posted on May, 23 2010 @ 09:22 PM
I had a discussion this weekend with some normal everyday Air Force people. During their conversation they discussed a super secret Robot army that
has been created by the Japanese. From the discussion these things are small, extremely fast and lethal. They have stealth and worst of all there are
already millions of them made. The can work autonomously if commanded to do so.
Now I admit I have zero proof and that is why this post is here. I have since getting home attempted to find some information on the web about
More of the discussion revolved around a secret Japanese plan to return the Emperor line to power of not only Japan but the world. The plan involves
Japan copitulating to the world powers until they achieve a technological advantage that would ensure the return of the emporer.
It is said that their current technology when ready, could be deployed quickly and without notice and would allow the Emporer to return to power
without sheding any blood as long as other world powers surrender. It is speculated that this will happen on succession from the current emporer to
Prince Hisahito
Yes there was beer... If you see anything out there on this or know anything please feel free to add some evidence to this post!
When a 2 foot Ninja robot has you cornered in your bathroom you heard it here first!