posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:19 AM
The Black Death has been traced to Mongolian Groundhogs, it was they the fleas bit, to gradually spread the disease.
The *craft* that were reported, maybe it's a case of looking down the wrong end of the telescope? Yes, there might well have been an increased number
of written accounts. However, that could well be because people were looking to the skies for portents, because of what many saw as the impending end
of the world. Anything untoward or unusual, seen in the skies would have been viewed as *part of the whole end times scenario*. Plus, people were far
more likely to leave an account of these sightings in such momentous times.
I can see where this idea has caught on as, some have pointed to the Fatima incident and the global"Spanish Flu epidemic* as another case in hand..
In actual fact, there was no correlation between the two, it was mere coincidence. That said, the extra terrestrial explanation for sudden outbreaks
of killer diseases is not as far fetched as some would have you believe. Many scientists are currently speculating that some diseases might indeed
arrive here in the dust tails of comets as Earth's orbit passes through them, or within the tiny rocks of a meteor shower. .