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The DOMA Collective (Connecting Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and more to Mother Goddess worship)

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posted on May, 21 2010 @ 09:03 PM
I've been hearing all of these "Mary" apparitions, and this is not compatible with what the Bible says. The Bible clearly states that the rosary, "Mother of God" and many other things associated with these Marian apparitions are pagan. And it doesn't go along with other Abrahamic religions either. But what makes things get really complicated is an alternate view of these events that I found.

While lots of her claims are just speculation, skip to the "Messiah Projects" section and see all of the connections that are made there. I honestly have no idea what to think at the moment, because all of this has left me rather confused. I need some people with a lot of knowledge of religion to go through this and help me out with it, and tell me if her claims stand up. I know some of them don't, because it causes some contradictions, but others seem pretty right. There also might be a problem with the way she crosses religions, but that is where I need the help of some well researched religious people. These apparitions certainly don't fit our Biblical, or any other Abrahamic faith's views. I haven't heard much of this before, and I seriously need some people to spread this around and debate it, because I have no idea what to believe now, and I can't seem to find anyone to discuss this with. I'm pretty sure her claims trying to connect Islam are incompatible though, judging by direct quotations from Muhammad, but the rest is still worth looking at. I also would like to contact the creator of this site, but apparently this is archived from a site back in the 90s, and the email address given is inactive.

It doesn't go in to much information on the Islam connection because she didn't want to cause too much controversy (for some reason) But I want to single out a specific section for all Muslims reading.

One you go to the site, press ctrl + f to open the find bar and search "At the very beginning of each of the major chapters of the Koran" so you can skip to a certain paragraph that raises a ton of questions. This is related to the same site I linked to earlier, and these codes really seem to turn things upside down for anyone who reads it, even Muslims. If it is so, there are too many contradictions left behind and this looks like some sort of major trick. I want to know if this can be answered and explained away, and I think that this might need some serious critical analyzation by theologians and scholars. Other Goddess connections in Islam can be found here

Put this all together with the apparition of "Our Lady of Fatima" and the mass witnessed "Miracle of the Sun" that followed and things get really interesting. I would appreciate it if you could spread this around to people that are well researched in religious writings if you aren't. Maybe this is all a badly thrown together mess, maybe it isn't. Some things seem like they couldn't overlap with the other religions though, like it referencing certain Biblical events and still claiming that the Quran is right, but that is where I want some well studied religious people to help out.

After reading all of that, stop by this thread and read up on the "Our Lady of Fatima" apparition.

[edit on 21-5-2010 by NamelessMonster]

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by NamelessMonster

I read the Islamic one as you gave me very easy instructions to find it without any husstle:

"Alif-Lam-Mim." It was put there so you could later identify it as one of her verses that she gave to MA-hammad. It must be read like ancient Hebrew was read, from right to left. I will reverse it now, so you can better read it. "Mim-Lam-Alif." These words are spelled slightly differently in various languages. Here is a more well-known form of their spelling. "MEM-LAM-ALEPH." What is it? What does it mean? It is one of the most ancient "blessing" prayers ever. It asks for a blessing and names who the blessing must come from. "Lam" is the Persian name for Hathor. It has been placed between the two other words to signify she is contained in the blessing. The two outer words are familiar to any Hebrew, as Mem-Aleph or MA, "blessing of water." It was written on amulets in ancient times to invoke the protection of MA. In this case, they are invoking the blessing of a particular Daughter of MA, Lam-Ash-Ta. It symbolizes both the concept of Water and of Beginning. Appropriate for the beginning of the Koran, is it not?

What is it, what does it mean?

It is three Arabic letters, Allif stands for A, Lam stands for L, Mem stands for M.

His explanation of it, I don't know, there are thousands of explanations for these letters in Quran, not explanation, but assumptions in to what they might mean.

But no one truly knows.

For example if you connect Alif Lam Meem in Arabic, it means pain.

Others have found Mathematical formulas which connects all the chapters of the Quran which contains such letters in the beginning.

It is a mystery currently..

