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What in the World are They Spraying [Official Trailer]

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posted on May, 25 2010 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions

Originally posted by stars15k
Testing is done that shows NOTHING but jet fuel through a jet engine. Not aluminium, barium, viruses, blood cells, heavy metals, pharmacueticals, or any of the compounds alternately suggested.

That's quite the claim that flies entirely against what I've seen. There are several reports of people getting laboratory analysis and what shows up is aluminum and barium, amongst other things.

Have you any links for this claim or are we just to take your word on it.

And stars... What tests are you talking about? Got links? I would expect you too since you seem to be so vastly in the know...

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by Goethe

You guys should really get better at this.

Like I said, if you have any of those questions... READ THE DOCS.

And Im sure youve read them all... LIAR, Cause, if ya did, you wouldnt be asking me anything.

Quote off the first page of the ASP report you so thoughtfully provided:

"Aerosols are suspended solid or liquid particles in the air that often are visible as dust, smoke and haze. Aerosols come from a variety of natural and human processes. On a global basis, the bulk of aerosols originate from natural sources, mainly sea salt, dust and wildfires. Human-produced aerosols arise primarily from a variety of combustion sources. They can be the dominant form of aerosol in and downwind of highly populated and industrialized regions, and in areas of intense agricultural burning.

Although Earth's atmosphere consists primarily of gases, aerosols and clouds play significant roles in shaping conditions at the surface and in the lower atmosphere. Aerosols typically range in diameter from a few nanometers to a few tens of micrometers. They exhibit a wide range of compositions and shapes, but aerosols between 0.05 and 10 micrometers in diameter dominate aerosols' direct interaction with sunlight. Aerosols also can produce changes in cloud properties and precipitation, which, in turn, affect climate"

There you go. Your own source. What you have been being told and denying for most of the evening.
So you read this? Really?..............

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by Goethe

Originally posted by unityemissions

Originally posted by stars15k
Testing is done that shows NOTHING but jet fuel through a jet engine. Not aluminium, barium, viruses, blood cells, heavy metals, pharmacueticals, or any of the compounds alternately suggested.

That's quite the claim that flies entirely against what I've seen. There are several reports of people getting laboratory analysis and what shows up is aluminum and barium, amongst other things.

Have you any links for this claim or are we just to take your word on it.

And stars... What tests are you talking about? Got links? I would expect you too since you seem to be so vastly in the know...

Here's one "Electron Microscope Anaysis of Residual Particles of Aircraft Contrails". It's not my first choice but it is one of the fastest I can remember. I'm using a netbook, and my resource notes are on my tower

Please notice the standard format of a true scholarly written science publicaton. It includes the processes and instruments used in the testing and sampling. It uses more than just one sample. It is testing the contrail itself, not collecting something from a ground level filter. Lots of the papers you supplied already also show the breakdown of jet exhaust. You should look there yourself.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by ACTS 2:38

Here you go, Acts. I made this when two different "chemtrailers" said the same thing in the same day. It shows you visibly what planes they were seeing.

It's my first time using a video here. I hope it works.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by stars15k

Originally posted by Goethe

You guys should really get better at this.

Like I said, if you have any of those questions... READ THE DOCS.

And Im sure youve read them all... LIAR, Cause, if ya did, you wouldnt be asking me anything.

Quote off the first page of the ASP report you so thoughtfully provided:

"Aerosols are suspended solid or liquid particles in the air that often are visible as dust, smoke and haze. Aerosols come from a variety of natural and human processes. On a global basis, the bulk of aerosols originate from natural sources, mainly sea salt, dust and wildfires. Human-produced aerosols arise primarily from a variety of combustion sources. They can be the dominant form of aerosol in and downwind of highly populated and industrialized regions, and in areas of intense agricultural burning.

Although Earth's atmosphere consists primarily of gases, aerosols and clouds play significant roles in shaping conditions at the surface and in the lower atmosphere. Aerosols typically range in diameter from a few nanometers to a few tens of micrometers. They exhibit a wide range of compositions and shapes, but aerosols between 0.05 and 10 micrometers in diameter dominate aerosols' direct interaction with sunlight. Aerosols also can produce changes in cloud properties and precipitation, which, in turn, affect climate"

There you go. Your own source. What you have been being told and denying for most of the evening.
So you read this? Really?..............

And what in that highlighted section says you are right?

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by stars15k

Originally posted by Goethe

Originally posted by unityemissions

Originally posted by stars15k
Testing is done that shows NOTHING but jet fuel through a jet engine. Not aluminium, barium, viruses, blood cells, heavy metals, pharmacueticals, or any of the compounds alternately suggested.

