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AP: Obama to Skip Wreath Laying Ceremony at Arlington on Monday

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posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

While I agree that the tone of the criticism is really dark, I also feel it is really only reflective of these dark times. People are looking for leadership and, unfortunately, Obama is failing to provide it. He has been a huge disappointment and when one is already irritated, little things are magnified.

Okay, so fine, other Presidents have skipped the wreath-laying on Memorial Day, but toodling off to Chicago for some R & R does not sit well with me while the Gulf dies a slow death due to inaction, incompetency and failed leadership.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by JohnnyTHSeed
Somehow I doubt any of the residents at Arlington will notice.

I'm just not offended by this. I would much rather visit my hometown too, especially if I had been away for over a year.
What is it that makes Chicago his hometown?

Not starting an argument, just wondering.

Born in Hawaii, college in California, New York and Boston, SSN from Connecticut, lawyer in Chicago....

I am just saying that he could come up with a lot of 'hometowns' if needs be!

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:56 AM
Ok so Im going to go into deep left field here. So form what I have taken from posts on this site (trying to get up to sped on this conspiracy stuff) what if just what if..we have some kind of thing here where the reason Biden is laying down the wreath is it has to be done by an american and an american only and some question that about Obama. Some kind of secret rite or some poop... Like the posts i've read about certain things secret societies due to show the public, i dunno? I'm laid up with a wrecked back and bored. What also might be the cause of this deep left feildness is the ol lady is dancin around the house wth the lil one jamin out to Backstreet on the Bonnie Hunt show.... So i found my happy place, and in it was a conspiracy...

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:56 AM
Another slap in the face of our veterans that fought to defend this country. I can proudly say I didn't vote for this supposed MAN. His administration has disgraced us all and will go down in history as such. TGM

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:58 AM
Frankly its nothing more than hollow symbolism. We have a government that pretty much ignores veterans and could care less if they are dying from lack of decent medical care. Yet, once they pass away, they can't wave the American flag fast enough in their honor.

For Gods sake, honor the living in this country instead of the dead for a change.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by Common Good
Of all the weekends to take a trip back home, he picks THAT weekend.

What a way to support your troops there Obama.

WAY TO GO! Im sure all of your corrupt friends in Chicago will be glad to see you though, Im sure that you all will have MUCH to talk about.


I know! If only he took more time off like the last guy he wouldn't have to worry about never being home!

This reminds me of that SNL skit where Will Ferrell plays Bush and says, and I'm paraphrasing, "I'm always here for you America! 24/7! ... That's 24 hours a week, 7 months a year!"

On a serious note, I do think he should make it to this occasion but I also think he deserves a break every once in a while. Even with going home for this he still works 10 times harder than the last guy. Bush made it to every media event with pomp and circumstance, air force jets and what-not but rarely did any actual work.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:59 AM
George Bush never went to Dover, Delaware once in the 8 years he was President. At least Obama has been to Dover once to see the caskets. George H. Bush skipped the ceremony in 1992 and Reagan did the same during his 8 years. Reagan didn't even bother to send George H his VP to cover for him.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by Digital_Reality]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:01 AM
ATS marxists are out defending the potus as usual.

GB and reagon my have 'skipped' it...BUT they had good reasons. why is obama skipping it?

George bush went to a d-day memorial.

Reagan had to be at a multi-national meeting.

are you liberals idiots or just ignorant?

how can any of you say that it is in anyway comparable to obama taking vaction time in chicago?


deny ignorance my arse.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by westcoast
It's just an unimportant ritual? Excuse me, but honoring the people that gave their lives so that we could live ours freely is anything but un-important!

It is an insult to every verteran, current military and their families. Actually, it should be seen as an insult to every american. It is yet another example of his high and mighty attitude towards the American people. He really could care less.

You would honor their deaths better if you actually fought at getting rid of the puppet show of a government you have and have had for the last 90 years rather then sending flowers.