Very interesting non the less.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by LittleSecret
reply to post by NamelessMonster

I read the Islamic one as you gave me very easy instructions to find it without any husstle:

"Alif-Lam-Mim." It was put there so you could later identify it as one of her verses that she gave to MA-hammad. It must be read like ancient Hebrew was read, from right to left. I will reverse it now, so you can better read it. "Mim-Lam-Alif." These words are spelled slightly differently in various languages. Here is a more well-known form of their spelling. "MEM-LAM-ALEPH." What is it? What does it mean? It is one of the most ancient "blessing" prayers ever. It asks for a blessing and names who the blessing must come from. "Lam" is the Persian name for Hathor. It has been placed between the two other words to signify she is contained in the blessing. The two outer words are familiar to any Hebrew, as Mem-Aleph or MA, "blessing of water." It was written on amulets in ancient times to invoke the protection of MA. In this case, they are invoking the blessing of a particular Daughter of MA, Lam-Ash-Ta. It symbolizes both the concept of Water and of Beginning. Appropriate for the beginning of the Koran, is it not?

What is it, what does it mean?

It is three Arabic letters, Allif stands for A, Lam stands for L, Mem stands for M.

His explanation of it, I don't know, there are thousands of explanations for these letters in Quran, not explanation, but assumptions in to what they might mean.

But no one truly knows.

For example if you connect Alif Lam Meem in Arabic, it means pain.

Others have found Mathematical formulas which connects all the chapters of the Quran which contains such letters in the beginning.

It is a mystery currently..

Very interesting non the less.

Also, I have a slight problem with the claim that it "is one of the most ancient "blessing" prayers ever", since I googled it and couldn't find anything on it. Still, the other connections are interesting.

Something for people familiar with the Bible to answer. Do the same ctrl + f thing that I mentioned earlier and type "Who is JE-HO-VAH" this time.

I'm really skeptical of this one. But don't let these more outlandish claims keep you from reading some of the better and more interesting ones made on the site. One of the most interesting things that seems to work with her claims is the Mandaen belief that Jesus worked with a (evil, in their beliefs) Goddess named "Ru Ha". Which raises another question, if a lot of the connections made on this site are true, that doesn't mean that they are the good guys.

[edit on 21-5-2010 by NamelessMonster]

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 10:25 PM
Read this carefully:

The story of Jesus, Mary, Mary Magdalene, the 12 disciples, John the Baptist is an allegory for the lost Eden. Or the world descent into imperfection—the fallen man and the return to perfection.

Mary as “Mother of God” is the symbol for the Goddess [Garden of Eden] when it was in its purity. This Garden is allegorized as a Woman or Goddess [Virgin Mary] Maryam to Muslims.

Mary Magdalene is the symbol allegorized in the story as the fallen world.

Originally there were 22 circles of perfection or trees in the Garden of Eden
After the fall of man there remained only 13 non operable static circles of imperfection. 9 were lost.

Virgin Mary represents that primordial perfect Garden [22] that’s why she is called Mother of God.
Mary Magdalene and the 12 disciples of Jesus represent the fallen [13]
That’s why the lore of Mary Magdalene originally came down to us that she was the harlot, because she symbolized in the allegory the fallen world--13.

Jesus in the allegory represents all humans on the spiritual path returning to God or our lost nature.

We or Jesus as imperfect fallen 13 become crucified on that cross of the imperfect thirteen as we journey back to God to return to the mother 22 Garden of Eden—Virgin Mary.

That’s why the numerology of the Jesus tale is

Remember the story of Jesus is an allegory for the return to God or our lost nature.

In every human being [microcosm] there are 9 inner lost circles
In the entire Macrocosm [all of us] there are 11 missing circles

Each of these circles represents a level of divine consciousness or trees from the Garden of Eden

When in the macrocosm the missing 11 circles return to the Garden to reach the original 22 . . . will ensue the return of the missing 9 circles in every human to their own inner garden of 22

That is the Apocalypse, which means the revealing

. . .


posted on May, 21 2010 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
Read this carefully:

The story of Jesus, Mary, Mary Magdalene, the 12 disciples, John the Baptist is an allegory for the lost Eden. Or the world descent into imperfection—the fallen man and the return to perfection.