That's quite the claim that flies entirely against what I've seen. There are several reports of people getting laboratory analysis and what shows up is aluminum and barium, amongst other things.

Have you any links for this claim or are we just to take your word on it.

And stars... What tests are you talking about? Got links? I would expect you too since you seem to be so vastly in the know...

Here's one "Electron Microscope Anaysis of Residual Particles of Aircraft Contrails". It's not my first choice but it is one of the fastest I can remember. I'm using a netbook, and my resource notes are on my tower

Please notice the standard format of a true scholarly written science publicaton. It includes the processes and instruments used in the testing and sampling. It uses more than just one sample. It is testing the contrail itself, not collecting something from a ground level filter. Lots of the papers you supplied already also show the breakdown of jet exhaust. You should look there yourself.

To be honest, Ive seen that study before, and its a good one. But it doesnt solve the problem. Its merely a piece in the puzzle.

Boulder is a major spot of alot of cloud seeding operations.

Also, while you demand samples at alt levels, Im not truly concerned with those ones... I want to know whats down here where Im at.

Ya know.... Gravity and all... Unless that doesnt exist?

And Im not impressed with the 'standard format of a true scholarly written science publicaton'... I dont judge on format. I just want the info...

Maybe you should contact the DOE and let them know their layouts all wrong...

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by Goethe

The DOE is not submitting a paper for publication. Big difference.

Cloudseeding has been going on for centuries and is always pulled out when the high-altitude things can't be further discussed. Cloudseeding from an airplane (they have used both large fires and cannons in the past), is done at a much lower altitude, over a much smaller space, for a much shorter duration. Apples and oranges, really.

What about the quote proves my point? The definition of an aerosol. Notice contrails are not mentioned. I have seen contrails mention only once in similar publication and that was in a chart showing the total breakdown of all aerosol. The contribution was much less than one percent. I'll get back to you with the cite on that one. The nearest thing to contrail mentioned is from the same source which mentions "aeronautic transportation" once.
Like I said before, until you get past the actual definition of "aerosol" as used in the publication supplied, you are a lost cause.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 09:31 PM
do any of you remember the 60`s when the us government sprayed agent orange on the forests of Vietnam ,they also used it in their own country on their own people to test it`s effects . how about when Canada sprayed nerve gas on it citizens also to see how it worked . but they keep claiming it is the smog ,stay in doors ,what is the truth behind their lies. back then they called it acid rain it was bad for us and the environment or so they say ,it seems that acid rain no longer falls they fixed that problem[it went the way of the dinosaurs]
seriously people we as a species have over populated and there is only one way to fix it WAR or a die off-1 PROBLEM OUR DOCTORS ARE SWORN TO PROLONG LIFE NOT DESTROY IT. OPS THE MILITARY ON THE OTHER HAND IS SWORN TO KILL AND TAKE LIFE !
can you think of a better way for them to bring the population down than gassing us and claiming it was a plague-h1n1 give you a hint or heads up.considering that it supposedly transmuted between species, i wonder which of our degenerated scientists created it in a lab and they let it out,convenient would you not say.
and what was they all said it is not over it will return again get your shot for what ,another placebo or a combination to kill. i lost a long time friend to the h1n1 on the Tuesday he got his shot on the Thursday he was dead -their cause of death was -UNKNOWN . HE WAS NOT SICK PRIOR TO THE SHOT.

remember they are sworn to protect the country from all enemies even those who are within ther nations [ THEIR COUNTRIES CITIZENS] who did no wrong but the man says follow orders or you are a traitor .i guess we the people are nothing more than cash cows and cannon fodder for the man`s mindless minions.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by Goethe

Oh, and for wondering about the levels where you are at, if they are being attributed to "chemtrails", then the aerosol will not be down to breathing level for hours if at all. A aerosol the size of a cloud water droplet, about (10-20 micrometers in diameter), has a terminal velocity that is very low, about 1 cm per sec. Figure in updrafts, wind and evaporation, very little aerosol reaches the ground in 24 hours or longer. Sand from the Sahara remains suspended for long enough to drop on Florida. Volcanic ash can circle the globe.
Yet "chemtrails" are a part of a probabe multi-billion dollar multi-national operation targeting the people to....??????
Annoy with dust?
(And my cite for these figures is a textbook, Weather Studies, Introduction to Atmospheric Science, 3rd ed. Moran, Joseph M, author. It is part of a education program of the American Meteorology Society.)