They died so you could be free not so you could be shackled by debt accrued by purchases of must have materialistic objects bought with bankers magical multiplying money.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Kharron

Originally posted by Common Good
Of all the weekends to take a trip back home, he picks THAT weekend.

What a way to support your troops there Obama.

WAY TO GO! Im sure all of your corrupt friends in Chicago will be glad to see you though, Im sure that you all will have MUCH to talk about.


I know! If only he took more time off like the last guy he wouldn't have to worry about never being home!

This reminds me of that SNL skit where Will Ferrell plays Bush and says, and I'm paraphrasing, "I'm always here for you America! 24/7! ... That's 24 hours a week, 7 months a year!"

On a serious note, I do think he should make it to this occasion but I also think he deserves a break every once in a while. Even with going home for this he still works 10 times harder than the last guy. Bush made it to every media event with pomp and circumstance, air force jets and what-not but rarely did any actual work.

are you kidding me? obama has had like 10 vacations in 1 year. He plays golf almost every freaking day. he does nothing but sit on his butt.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by kosmicjack
Okay, so fine, other Presidents have skipped the wreath-laying on Memorial Day, but toodling off to Chicago for some R & R does not sit well with me while the Gulf dies a slow death due to inaction, incompetency and failed leadership.

I don't care WHERE he is while the Gulf is dying. The Gulf is dying! And his response, inaction and unwillingness to ball-up and do something is infuriating! The fact that he's in Chicago, Washington, or Alabama matters not one bit!

And that's exactly my point.This thread is about the GALL of him not being in Arlington, when we should be talking about him NOT doing something about the Gulf. THAT'S what we should be upset about. THAT'S where our energies and efforts should be focused. But instead, people are whining about his absence from what boils down to pomp and circumstance at a ceremony.

I know I'm on a rampage, but I think it's important that we see this petty divisiveness for what it is. We should be on the "same side" - the side of the country. Not "for or anti-Obama". Obama is NOT where the power is. It's insignificant that he's in Chicago. He's proving more and more every day that he really is nobody in the scheme of things.

If he's not willing to use what power he DOES have to do something about the Gulf, then he's impotent. He's nobody. And we're wasting time that we could be writing our Congressmen or protesting BP or DOING something instead of bitching like old ladies.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by kosmicjack
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

While I agree that the tone of the criticism is really dark, I also feel it is really only reflective of these dark times. People are looking for leadership and, unfortunately, Obama is failing to provide it. He has been a huge disappointment and when one is already irritated, little things are magnified.

Okay, so fine, other Presidents have skipped the wreath-laying on Memorial Day, but toodling off to Chicago for some R & R does not sit well with me while the Gulf dies a slow death due to inaction, incompetency and failed leadership.

Oh? Are you aware of something that Obama personally could be doing to stop the oil leak, but for some reason isn't? Perhaps he has vast experience with deep diving and sealing up oil-gushing fissures? Maybe he should visit the Gulf and at least sit on the beach, wear a hairshirt and rub gravel in through his hair in some sort of mourning ritual?

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:09 AM
To those of you who think this is insignificant or an isolated event, quite the contrary.

This is the nth iteration of Obama showing brazen disrespect for servicemen, citizens, the US as a whole, the middle class etc.

Let's recap some salient examples:

- Early on in his presidency, BO suggested that soldiers should pay for their own healthcare (despite their meager salaries and the VA), whilst entertaining the notion of "free" healthcare for the general population.

- Bowing to the King of Saud, Emperor of Japan, etc, etc.

- Response to the French journalist re: American exceptionalism.

- Months and months of indecision regarding troop decisions re: Afghanistan and Gen. McChyrstal's requests for more troops (while troop casualties were increasing). Instead BO met with the head of the SEIU 23 times and partied hardy. [Ed: I come from a military family & can count 2 dozen friends/colleagues/classmates active duty or retired - This one in particular INFURIATED the families. It felt like, and still does, we have an enemy at the helm]

- Photo-op with coffins at Dover AFB. Absolutely disgusting. A couple choppers went down with ~18 KIA (IIRC) and 15/18 families requested that no photos be taken. Yet Obama insisted on a photo-op. Again INFURIATING.