Mary as “Mother of God” is the symbol for the Goddess [Garden of Eden] when it was in its purity. This Garden is allegorized as a Woman or Goddess [Virgin Mary] Maryam to Muslims.

Mary Magdalene is the symbol allegorized in the story as the fallen world.

Originally there were 22 circles of perfection or trees in the Garden of Eden
After the fall of man there remained only 13 non operable static circles of imperfection. 9 were lost.

Virgin Mary represents that primordial perfect Garden [22] that’s why she is called Mother of God.
Mary Magdalene and the 12 disciples of Jesus represent the fallen [13]
That’s why the lore of Mary Magdalene originally came down to us that she was the harlot, because she symbolized in the allegory the fallen world--13.

Jesus in the allegory represents all humans on the spiritual path returning to God or our lost nature.

We or Jesus as imperfect fallen 13 become crucified on that cross of the imperfect thirteen as we journey back to God to return to the mother 22 Garden of Eden—Virgin Mary.

That’s why the numerology of the Jesus tale is

Remember the story of Jesus is an allegory for the return to God or our lost nature.

In every human being [microcosm] there are 9 inner lost circles
In the entire Macrocosm [all of us] there are 11 missing circles

Each of these circles represents a level of divine consciousness or trees from the Garden of Eden

When in the macrocosm the missing 11 circles return to the Garden to reach the original 22 . . . will ensue the return of the missing 9 circles in every human to their own inner garden of 22

That is the Apocalypse, which means the revealing

. . .


That's fascinating, but is that really compatible with the claims made on the site I posted? The website I linked to states that these events are literal and actually took place historically. Now, if the claims on the site can be proven false then what you have posted would be interesting.

Something to put out there, the Miracle of the Sun happened in the Cova da Iria fields, although close, not actually Fatima. Something to note though, is that Muhammad had a daughter named Fatima, so one could say that this miracle was intentionally trying to make a connection. But the messages supposedly given by her totally contradicts the Quran by telling people to pray to her and put their faith in her (that wouldn't work with the site's endorsing of the Quran as the final message from her, unless one wanted to claim that the woman was actually the Goddess talking, which wouldn't work since she mentioned her "Immaculate Heart"). But, there is also the chance that the children could have seen her and received messages from her, but the ones published were not the original and intentionally had a catholic slant.

If one wanted to get real conspiratorial about it you could say that it was a trick of some sort to try and unite people in to one religion, since the Catholic Church opened an "Interfaith Shrine" afterward.

[edit on 21-5-2010 by NamelessMonster]

[edit on 21-5-2010 by NamelessMonster]

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 11:08 PM
One might be satisfied to take things from the source rather than delving into mysteries for the sake of the chase.

I don’t even have to read what these sites say.

Whether scriptural figures are historically true or real is actually irrelevant because the meaning behind them is what matters. The meanings are timeless messages not bogged down in history or religious dogma around the necks of real pagans.

One might consider what they think is blasphemous in Islam told to them by the mainstream exoterics in Islam not knowing the real kernel of Islam is a mystical system known to the world as Sufism. The Islam is but a dead shell at best, no longer offering much at all in nutrient grace, as all the external religions have fallen to.

I hasten to add that in Sufism [the real Islam] it is perfectly allowed one to pray to any adept of God for help as is allowed even to ask one friend for a dime in the flesh.

Best Wishes to all

Jesus said
Ana Amir El-Islam

I am the prince of peace

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 11:12 PM
Christian,Muslim,Buddhist , they are just words, Love is real,and unless we are transformed through love we are all doomed no matter what we say we believe.
Inside..... not outside....lies the truth.
And then the outside becomes heaven.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 11:22 PM
What I really want to get in to is if these claims stand up to critical analysis. I would like some people in this thread to browse through it and tell me if the supposed connections are actually there, or if her interpretations of the events are even possible once you put it all together. One error I saw was that she said the triangle was the symbol of "Kore". I have looked that up but couldn't find it anywhere.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 01:06 AM
Does the Quran state anywhere that Jesus was in a relationship with Mary Magdalene? Because this site endorses the apocryphal Gnostic writings stating that Mary Magdalene was Jesus's lover and one of his apostles (it also states that Jesus was wealthy, is that in the Quran?). If the Quran is like she claimed it is, then this should have been mentioned in there. It seems to me like the bits of holy books she likes to pick and choose don't overlap well together and cause some contradictions. I also find it interesting that she mentions Siddhartha Gautama as a prophet, but no other holy book in the Abrahamic faiths makes a reference to India's religious history. I think that they would have if he was an important prophet teaching the truth(I could be mistaken here, please straighten me out if I am). She also forgot to mention anything about Zoroaster, who's religion played a big role in shaping religion as we know it today, and directly influenced the Bible (mainly the New Testament) and Quran at points. Even with these errors, it is still possible that she is on to something with some of the connections, her conclusion could just be off.

