posted on May, 28 2010 @ 05:28 PM
The Sentineleise tribe near india:
lacks the skill to make fire,
doesn’t wear clothes,
hunts and gathers,
lacks agriculture,
builds simple huts,
lacks the vocabulary to describe a number greater than 2.
And the Yanomamo Indians of Venezuela:
don’t bury their dead,
don’t make metal,
haven’t invented the wheel,
possess a numerical system of 1,2, and more than 2.
Now both are much more advanced than Homo erectus and neanderthals.
Now there is strong evidence that some Neanderthals buried their dead with flowers and jewelery, cared for their sick and mastered fire.
Now if bigfoot is more primitive than Neanderthals he wouldn't bury his dead. Neanderthals stood between 60-65 inches. 5ft-5.5ft. Not these 8 ft
tall bigfoot we see. We arem't even dealing with anything in the human evoloutionary chain. It's something entirely different.
Perhaps something in the evoloutionary chain of Gigantopithecus blackii which was an ape that grew 10 ft tall and up to a 1200 pounds.
But throughout history you don't see evolved primates with the size of the supposed bigfoot. I think the asian variety which are much more apelike
may be akin to that species while the american versions are more likely hoaxes.