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CDC Has Been called Into Middle Tennessee

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posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by star in a jar

I was diagnosed with MRSA about two years ago. Went to the hopsital with what looked like a spider bite and them who whole left forearm swelled up. It comes back from time to time now but I put manuka honey on the boils when they start to form and they always go away now. If I dont treat them they will fill up with puss and become painful. Tomarrow we are making a trip to the local health foods store and I am going to try to treat this internally with food grade hydrogen peroxide. Start off with one drop in jalf glass of distilled water and increase it by a drop daily until you reach 20 drops three times daily. By then it is said that the MRSA bacteria as well as any other bacterial disease is eliminated from the body. Also good to use is a supplement calkled Monolaurin. Monolaurin is basically condensed coconut oil.

This MRSA is not a joke and it is spreading like wildfire. It would not suprise me if this thing was manmade to sell antibiotics. The spontaneous appearence of it leads to me to think so. I almost died from the stuff and am now having better success with natural remedies and will continue to go this route. One thing I have been experiencing the past few days is mild dizziness and I cant seem to kick it, so hopefully when I start the monolaurin and hydrogen peroxide treatments tomarrow i will permanently get this stuff out of my blood stream.

It is also worthwhile to note that it is beneficial to keep your body free of high acid levels(pop, smoking, candy, etc). Also the immune system is really the key to fighing MRSA. This bacteria is always on the skin, but when the immune system is weakened the ability of the bacteria to spread is greatly increased.

Well thats all I really know about MRSA. I grew tired of going to the emergency room and decided to try more natural routes and have had success thus far and hopefully when I start treating this internally tomarrow I will finally get rid of this out of the blood stream.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by loki41872
I live in Middle TN. I have several friends in the medical field. One VERY close friend in particular, that would tell me the truth on something like this if I asked her... and I did.

There are no reports of this going on. Nobody here has heard of the CDC being called in.

Sorry buddy, we probably do not live in the same town and I am sure not every staff member of every hospital in Middle Tennessee would have this information. At this point why would they? The RN that told me this is a mature professional that would have no reason to lie, otherwise if I had any doubt I would not have bothered posting. I was called because I have a school age daughter and was being tipped off to keep her safe.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:29 PM
nano silver solution.

or manuka honey

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:29 PM
I live in Tennessee as well. So I did a google search. Nothing except some random stories about e coli.

MRSA is not a virus. As for the flooding, MRSA thrives in hospital settings. If the place has flooded it wouldn't be open until it was clean. People carry MRSA all the time. MRSA is normally not an issue unless a person is already seriously ill. That is why hospitals are breeding grounds for it-sick people.

[edit on 24-5-2010 by antonia]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

that post and this thread's original post read almost the same

[edit on 24-5-2010 by piddles]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by piddles

Yep, sure did which is why I decided to post it here. To bring to the OP's attention. No citations were given on GodLikeProductions in reference to this thread.

But back on topic. MRSA is quite the power little bug. But if they do not know what this is. I would say it would be safe to say that it could be an Ecoli Outbreak and the CDC is there to make sure that is what it is and to perhaps get these kids well. But that is if this is true....

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by Melissa101

This needs to be paid attention to. I bet it won't hit the MSM for a while. And mods, if you have nothing better to do than to look at capital letters, than I have some suggestions. First, remove trolls, second, enforce other, more important rules.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by piddles

That is weird I got this info first hand from an RN. I have not checked the link but it is the same story? Interesting.

IMPORTANT: And to make a point the RN stated it was like MRSA not that is was MRSA. When I read the original post again I stated that I was told it was a form of MRSA but that was mis leading and I am sorry, (honest mistake). They (the hospital) apparently could not identify the infection and that is why they called the CDC according to the RN. I wish I knew more, maybe I will get an update soon...

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by TheMythLives
reply to post by piddles

But back on topic. MRSA is quite the power little bug. But if they do not know what this is. I would say it would be safe to say that it could be an Ecoli Outbreak and the CDC is there to make sure that is what it is and to perhaps get these kids well. But that is if this is true....

I was just in a hospital today. The military hospital. Every time there is a MRSA outbreak anywhere near us they double glove and hound people to use the hand sanitizer. Didn't see it today. I'm thinking this is just e-coli. The CDC is here for an e-coli outbreak.

[edit on 24-5-2010 by antonia]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:42 PM
I don’t know about mrsa but I have 3 boys who wrestled and there was an outbreak of some form of resistant staff. As I had coached some of the boys I got the infection too.
I had a wrestler that it turns out was a bed wetter and never got the staff infection.
So being desperate after 3 months of waking up at night scratching myself, I got into the empty tub and proceeded to open the flood gates. I stayed this way for 15 or 20 minutes then washed off. Days later the infection went away. I was trying what the coaches used to say about treating athlete’s feet, and I’ll be damned if it didn’t work.
Sure it’s nasty but if it alleviates extreme pain or can save a life, I say P!$$ on em!

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:45 PM
So what do you mean by "called the CDC in"?

Did they just alert the CDC?

Is the CDC already there?

Were the children placed in quarantine by the hospital, or the CDC?

once again, CDC now takes samples of every case like this so its likely no big deal.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:48 PM
ok, so I called...