[edit on 22-5-2010 by NamelessMonster]

[edit on 22-5-2010 by NamelessMonster]

[edit on 22-5-2010 by NamelessMonster]

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by NamelessMonster

I've had a quick look at the first link, and already I can see a couple of flaws in the way the lady is analysing things.

One is the claim that the name BETH-EL, normally translated as "house of God" actually means "daughter of God", But the idea that BETH means both "house" and "daughter" only works on some versions of the way the word is written in our own alphabet. In the original Hebrew, they are written in different ways. The name BETHEL, as written in Hebrew, is definitely based on "house".

Again, she analyses YHWH by taking the first letter, identifying it with "I", and then equating it with the English meaning of "I". But why should the meaning of a Hebrew word have anything to do with a language which wasn't even invented at the time these people were writing?

This very slapdash approach to the interpretation of names, based purely on what they look like in English, suggests that we can't have very much confidence in anything else she says.

[edit on 22-5-2010 by DISRAELI]

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by DISRAELI
reply to post by NamelessMonster

I've had a quick look at the first link, and already I can see a couple of flaws in the way the lady is analysing things.

One is the claim that the name BETH-EL, normally translated as "house of God" actually means "daughter of God", But the idea that BETH means both "house" and "daughter" only works on some versions of the way the word is written in our own alphabet. In the original Hebrew, they are written in different ways. The name BETHEL, as written in Hebrew, is definitely based on "house".

Again, she analyses YHWH by taking the first letter, identifying it with "I", and then equating it with the English meaning of "I". But why should the meaning of a Hebrew word have anything to do with a language which wasn't even invented at the time these people were writing?

This very slapdash approach to the interpretation of names, based purely on what they look like in English, suggests that we can't have very much confidence in anything else she says.

[edit on 22-5-2010 by DISRAELI]

Thanks, your input is much appreciated. I suspected that her interpretations and "translation" of words and names would not stand up when looked at closely by someone familiar with the language.

Anyway, does anyone know what she meant in section 13 where she said

"I have been instructed not to release this chapter. Why? I may not reveal the reasons behind that decision. By this time next year, I believe it will be obvious. To the Children of Islam, I can say only this. Remember that the triangle is the symbol of Kore, and as they say, 'seeing is believing.'"

The editor's note at the bottom says "The timeframe of this chapter is 1994"

[edit on 22-5-2010 by NamelessMonster]

[edit on 22-5-2010 by NamelessMonster]

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by NamelessMonster

I've also, now, had look at her interpretation of "Emmanuel", where she finds the God "Manu".

The first element "Emm" is the Hebrew "with", as normally understood.
The "anu" part is simply the Hebrew suffix meaning "us"- so I think the usual translation "God with us" holds good.

All I can say about your last question is that she was clearly wrong in her assumption that a dramatic event ocurring by 1995 would make her meaning obvious.

[edit on 22-5-2010 by DISRAELI]

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 03:14 AM
You can't lump all of Christianity in with this Mother Goddess worship thing. It's only a few sects of "Rouge Christians" such as the popular sect the Chatholics who believe in Mary Worship.

Most orthodox Christians around the globe do not believe in that at all.. That's a Roman sect of Christian theology. It's also documented historically that this Roman sect adopted a tainted pagan influenced form of worship.

Where the other religions around the world got their ideas I couldn't tell you.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
You can't lump all of Christianity in with this Mother Goddess worship thing. It's only a few sects of "Rouge Christians" such as the popular sect the Chatholics who believe in Mary Worship.