- Obama's comment re: troops "you guys make good photo ops."

This is just off the top of my head, and if I dug around the intertubes I could compile a longer list. Missing the wreath ceremony is part of the pattern.

BO has taken the posture of an enemy, not even neutral as a Clinton might (When Bill got sworn in, fighters flew overhead, Hillary said "Those are our jets now, Bill").

Couple this with the deeply unpopular statist agenda wrekcing havoc on the future fiscal/social stability of the country, and yea, you see the point.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by tetrahedron]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:09 AM

Oh? Are you aware of something that Obama personally could be doing to stop the oil leak, but for some reason isn't? Perhaps he has vast experience with deep diving and sealing up oil-gushing fissures? Maybe he should visit the Gulf and at least sit on the beach, wear a hairshirt and rub gravel in through his hair in some sort of mourning ritual?

It's a start. And more than he appears to be doing now.

[edit on 26/5/2010 by kosmicjack]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Honoring our troops, and the men and women who died in war has absolutely nothing to do with political correctness, and everything to do with just being a respectful human being.

Maybe he was not raised properly. In my family, before any memorial day get together, we go out to the graves of my grandfather and uncles who died in war and lay wreaths there.

It's tradition, and it is respect. I expect that same level of duty from my president.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by cagliostro
That is kind of like saying that GWB didn't need to do anything about Katrina, because he didn't have any experience with such things.

Obama has the entire executive branch of the US government to do his bidding.

What has he done?

Sorry, but that is a lame excuse.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by cagliostro
Oh? Are you aware of something that Obama personally could be doing to stop the oil leak, but for some reason isn't?

He could be arresting CEOs. THAT would put some pressure on the people on the ground to STOP using toxic dispersant and work 24 hours a day to make this stop. He could be reporting the TRUTH about the "leak" to us. He could be doing a LOT, but he isn't. And it doesn't matter what his IS doing. It's what he ISN'T doing that matters.

He should be at the Gulf, getting a good eye-full of the dying brown pelicans, whose ONLY nesting ground in the world is being ruined. He should be doing a LOT.

And this, unfortunately, is off topic.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:16 AM
Cant the guy get a holiday. After all he is working very hard.

America is facing possibly its worst environmental disaster in history and he just wants to clear his head and chill out a bit.

Give the guy a break. After all he has this tough job to do for four whole years. Even if its only a four year stint he should still be entitled to a few days off. Shouldn't he?

Things are going faily smooth apart from the environmental and economic disasters.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:18 AM
Greetings fellow Nano-Earthlings,

O-man is going underground so to speak, maybe something to do with a real Memorial Day celebration... where's waldo?... you think they are going to tell the cattle(Joe six pack) when WW#3 is going to start... _javascript:icon('

Or maybe the Aliens are coming to save us from the Biblical Oil coming out of the Volcano of Sin... whaaaat? you think you all know whats going on in the real world?

But wait what about the BBQ and sports shows on this weekend?_javascript:icon('

Maybe its just all one BIG conspiracy and chickens really are lizards(What came first chicken or the egg?... the Lizard silly._javascript:icon('
')) BBQ lizard anyone
May peace be with us all... the greatest treasure in the universe.

Mr. X

[edit on 26-5-2010 by Real-Stinker]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
Cant the guy get a holiday. After all he is working very hard.

America is facing possibly its worst environmental disaster in history and he just wants to clear his head and chill out a bit.

Give the guy a break. After all he has this tough job to do for four whole years. Even if its only a four year stint he should still be entitled to a few days off. Shouldn't he?

Things are going faily smooth apart from the environmental and economic disasters.

He better hope we don't get a hurricane in the Gulf soon, he may have to chillax some more!

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