cousin and I had a clean place to play, and tadpoles started being hatched in the water - what a new joy to play with!

And so now I think - really, if a parent who was a loving parent, if a bit ignorant - would pollute like that, without intervention, with his own kids playing in it, then how can conservatives and libertarians really think that business can function in a way to protect the earth - without the EPA?

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:25 AM
Liberals of today have done NOTHING.

There is a difference between MODERN liberals and the CLASSICAL LIBERALS of years gone past.

Modern conservatives are pretty much classical liberals.

Liberals of today are some form of perversion of what classical liberalism was.

If i had to compare the two i would have to say this.

NEO-conservatism is not NOT mainstream conservatism.

in the same way MODERN liberalism is not CLASSICAL liberalism.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:26 AM
If your after tax income is less than 50% of your before tax amount... thank a liberal.

If your child comes from school crying because "drinking and driving is bad" and the school never differentiated between alcohol and a bottle of water .... thank a liberal.

If you have ever been car jacked by a guy out on parole who has committed 20 car jackings and asualts in the last 5 years ... thank a liberal.

if the teach calls you in to tell you that you should be spending as much time helping your child learn because the other kids are not able to keep upto her ... thank a liberal.

If have ever been told you where the most qualified for a job but didn't get it because of a quota ... thank a liberal.

If you have ever screamed no at C-span over billions of dollars in bail outs going to shady corporations .... thank a liberal.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by tauempire
Liberals of today have done NOTHING.

There is a difference between MODERN liberals and the CLASSICAL LIBERALS of years gone past.

Modern conservatives are pretty much classical liberals.

Liberals of today are some form of perversion of what classical liberalism was.

If i had to compare the two i would have to say this.

NEO-conservatism is not NOT mainstream conservatism.

in the same way MODERN liberalism is not CLASSICAL liberalism.

well liberals have done SOMETHING. they just like to make the government bigger and make NANNY states.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by tauempire]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:27 AM
Good and bad things come from both sides of the polticial spectrum as far as I'm concerned. I have a lot of "cultural" problems with hardcore liberals, but at the same time I think liberalism has offered various forms of protection within society that are needed.

I also think some sense of the "common good" is now woefully missing from society to a greater extent than in a long time. These things Its more likely to be enhanced by the left than the right, IMHO. However, the current administration is proviing itself a big disappointment in my mind and seems strangely reluctant to do anything truly helpful. If you look at what the Obama adminstration has done with the economy, foreign relations, etc. its really hard to see any substantitive difference from the Bush administration. Just one more reason why I think the concepts of "left" and "right" are increasingly outdated and frayed.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:31 AM
If you've ever wondered why your freedom of speech can now easily be construed as a "terrorist threat", thank a liberal.

If you've ever wondered why praying in a public school causes such apoplexy, thank a liberal.

If you've ever wondered why Inalienable Rights have been summarily replaced with civil rights, thank a liberal.

If you've ever wondered why your right to peaceably assemble has been interpreted to mean you can stand inside a chain linked fenced area affectionately known as "free speech zones", thank a liberal.

If you've ever wondered why only "credentialed members of the press" are granted access to much of government events, thank a liberal.

If you've ever wondered why your right to keep and bear arms is constantly under attack, thank a liberal.

If you've ever wondered why the republican form of government has been discarded for a doctrine of making the world safe for democracy, thank a liberal.

If you've ever wondered why your right to freely contract is now not a right, and you can not in many instances contract without first signing government contracts, thank a liberal.

If you've ever wondered why smug and snobby bureaucrats at the DMV keep insisting that driving is a privilege and not a right, thank a liberal.

If you've ever wondered why the 9th Amendment is overwhelmingly ignored and pretended to be non existent, thank a liberal.

If you've ever wondered why your right to be secure in your person, houses, papers, against unreasonable searches without a warrant have no effect on the IRS, thank a liberal.

If you've ever wondered why eminent domain has now been construed to mean that property which is inclined to generate more tax revenue if taken from you and given to a corporation, thank a liberal.

If you've ever wondered why your right to assistance of counsel has been construed to mean representation, and now in a federal court a defendant can not represent themselves, thank a liberal.

If you've ever wondered why juries who refuse to convict someone due to repugnant laws is labeled as jury nullification, and judges will insist such a thing is not legal, thank a liberal.

If you've ever wondered why common law has been so reviled, in spite of a 6th Amendment that makes clear mention of it, thank a liberal.

If you've ever wondered why the Commerce Clause has been justified to regulate every aspect of your life, thank a liberal.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:37 AM
What you say is sometimes true, but more often what I see is them trying to grow government massively and create huge but ineffective agencies to administrate this new "necessity" and all that new agency does is create a lot of government jobs for people who end up giving really lousy service to civilians. Which requires more taxes to support it.... ( that was just the short version)

Okay, conservatives have also been doing this same thing for years, especially with the Bush family... They were liberals compared to 1960's republicans...
Funny how the ozone layer was punctured after all of those CFC's were banned though... Then it took the hiring of many more thousands to "look into it" and they just can't seem to fix that one...but a lot of people got really cushy jobs with the best benefits
and they are still hiring..
I think it may all come crashing down soon though

P.S. the sun is more dangerous right now than it was before CFC's were banned)

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

I wish I could give you a billion stars for that reply!!!

