posted on May, 23 2010 @ 02:26 AM
I'm from Arizona too.
It just bugs me that most when it comes to this border situation - - can't see past the end of their nose.
IT IS a BIG problem for so many reasons. But most everyone wants to zero in on one small aspect of it.
Many years ago we used to have a legal work program for Mexican laborers/field workers. Some politician used "they're taking away American jobs"
as her political platform and the legal work program was abolished.
In 2006 Bush created a seasonal worker program - but it has been unsuccessful -
BUT - the jobs are still here - and the Mexicans are still doing them. The only way they can - illegally.
Probably hundreds of millions of dollars will be lost by Arizona and San Diego crop growers - - because they can't get their crops harvested.
Actually its already happened from crackdowns the last few years. Then there are the trucking companies who transport the crops. And the grocery
stores - and their workers - etc. There is a whole chain of people - probably legal residents - who are going to be affected.
Not to mention the price of produce. We've already lost so many to weather conditions.
EuroFresh seeks bankruptcy, cites crop loss, labor - Cites immigration policy changes for labor crunch.
Help Save US Farms -
There are so many more stories.
I am unable to devote time to a thread. If anyone wants to take this approach and get the full story out - - feel free to do so.
[edit on 23-5-2010 by Annee]