posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 04:10 PM
With the recent concerns of rising fuels costs that will generate a trickle down effect from not only fuel for automobiles, but also plastics industry
will have to compensate for thier surge of raw material costs to create so much of what we purchase these days. CD's, DVD's, plastic cups and
straws, computer components all the way down to the plastic vaccum packed packages that so many products are packaged in.
(I have a strong QA background within the plastics industry of the medical, automotive and food container related products. )
I came across at CNN a nice listing of cars that got the best gas mileage, according to government tests.
Now, I have a little plymouth Horizion, and I am pleased to have it at this time, but looking over this listing of auto's I will need to upgrade to
something and unless I am mistaken (not a auto buff) the top ten cars are not from the big usa auto industry.
This is what boggles my mind, with all the great technology available and been shown great strides by other countries in the usage of this technology,
the "big boys running the show" seem to not want to push it here in the usa.
I have no proof, just my own personal gripes and feelings that the automobile industry and the big oil industry have a "game" going on in their back
but enough of my ranting.... just want to show you a listing of decent gas mileage available....