posted on May, 24 2010 @ 02:25 PM
Hello everyone!
My name is Alexander and I'm from Moscow, Russia.
I was reading ATS on daily basis for over a year now and rarely felt the need to join conversations.
However everything changes sometime!
So today I've decided to join and I'm very excited (mainly because I finally saw your avatars guys =))!
I'm naturally a very curious person and literally interested in every topic that is discussed here on ATS. One of the reasons I've joined is my
intention to spread the word about oneironautics, most known as "lucid dreaming". In Russia we use the term "conscious dreaming" which I find more
descriptive. I have a lot of experience in this field and developed a complex methodic that may suit anyone who wants to become an oneironaut. So when
I reach 20 posts, I'll start a thread about my methodic.
Ok now I'm going to mess with my profile and figure out how stuff works here (any advice is welcome =)).