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Conspiracy of Conspiracies...

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posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 10:41 AM
I was just thinking while reading through ATS last night...

What if all of the "conspiracies" are part of one BIG conspiracy in order to delude, confuse, and keep track of the masses - based on everyones particular interests. "They" could then create or allow sites to be created and then monitor the thoughts and viewpoints of the "village". And then when people get close to the truth -BAM- "they" throw another juicy bone out there to disctract us from reaching our destination.

We all know the NWO is here it's just a matter of time before "they" cause more "triggers" to herd us into the "pens" we are destined to go.

Just a thought - any takers??

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Birkhoff
We all know the NWO is here

Do we? as i keep saying, im starting to doubt it now. As i keep saying, a single world government is the next logical step for the human race, but no one here will see a single government in their life time. If there was proof that intelligent life existed in space at this present time, then yes the NWO or whatever would be in place, but there is neither hard evidence or proof that the NWO exists.

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 01:16 PM
Well I guess the NWO depend on your age and experience with life. I'm not that old and I can tell you that the world has changed a lot since I was young. If this is not the NWO getting into shapes then I must be crazy.

Just create an embargo from China's goods from being delivered around the world. You can then say goodbye to those Nike running shoes, that TV of yours, That computer your using to read this message. Cheap labor is another face of the NWO. When I was young everything was expensive cause it was made here. But back then we were making lot's of money. Hell it was tjhe fashion in the 50's to have 10+ childs. now we can barely afford one. And when we do, most of the time the kid is being raise in a daycare center ruled and standardized by goverment worker.

You have a signature that say "Deny ignorance". lol

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 01:19 PM
Can you honestly put your hand on your heart and say the NWO is here? the NWO is coming, but its not here yet. IMHO, we shall see the NWO or single government after world war three cause if we are to believe the illuminatie theory, three world wars will come before they take charge. At this moment in time, the NWO is not here and as i said a single world government is a logical step for humans.

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 01:28 PM
Interesting......What would it take???

An individualized identification number? Social security # Check...
Cashless Society?? Umm pretty close....Could be implimented overnight.

Who is to say that our governtment is not controlled by the same people that conrol the rest of the worlds govts??

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 01:38 PM
I'm not really into an illuminati concept, although I must admit that most of the big corporate are behaving a little strange. Lot's of symbolism that can't be pure coincidence. Bt my point is that, hello! You were born in the NWO! Theres nothing new for you, that's why everything is smooth and easy. But watch out this candle is gonna burn fast, real fast.

I don't even beleive that the NWO is gonna be able to do anything against the upcoming, more urgent crisis. Which is the Oil depletion we are gonna face, if not already. then you gonna say NWO!!! Cause it's gonna be different, no more SUV awwwhh.. Damn. 160$ to fill up the tank! ouch! How much does the plane ticket will gonna cost then? oups!

Anyway this is all to say that were up for a nice ride!! I suggest you learn the basic of gardening and stuff like that. It could come more usefull than learning some new program that came out, just a hint

Edit: When I say You I mean everyone but me! Nothing toward a specific poster.

[edit on 8-6-2004 by Osiriss]

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 01:43 PM
We are definitely kept busy on television and such with the wars, the "us" vs. "them" syndrome that is portrayed. Everything is controlled by people who make the money, while we, the lower masses must work for it.

In my opinion, the point that you can recognize as being the advancement of the NWO is when Organizations hail subdermal microchips.

They create the problem for the masses, i.e. "war on terrorism", and the masses respond like sheep to the herders (Illuminati).

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 01:58 PM
Exactly my point.

Just because we don't see a world flag, world anthem & other touchy feely "we are the world" garbage does not mean that the NWO isn't hear.

The PTB know all about mind control and persuasion, as long as you are addicted to something (and we all are) then they have you. All it will take is a tiny bit of coersion and the Luciferic Initiation and boom - you'll be singing a happy song with the rest of the earth worshippers.

-As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

The NWO was annouced when the towers fell - it was spoken openly.
The NWO is a plan - not just an event. It is in full force.
One must choose whose side to be on God's or Mans.

