posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 01:51 PM
BP wants this well closed forever they will lose all GOM drilling rights I think and your president should seize all Bp's equipment in gulf and USA
can have a national asset. BP is on the run believe me with the money they are spending versus money derived capturing is pennies comparatively.
Experts, private contractors, clean-up effort and stock loss BP will be lucky if they remain alive. Mr. Hayward claims BP +cashflow is 35 billion per
annum so who knows BP may be able to live ONLY if well is capped in August....I will hold my breath because you cannot sonar RWells on a wild well.
Impossible! So you need to shoot a bullseye, they have the best people on this so who can say. Still it would be like a starwars deathstar shot on
first contact. Seams incredible probably at least 2-3 attempts before intersect....and I already listed how difficult this can be.
So now BP has every interest in killing this well. BP is in huge huge trouble!!
They became complacent and this is how accidents happen also they were going to turn an exploration well into a production well from what we are told
without boring out diameter BAD SCIENCE.
F8k BP