That is absolutely perfect and 100% accurate

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by alienreality

I appreciate how you pointed out that the Bush's were liberals, indeed this is what is meant by "neo-conservative", and "compassionate conservatism", it means Republican liberalism. If a conservative is not conserving the Constitution for the United States of America, then what the hell are they conserving?

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

I agree with both of you! Not every liberal is great.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:51 AM
I personally blame the nanny state mentality from the deranged idea that people can and should live VERY long lives. I see it as more of a general current of morality about healthcare, combined of course with an unwillingness to 'foot the bill' for other people's shortcomings - in a society in which we tend to seem to PREFER to ONLY see other people's shortcomings.

In any event, all that is a greed problem, IMO. It goes beyond anything the govt. could do. HOWEVER, this whole idea of childhood obesity being such a 'national security threat' I feel, is driving even more of that judgmental 'concern' (actually disdain masquerading as concern). That's driving public policy - IE nanny state- and the very people that rail against it are quick to cricitize those who 'don't eat right' or who 'don't exercise' or who 'don't eat organic' name your poison, some cricitism of the way others' live.

We want to stop the nanny state and turn it around, I think we've got to become more loving and accepting of each other, and more willing to acknowlege we ALL have shortcomings and take some sort of risks.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

I agree with both of you! Not every liberal is great.

It is nice to be in agreement with you Romantic Rebel, and honestly, I believe that liberalism has been given a bad name, and it is truly progressives or left wing radicals who have hi-jacked liberalism, and taking a liberal view of the Constitution shouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, especially if there are true conservatives constantly tugging on the liberals shirt sleeve pleading they slow down a bit and consider the consequences. Liberals and Conservatives are both just one side of the same coin and without liberals, there would be no need for conservatives. I thank you for the thank you game it has been fun, thanks for letting me play.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by Jean Paul Zodeaux]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 01:29 AM
Excuse me, but let's not paint such a broad picture and pat one side on the back, shall we? Liberals would not have gotten any of those laws pased if conservatives didn't vote for them as well.

I for one am fiscally conservative, believe in small government and letting businesses and the free market figure things out on their own. I am pro second amendment and pro freedom. I do, however, believe that the government needs to be a watchdog so that greed does not take over entire sectors of the economy like we've been seeing. I believe that capitalism is good, as long as everyone plays fair, and there needs to be a referee, because not everyone does play fair.

I am ALSO somewhat of an environmentalist, although not a raging enviro-nazi like some of these nutters. It is everyone's responsibility to keep our house clean for ourselves and everyone else. Again, I like small government, but if given the chance, industry will cut corners to keep margins high and pollute their own backyard, and that benefits no one in the long run.

I am also pro-life - against abortion, and I also know that people who are gay don't necessarily choose to be - they are born that way. Therefore, I don't pass jusgment on a particular lifestyle, although I do think that the parades could be toned down a bit. You don't see straight people flaunting their junk on main street because they are so damn proud of what they are.

So what does that make me, politically? I loathe the fact that liberals or conservatives lay claim to one cause or the other, polarizing the population and forcing people to declare themselves allied with a particular side and therefore a "democrat" or a "conservative". Being environmentally aware and proactive is not a political position, it is common freaking sense. People don't use common sense anymore, they believe what the TV tells them to believe. Sad.

I can't stand far-left liberals like Pelosi and Schumer and that whole pack of rats, and neither can I take the far-right whackos who say that some disaster happened because God was angry with gays or some crap. What?! I'm like most people - near the top of the bell curve.

I will say this, though. No matter what, I will never back a liberal in the voting booth. Never. The core liberal agenda is 180 degrees apart from common sense and the good of a free society, and from everything that the founding fathers wrote in the D of I and Constitution.

If you don't like my opinion, bite me. Oh, and remember - my vote cancels yours.

Edit for some bad typing skillz.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by AwakeinNM]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 02:31 PM
thank a liberal for what? participating in and upholding the illusion of a democratic republic ? for perpetuating the false left/right dichotomy? aiding the effort to keep ancient Rome alive?

roads will be built and taxes will be levied despite whatever party one claims. progress happens with or without liberals and conservatives even though they fight it tooth & nail.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 02:54 PM
We ought to thank all liberals AND conservatives for furthering the seperation paradigm that is being used to destroy this country, and world.

Way to go guys

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by exile1981
If your after tax income is less than 50% of your before tax amount... thank a liberal.

If your child comes from school crying because "drinking and driving is bad" and the school never differentiated between alcohol and a bottle of water .... thank a liberal.

If you have ever been car jacked by a guy out on parole who has committed 20 car jackings and asualts in the last 5 years ... thank a liberal.

if the teach calls you in to tell you that you should be spending as much time helping your child learn because the other kids are not able to keep upto her ... thank a liberal.

If have ever been told you where the most qualified for a job but didn't get it because of a quota ... thank a liberal.

If you have ever screamed no at C-span over billions of dollars in bail outs going to shady corporations .... thank a liberal.

If you can see me I am doing a jerk off type motion

Your example are pretty damn bad

Hell the last one is thank Republicans and GWB too


[edit on 27-5-2010 by Janky Red]

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