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Birkhoff

-As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

The NWO was annouced when the towers fell - it was spoken openly.
The NWO is a plan - not just an event. It is in full force.
One must choose whose side to be on God's or Mans.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 08:22 AM
Good one, I've considered this notion before my self. Who's gonna listen to a bunch of tinfoil wearing saucer freaks screaming the reptilians are coming the reptilians are coming. Mean while the real forces(Cor-political) continue to conduct their covert methods acquiring more power over the masses.

But, perhaps maybe those forces behind the NWO, might mean well.. perhaps..But im not sold yet.

[edit on 9-6-2004 by Opus]

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by Birkhoff
I was just thinking while reading through ATS last night...

What if all of the "conspiracies" are part of one BIG conspiracy in order to delude, confuse, and keep track of the masses - based on everyones particular interests. "They" could then create or allow sites to be created and then monitor the thoughts and viewpoints of the "village". And then when people get close to the truth -BAM- "they" throw another juicy bone out there to disctract us from reaching our destination.

We all know the NWO is here it's just a matter of time before "they" cause more "triggers" to herd us into the "pens" we are destined to go.

Just a thought - any takers??

You mean (gasp!) like this forum is being used to gather data by
NWO social engineers to continue conditioning human behavior
so as to neutralize any possible resistance to the Elitist takeover
efforts by keeping people so dumbed down they think the NWO is
just a nonsense conspiracy that only nuts believe? So will never
form an organized resistance to the destruction of the Constitutional
Republic and every concept of freedom and individuality understood
by the founding fathers of this nation but that the dumbed down
people today, a product of government controlled schools, are
totally unaware?

Naw, say it ain't so!

Anyway you young people are going to have any free time not
taken up in the government controlled schools taken up by your upcoming
indentured servitude to the NWO.

Two bills being considered by government to
handle the excess unemployment (much larger
than the bogus government numbers would have
you believe) are S.89 and H.R. 163. Too many
people with too much time on their hands could
create problems.. they might start to try to think!

"The Universal National Service Act of 2003
mandates it is the obligation of every U.S.
citizen, and every other person residing in
the United States, between the ages of 18 and
26, to perform a two-year period of national

(In other words the excess labor is
to be forced into indentured servitude to
the government to perform whatever tasks it
deems necessary for its' survival. The bills
include the military registration of females.
Just call it the Slave Labor Act. Note that
any pay received would be below poverty level,
and no benefits would accrual from "service").

Welcome to the New World Order.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 01:02 AM

When the Dept. of HLS was set up, they might as well of called it the NEO SS!

BTW - what are the "penalties" for someone refusing service duties?

< B

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by Birkhoff

When the Dept. of HLS was set up, they might as well of called it the NEO SS!

BTW - what are the "penalties" for someone refusing service duties?

< B

The President decides the penalties for
failure to perform service satisfactorily.
(How else would it be in a dictatorship
where Elitist masters of the NWO pull
the strings of the visible puppets, such
as the President, implementing their
Penalties could range from extension of
service.. indefinitely.. to imprisonment
if the President finds it convenient to call
you an "enemy of the state".
And of course the Patriot Acts already
apply to any effort on your part to escape
compliance. After all if you are not
"with them", then you are" against them", and
everyone under the Patriot Acts is already
viewed as potential threats against Homeland
Security. You can run, but where can you
hide? Anyone who assists a citizen accused
of being an "enemy of the state" becomes
equally "guilty".
This is what the world has come to by not
taking action against the NWO elitists when
there was still time to stop them.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 06:58 AM
I hate to say this, but I think the NWO is most likely inevitable.

I sincerely hope I wrong, but the people who will bring it about are us - the masses.

Not us here, us with an interest in asking 'why' - but the masses who don't ask 'why'.

They (those bringing the NWO about) are few, and we are many, so the only way the NWO can come about is with out compliance.

I think this is the root of the divide and conquer technique. By keeping us all apart with false divides and factions our collective attentions and frame of reference is focused on those divides and those fairytales constructed to keep us in our boxes.