Most orthodox Christians around the globe do not believe in that at all.. That's a Roman sect of Christian theology. It's also documented historically that this Roman sect adopted a tainted pagan influenced form of worship.

Where the other religions around the world got their ideas I couldn't tell you.

It's more complicated than that, the lady on his site claims that the Mother Goddess stuff is how it was supposed to be, and over time it was suppressed and hidden from people. Supposedly she can prove this by the stuff they forgot to remove and accidentally left in the Bible, along with referencing it to other religions.

[edit on 22-5-2010 by NamelessMonster]

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 03:03 PM
Here are some excerpts from the Mandaean writings on Jesus and his relationship with the "evil" female spirit Ruha.

(The link breaks when I try to link directly to the search, so instead you have to go to the page below and type "Ruha Jesus" in the search inside book bar)

The Mandaean belief on this topic seems to fit in with the concept of the "Dimiurge". And it also seems to work with some of the claims that site made, although in a negative light. It would make sense that they would have a negative view of it if what she claimed about John the Baptist was true, since the Mandaeans are followers of his teachings. But this could also mean that they are actually right.

[edit on 22-5-2010 by NamelessMonster]

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 03:18 PM
the 'death' of Able in the biblical account was the corresponding takeover of the Great (male) Patriarch... from the Mother Goddess paridigm.

the Pagan goddess followers were superseeded by the man-god, Patriarch world-view,
also the serpent cults were summerialy cutt-off around the same time = lets say 13,000 bce right at the time of the ice-pack melt that corresponded to the 'universal flood'... the churches have been indoctrinating you & your ancestors for millennia !!

there's still around a ~2% of critical thinkers that still follow the 'goddess' traditions... but 'we' ain't trying to take-over-the-world----or poison the masses minds like MSReligion has done for the last 10k + years

get-a-grip, fellow ATS'ers

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by St Udio

the 'death' of Able in the biblical account was the corresponding takeover of the Great (male) Patriarch... from the Mother Goddess paridigm.

the Pagan goddess followers were superseeded by the man-god, Patriarch world-view,
also the serpent cults were summerialy cutt-off around the same time = lets say 13,000 bce right at the time of the ice-pack melt that corresponded to the 'universal flood'... the churches have been indoctrinating you & your ancestors for millennia !!

there's still around a ~2% of critical thinkers that still follow the 'goddess' traditions... but 'we' ain't trying to take-over-the-world----or poison the masses minds like MSReligion has done for the last 10k + years

get-a-grip, fellow ATS'ers

But do you believe that the original Christianity and Islam were actually promoting worship of the Mother Goddess? Also, do you believe that the Fatima apparition and Miracle of the Sun mentioned and linked to earlier was to connect those religions? I personally think that Islam is incompatible with the old Mother Goddess worship, even if it has some of the rituals. From what I have read he overturned the female oriented belief that was going on at the time, stopped the polytheism, but also made it masculine. There are too many quotations recorded in Hadiths that show that it is a male oriented religion (No offense meant to the followers of Islam)

And if she endorsed the Quran and the prophet Muhammad as the Goddess's final message (ignoring the contradictions in history caused by the religious events not being able to overlap), that should mean that people should follow all of the laws laid out in the Quran and mentioned in the Hadiths, even though the person in charge of the site doesn't appear to. This would also be a major failure on the Goddess's part, since Islam appears to be the most male oriented religion currently out there that refuses to be swayed by modern influence (Again, no offense meant. If the Bible wasn't watered down it is clearly male oriented as well)

I personally think that the Fatima event (which didn't actually happen in Fatima) was overridden by the Church and used as a trick to try and unite religions in a more catholic direction. (that is why they said it was in "Fatima", Muhammad's daughter's name)
See the "Our Lady of Fatima" thread linked to earlier for more on that.

I think that a lot of the "Mother Goddess" symbolism that she finds in these religions is not actually intentional, it is just the result of the religions absorbing influence from the older Goddess oriented ones. The only thing that is really causing me trouble right is the supposed "Fatima Apparition", although it's message seemed too catholic, unless it was twisted later to appear catholic. But if what the kids saw gave them messages that were not catholic, why would the kids let what she said be twisted up and end up catholic, ruining her message? This is why I don't really think that this part would work.