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

We have one major airport and several smaller

Portland is north east from my home the planes that travel in the same direction every several hours are heading due west Hawaii is south west from Portland.

So my knowledge on air travel is enough to know that the planes heading due west are military.

Also increased air traffic heading due west from hear is strange.

plus I guess doing large circles is just ways of showing passengers the country side. And flying at around 5000 feet is normal when not near the airport.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by stars15k

Holding patterns over the coast is not common practice and when you can make out the engines and lack of commercial marking I am quite sure that it is lower then the 20,000 plus feet of altitude.

I am not a pilot but I can judge distance pretty close as I work with measurements everyday.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by stars15k
reply to post by Goethe

Oh, and for wondering about the levels where you are at, if they are being attributed to "chemtrails", then the aerosol will not be down to breathing level for hours if at all. A aerosol the size of a cloud water droplet, about (10-20 micrometers in diameter), has a terminal velocity that is very low, about 1 cm per sec. Figure in updrafts, wind and evaporation, very little aerosol reaches the ground in 24 hours or longer. Sand from the Sahara remains suspended for long enough to drop on Florida. Volcanic ash can circle the globe.
Yet "chemtrails" are a part of a probabe multi-billion dollar multi-national operation targeting the people to....??????
Annoy with dust?
(And my cite for these figures is a textbook, Weather Studies, Introduction to Atmospheric Science, 3rd ed. Moran, Joseph M, author. It is part of a education program of the American Meteorology Society.)

Great info. And I know the source. And regardless of how long until it comes down... It comes down.

And from the reading Ive done, some of the 'chemicals' could be for absorbing radiation. Now, if that is the case, great. It could very well help our planet if in fact it is heating up. (Which is highly debatable)

Now, why would that concern me you ask? Cause, if the particles fall to the surface of the earth, like anything should, being gravity is involved... Maybe, just maybe, I dont want to breath in radiated particulates.

Call me crazy, but Id rather play it safe.

And by no means does my above statements determine what I think the reasoning behind all this is. From what I gather, its suppose to be for good.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 10:20 PM
Hi trail fans !

I could have missed it in the collection of answers in this thread,
but here is an extensive well done chemtrail report !

Go 3/4 down the page and see the graph with 4 pink dots !
How bizarre/convenient: "the unregistered" planes do the chemtrails ! B-)

Blue skies.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Ya know what I am not as stupid as you make me sound.

When you can visually see the airplanes lack of numbers it is close

If the plane is about 200 feet long at about 5000 feet it is going to be approximately 5-8 feet visually that is enough for one to notice something.

But hey you are full on knowledge and do not mind going around with blinders on to what is happening in the world.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 10:28 PM
So a year ago I would have thought nothing about chemtrails and thought anybody who told me about them were nuts. But the more I heard these rumors the more my curiosity was peeked. I started looking at the sky more and more. I smoke so I'm outside at work and home several times a day for a cigarette. I started noticing contrails that spanned from horizon to horizon. I would see two to three to four jets at a time leaving contrails like this. I would go out hours later and they still persisted, drifted somewhat and spread out, but still distinguishable. I was in the Air Force and I can tell you I don't recall the jets I was around leaving vapor trails that long or that persistent when I was in, nor do I remember them like that from when I was a child. What I do recall was a contrail trailing the jet that from the ground appeared to be about 3" long and quickly dissipated into the atmosphere. You know what the most disturbing thing about that to me is? That if you watch long enough or are out often enough you will see jets that still leave those classic contrails. I have seen them many times now since the first time I realized it. They will lay down their classic, dissipating contrails among a skyfull of half a dozen or more of these horizon to horizon persistent contrails. There is something significantly different between these similar jets that leave such drastically different contrails.

I am not one to jump to conclusions, and it takes evidence through research and most effectively first hand experiences to fully convince me of anything. On this topic there is no doubt that there is something different coming out of the exhaust of these jets. What bothers me the most about the whole situation is that we are a week away from June and I have not seen one single clear sky day at all this year. At some point in the day the jets fly over and the sky clouds up. It was 8:45PM this past saturday, still bright out side, and yet it was cloudy and 53*F in the end of May in California at an elevation below 2000FT. That is not common, and I can never remember when we did not have MANY gorgeous, bright, clear, warm, sunny spring days that made you pine to be out of the classroom or off of work so you could enjoy the beautiful day. And yet not one day this year here where I live. Something is wrong with that.

