posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:40 PM
Hello there! Glad to hear you like it here. I am addicted to ATS. I haven't been on as much since school started but I am still on when I can be. I
hate when I miss a really good thread and by the time I get to it, it's 10 pages long!
So what do you like to read on here? What forum do you like most? Was there anything you read on here where you had a wth moment?
I enjoy aliens, ancient civilizations, MARS!, the moon, ufos, Mk-Ultra and info on the TR3B. I love the govt conspiracies that have to do with mind
control experiments. They are really kind of messed up and some stuff I wish I never read. The most disturbing thing I read on here was the Rothschild
family history! Now that is scary.