It's depressing to say, but I think without some sort of intervention, either from a breakaway insider group, or a third party, I'm not sure that we can escape the planned events.

Everything has been carefully constructed in little pieces - so as to make it appear from the outside that they are not all part of the same plan - the microchipping, the world government, the corporate globalisation, the rape of the third world and developing countries, medical and social issues, the media - I think at the very top of this pyramid is the cornerstone of it's entire construction - but because everything is kept divided and separate from the outside view - it's difficult to piece it all together and say "look, this is part of the same problem/plan".

[edit on 17-6-2004 by VelvetSplash]

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 10:23 AM

If this is not the NWO getting into shapes then I must be crazy.

You said it kid

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 05:50 PM

"They" could then create or allow sites to be created and then monitor the thoughts and viewpoints of the "village". And then when people get close to the truth -BAM- "they" throw another juicy bone out there to disctract us from reaching our destination.

I wonder why people keep saying this. Do they have a reason to throw in more disinformation? As far as I can see, it is we who create our sites and make them grow. What about Rael? Is that also a distraction?

Look at us now. We don't have any proof at all. Why would they bother with these sites? Fine, let's say that there is a NWO. Let's say that I somehow managed to print out a book, which I myself have written, about my own thoughts and calculations about "who's behind what". Would they act? No, I don't think they would. You know why? Because I don't have any proof. What makes my story so unique? What about Lazar (who faked it all)? What about that guy who claimed he worked for the Illuminati, yet gave "them" much of info of where he is now (like what he is doing, where he lives, dates etc)?

So, as long as nobody have proof, they don't need to do anything.

If this is not the NWO getting into shapes then I must be crazy.

Okay, so everytime there is a change of sorts, it must be because the NWO want it that way, right?

Just because the 20th century saw many revolutions, wars, inventions, new ideas and all that nobody had 200 years ago, does it mean we used alien technology to do it?

Just create an embargo from China's goods from being delivered around the world. You can then say goodbye to those Nike running shoes, that TV of yours, That computer your using to read this message. Cheap labor is another face of the NWO. When I was young everything was expensive cause it was made here. But back then we were making lot's of money. Hell it was tjhe fashion in the 50's to have 10+ childs. now we can barely afford one. And when we do, most of the time the kid is being raise in a daycare center ruled and standardized by goverment worker.

Yes, because many rich people found a way to live on your work, and give you less money than you deserve. It's how it works. When people are poor, the rich takes your money and gives them to the poor. That money is a part of your payment. But are all poor people bad then? No - the rich and powerful created them for this purpose.

Who is to say that our governtment is not controlled by the same people that conrol the rest of the worlds govts??

And who is to say that there are people who controls the whole world? Proof, please.

They (those bringing the NWO about) are few,

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

I'm not really into an illuminati concept, although I must admit that most of the big corporate are behaving a little strange.

It's called "making money"

Lot's of symbolism that can't be pure coincidence.

Where? Do you have pictures? Movies? Strange texts? Etc...

Sure, if you THINK the NWO is here, then you will see it everywhere. Just like a person may think that the Jews are evil and control the media, this will have a hard impact on his life. He will always think that the Jews are behind everything, and ignore what other countries do, what the Holocaust was. Deny ignorance? Then have an open mind!

Bt my point is that, hello! You were born in the NWO! Theres nothing new for you, that's why everything is smooth and easy.

I didn't know there was a "start date" for the NWO. Pleace explain. And if the NWO is what most people think it is, then, aren't you born in the NWO too?

I don't even beleive that the NWO is gonna be able to do anything against the upcoming, more urgent crisis. Which is the Oil depletion we are gonna face, if not already. then you gonna say NWO!!! Cause it's gonna be different, no more SUV awwwhh.. Damn. 160$ to fill up the tank! ouch! How much does the plane ticket will gonna cost then? oups!

So, the NWO is also evil for keeping our world clean of pollution? Or at least reducing it? Some time ago, there was this commercial, which said that everytime you step onto the bus or the metro, the nature is pleased.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 06:11 PM
i think a conspiracy of conspiracies is one of many methods

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