Ugh, I've rambled on enough and my paragraph structure is probably atrocious, but this has become a subject that has become very disturbing to me. And to think that we can no longer lay claim to the right to enjoy the god given sunlight shining on our heads.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 11:30 PM
Persistent contrails have been around for a long time. For a long time it has been known what they are.

From 1919:

The second German sighting occurred on May 9, 1919, when a pilot flying over Berlin at about 26,000 feet noticed the generation of a cloud stream that extended for about forty miles behind his plane. This stream eventually spread out to form a cloud layer that was about 3,000 feet thick. The pilot saw a similar phenomenon two days later.

From 1940:

A few months later I witnessed the Battle of Britain taking place over my head in the July, August and September 1940. Being in SE London we had a grandstand view of the titanic struggle going on day aftr day with the intricate patterns of the contrails the most evident witness to the dog fights taking place. Short contrails do not produce intricate patterns.


So an airplane at great heights leaves behind it, stretching for endless miles, a visible "wake" composed of ice particles so tiny that they do not fall as snow but remain suspended in the air.

From 1947:

Photo taken by Jerry Cole, combat aerialphotographer in the 390th Bomb Group at Framlingham Air Base in England. He is looking for a print from the original negative he shot around January 1944 or before. It shows contrails of P-47's crossing each other in the background and a B-17 in the foreground.

From 1970:

The spreading out of jet contrails into extensive cirrus sheets is a familiar sight. Often, when persistent conditions exist from 25,000 to 40,000ft, several long contrails increase in number and gradually merge into an almost solid interlaced sheet.

Henry Wadsworth Hinkle, hired man down on the farm with Uncle Clarence and Aunt Martha, looked skyward a few days ago and was awed by the multiplicity of "vapor trails," as he called them. That's the old name. Now they are called contrails-short for condensation trails-resulting from the condensation of heat flowing from high-flying jet engines.


A 43-year-old novice sailor said today that he followed jet contrails over the Atlantic to help him navigate after his sextant was smashed six days out of Pymouth, England.
Source He didn't follow jets, he followed contrails. You can't follow a short contrail.


Then there is the matter of cloudiness. The familiar contrails often left by high-flying planes might persist for a long time under some conditions.

From 1973:

Often, after several clear days, high flying jets begin leaving condensation trails in the sky. These "contrails" are the result of the condensation of water vapor that accompanies engine combustion at high altitudes.

He occasionally looked out the window at the earth and noted geographical locations. "We're coming over Europe and I've never seen so many jet plane contrails in my life," he reported

Shore was no naïf; he recognized the irony of many of his images. One of the cleverest is "U.S. 97, South of Klamath Falls, Oregon, July 21, 1973," which depicts a desolate spot of road where a billboard displays a snowcapped-mountain scene — against actual mountains in the distance. The billboard image seems to emerge from the land itself. Along with a cattle gate and a sky with blown-out contrails, the billboard is a tired and shabby advertisement for America itself. Contrails have to be around for a while to be "blown-out".

The only difference now is that there are a lot more of them. Want your blue skys back? No problem, just ban high altitude airplanes.

[edit on 5/25/2010 by Phage]

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 11:40 PM
And yet you prove only that trails from planes happen and have happened.

But... Thats not what we are talking about.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by Phage

So the short contrails that disperse rapidly amid the persistent contrails that last hours are due to what Phage?

And with that, anybody who can tell me how many flights from 10AM-12PM leave Sacramento flying due north?

And how many commercial airports are there due west of Redding California?

And why I work in the aviation industry and they tell us ridership across the board is down to one of its lowest points since the 70's and yet apparently there is more planes in the sky than ever before. Less flyers, more flights, sound business decision.

[edit on 25-5-2010 by Mikey Sly]

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by ken10
Just thought i'd post this iconic image,

No it isn't spraying chemicals... But it shows just how much moisture is in the air even on a clear day with blue skies.

I think this chem-trail business is just stupid, it doesn't make any sense to spray the whole planet with chemicals that could affect every forms of life, When they/whoever could easily and specifically target humans by tampering with our water supply sources !

A jet breaking the sound barrier is what that is a pic of. Nice picture!!!!

Not directed toward you as I am on the same side as you are.

So you mean to tell me that they are altering the fuel for aircraft to spray this stuff in the air. Well how come it doesn't always come out??? By far the dumbest conspiracy ever thought of! I work at an Air Force base and depending on how high/fast the aircraft are flying is when you see CONTRAILS, chemtrails are non-exsistent

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by Mikey Sly

It is caused by aircraft flying at different altitudes. Conditions can vary enough with altitude so that a few hundred feet can make the difference between no contrails forming at all and persistent contrails forming.

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