This page raises some problems with the stories about the visions.

[edit on 22-5-2010 by NamelessMonster]

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 05:14 PM
Some points of clarity:

The “Mother Goddess” is behind ALL religions in the world because religion deals with the fall of the spiritual solar world [Garden of Eden].
Even Buddhism and Hinduism have references to this in the Tara tradition of those groups.

In the so-called Abrahamhic faiths, one has to first understand what Mary represents in the mystical cosmology to understand anything. Before Mary was Isis, in Egyptian religion, and maybe later Sarah as relates to the allegories of Abraham.
Mary represents the sun. The center of the fallen world before it fell.
Again I repeat Mary Magdalene represents the fallen world as it is, in the allegory.

In this instance one has to accept the theory that the Abrahamhic faiths degenerated into masculine centered religions by suppressing the feminine aspect of their origins.

Islam is definitely connected to Sophia or the Goddess Wisdom through Sufism which has a tradition of that lore. People don’t know that the “Ummi Prophet”, a nickname of Muhammad means not only unlettered, but from the root means “one who belongs to the mother, and immaculate!

The suppression of the feminine principle in religion occurred long before the advent of even Judaism. Christianity and Islam attempted to somewhat bring the feminine back to the surface. . . . Christianity through the Sophia and Mary traditions, and Islam through Sufism.

It is only today can we decipher from history the fact that the suppression of the feminine aspect of religion is its downfall.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
Some points of clarity:

The “Mother Goddess” is behind ALL religions in the world because religion deals with the fall of the spiritual solar world [Garden of Eden].
Even Buddhism and Hinduism have references to this in the Tara tradition of those groups.

In the so-called Abrahamhic faiths, one has to first understand what Mary represents in the mystical cosmology to understand anything. Before Mary was Isis, in Egyptian religion, and maybe later Sarah as relates to the allegories of Abraham.
Mary represents the sun. The center of the fallen world before it fell.
Again I repeat Mary Magdalene represents the fallen world as it is, in the allegory.

In this instance one has to accept the theory that the Abrahamhic faiths degenerated into masculine centered religions by suppressing the feminine aspect of their origins.

Islam is definitely connected to Sophia or the Goddess Wisdom through Sufism which has a tradition of that lore. People don’t know that the “Ummi Prophet”, a nickname of Muhammad means not only unlettered, but from the root means “one who belongs to the mother, and immaculate!

The suppression of the feminine principle in religion occurred long before the advent of even Judaism. Christianity and Islam attempted to somewhat bring the feminine back to the surface. . . . Christianity through the Sophia and Mary traditions, and Islam through Sufism.

It is only today can we decipher from history the fact that the suppression of the feminine aspect of religion is its downfall.

I thought that the Sun was a masculine symbol, and that the moon was the feminine symbol that could be connected to Mary. Also, thanks for posting this stuff, I find it really interesting. But isn't it also true that although the "Abrahamic" faiths brought people to monotheism, they actually suppressed, converted and destroyed cultures that had female aspects and figures directly honored? I'm not sure how Judaism, Christianity and Islam really brought them more to the surface than it already was in some of the more obscure religions that were wiped out or suppressed due to them.

Something interesting I found on the "Feminine aspect of God"

This could be connected to what supposedly happened at Fatima.

And this is also interesting.

This pretty much shows that Islam can't be exactly what she claimed it was in relation to the Mother Goddess.
[edit on 23-5-2010 by NamelessMonster]

[edit on 23-5-2010 by NamelessMonster]

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 10:40 PM
One other problem I noticed is that none of these people ever mention the human sacrifice commonly associated with ancient mother Goddesses. I did some research on human sacrifices and noticed that it is usually related to a Mother Goddess, and this site below lists some of them.

All of these names popped up somewhere in this woman's writings. So I wonder, what is the explanation for such a loving and caring deity wanting human sacrifices and other blood rituals? It isn't mentioned on that site, but there was also human sacrifice to Semiramis, and possibly others. Clearly she glossed over these things, unless I missed something or am misinformed

[edit on 22-5-2010 by NamelessMonster]

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