Explained that I had heard that the CDC had been called into Tennessee for an possible emergency, and that I had some Kin I was fixin' to worry 'bout.

The nice young lady asked me if I knew specifics to help her, I responded no, that I was looking for specifics myself (no, I was not a smart ass).

I continued on that the what I did know was that it may involve a hospital, but that was it. She took a minute to look something up and replied that there has been no Adverse Reaction deployment today or yesterday.

My last question was in regards to her position and whether or not it was SOP to ensure those answering the phones recieved 'up to the minute' information in regards to the obvious - she said of course.

Nothing is happening in middle Tennessee...

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by Melissa101

The person that informed me of this is on the hospital staff and has been warned that because of HIPPA they will lose their job for exposing the issue.

I'm not saying this isn't true...but HIPPA would have nothing to do with this unless the nurse would be giving you protected health information about the patient. And a nurse would know that...or at least should know that.

The other thing is that rumors fly around hospitals among nurses like they may not be lying...just been giving false information. If the CDC was coming administration wouldn't really tell anyone besides the physicians...there would be no need for nurses to know about it.

And which is it...MRSA or an unidentified disease?

Sorry...I'm just a bit skeptical on this.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:48 PM
Just a thought. A friend of the OP is giving out information that can have him/her fired and possible legal reprisals. Wouldn't it be easy for an investigator to grab an ip and interrogate the OP for his source ?

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:49 PM
I am in North GA. My son had it. I recall him being bitten by a sweat bee. I'm not sure where but it was on his face.

Then a few days later he had a 'pimple' on his chin. We thought, his first pimple. He was 11. Ok, it hurt- bad, and he wouldn't let us touch it. The next day we got up and his whole chin was huge- it was fast. I called the doc and she saw him that day at about 3. By then, the infection was all the way through to the inside of his mouth. She got a culture, and said it sure did look like MRSA. She said "IT IS ENDEMIC TO THIS AREA NOW"

Note, we are not far from TN.

She gave him something for pain, and said go home, put warm compresses on it, and she scheduled for it to be lanced and debrided.

I had been putting warm compresses on it. The whole time. I read about it, and read and read it liked to grow in the warmer temps. I started ICING his jaw. I am not good at following instructions, ok? Not when they don't make scientific sense to me.

So I iced it, and iced it,and it started getting smaller. By 2am it came to a head and started draining on it's own. He did not have to have surgery.

I have had 3 nieces and nephews that got it too. One from a sewing needle she dropped. Others we are not so sure about. They all had to be admitted for lancing and draining them - one neice got really bad and they had to do more extensive debridement.

I personally think the cdc should study icing those things as treatment and not heat.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by antonia

Not to mention that MRSA can be identified quite easily by a well trained and level headed doctor. Most can just look at it and know that is what it is because of the way that it forms. Not to mention fever and/or chills, extreme pain from the spot and increased redness. Tests can be done and can easily discover what it is. But E Coli on the other hand can cause skin rashes, jaundice, and a whole lot of other deadly things. But these kids have nothing to worry about it is easily treatable and fixable, since it was found so earlier. Again, if this is true...

[edit on May 24th 2010 by TheMythLives]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:53 PM
This very well could be related to the ecoli out break. I just wonder does MRSA and ecoli have the similar symptoms. I am confused as to why the RN would state that this was like MRSA, I thought they had different symptoms, some kind of nasty ecoli I guess
From what I can assume from the conversation the hospital quarintined the children and were waiting on the CDC, but again this is an assumption. As soon as I talk to the RN again I will ask these questions that at the time I did not think about. Honestly all I could think about was my child going to school and what percautions to take, and if we had any germ x in the house she could carry with her... I found some...YEA!

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by Jdawg9909
reply to post by star in a jar

This MRSA is not a joke and it is spreading like wildfire. It would not suprise me if this thing was manmade to sell antibiotics.

Now think about it, take these antibiotics to fix this Antibiotic resistant sickness...
When i got the resistant staph all the doctors could perscribe was "phisohex" it is a 3% detergent soap, stuff burns the skin and did not work for me and 2 of my boys. We ended up using the P on Me remedy that did end up working.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Melissa101

Well Ecoli can cause rashes, but I am not sure if it can produce MRSA like rashes. Most diseases usually have a few things in common and this one is no different. Both can causes headaches, sweats, chills, pain, etc, etc. But biologically and on a cellular/bacterium level they are VERY much different.

[edit on May 24th 2010 by TheMythLives]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:57 PM
I meant to add...I did report what happened in my son's case to the cdc and I did suggest they look into first line treatment with ice. (I'm a medical professional myself.) Often doctors never consider this stuff, this is often the sort of thing that nurses discover and research as a nursing measure. They corresponded with me for a bit about it and said they'd look into it.

The CDC could be interested not because it is some new pathogen but because they have several people with something they need to learn more about- IE they have a sizeable study group.

It could also be a mrsa that is resistant to septra DS. That would be a bad. bug. It could just be that the hospital has a problem with nosocomial infections in general of this type and they are moving in to help with the situation.
Who knows? Anyway, it doesn't mean there's some super hot outbreak we have to fear. If there is, we'll hear about it.

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