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I know why the democrats clapped.

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posted on May, 21 2010 @ 05:53 PM
I know why the democrats clapped.

They clapped, because they do not want to see this nation succeed. They dont care about what the PEOPLE want. They dont really care about terrorism, because if they did, the first thing they would have done, was secure our borders. It seemed to me as if what we were seeing displayed there was a broadcast coming from a foreign planet, it seemed really alien. I have never felt more disconnected with my government, granted I am not that old, I only really lived through a handful of administrations. This one by far, has me the most worried. These people are representing THEMSELVES, because they know that they are going to be OUT coming up here in the near elections. DO NOT GET ME WRONG, this DOES apply to Republicans as well.

These people are DONE when it comes to my ballot.

If these people really cared about our Nation and its people, then they would show how much they care by protecting what we call home. If we cannot rely on our governments to protect us, then we as a people must put in people who can. We dont need empty rhetoric about World Peace on top of Nucleor Missle Deals, you dont need someone telling you to watch out for them terrorists if they arent really trying to protect you in the first place, and you dont need these big blabber mouths overwriting OUR LAWS without OUR approval.


Yet, they stand and clap for a man that has NO STANDING OR APPROVAL from the American people.
He DOES NOT make OUR laws, he makes his own, and the last time I checked, they were pretty hypocritical compared to his words on Arizonas law.

They clapped, because they dont care about what the American people want, they only care about what They want. The video shows me that, along with all of the other crap that they have been pulling on us over the past couple of years.
I think the other part of this post can even go into the fact that since they dont care, why would they let you know anything about what they do? Disclosure? Psh. Forget it.Jobs? Psh. Forget it. A balanced budget? HAHAHA. Get Real! Protection? HaH! Only in my wallet. These people are chumps, we dont need them.

That was my rant. Thanks for listening =)
If you are going to hate, make sure you say thank you at the end.
Thank You.


[edit on 21-5-2010 by Common Good]

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 05:56 PM
They always clap when foreign leaders visit. VP of China was in the US in 2002. Does that mean the Republicans want to make the US communist?

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 05:59 PM


posted on May, 21 2010 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Common Good

Same goes for the Republicans in 2002 by your logic.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

"DO NOT GET ME WRONG, this DOES apply to Republicans as well."

It helps to read.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by Common Good
They clapped, because they do not want to see this nation succeed.

How does a nation succeed by requiring american citizens to present passports, proof of citizenship everywhere they go? One would assume that such a requirement would be restricted to crossing over the border, or through your local airport. But taking a walk to the shop requires proof of citizenship? That to me does not show anywhere as to where this nation is succeeding.

They dont care about what the PEOPLE want.

It was around 50 years ago that the people wanted to maintain segregation. It was about 150 years ago that the people wanted to leave the issue of slavery alone. It was 60 years ago that the people wanted no involvement in world war 2. The 'people' over their consensus are not always right and this is why this country is a Republic. We take into consideration the rights of an individual, away from threat of mob rule. What we are seeing in Arizona in my opinion is that of mob rule.

It is important for representitives to pay attention to the concerns of their constituents, but also to mind the constitutional rights and guidelines in this nation.

They dont really care about terrorism, because if they did, the first thing they would have done, was secure our borders.

Ironically we are finding that many of the domestic terrorists are American citizens. The issue of the borders down south have little influence to the sources of terrorism in this country. In anycase while it is important to strengthen the borders, they can only do so much. Borders are not impenetrable and so as businesses are still open to hiring illegals, the issue will continue to persist.

this DOES apply to Republicans

And yet the title of your thread targets Democrats specifically. In anycase come November people in the same line thinking as you will vote Republican, and I am sure you are well aware of this. I don't see the need for shaping the argument any other way when that will be the reality of the fact. Both parties have failed this country in solving the illegal immigration crises, but this law passed by Republicans to pander to voters will not change the issue much either.

If these people really cared about our Nation and its people, then they would show how much they care by protecting what we call home.

What about our own homes? What about our own rights? Why should an american citizen have to present his passport to walk to the grocery store? Or to take his kids to park? Why should an american citizen be under threat to carry papers with him day and day out to prove himself in a country he/she may verywell have been born in? Day in and day out american citizens will be harassed over the basis of citizenship and that to me is not right, neither does it appear to solve the situation. To me it just creates further division.

So long as businesses are open to illegals, the problem will continue to be as bad as it is now. So long as businesses will not be held as accountable for the actions and contributions to the situation, the issue will not be going anywhere. But it'd be a fat chance that you would actually see enforcement or crackdowns from Republicans or Democrats because afterall.... half their campaign contributions come from these very same businesses.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
They always clap when foreign leaders visit. VP of China was in the US in 2002. Does that mean the Republicans want to make the US communist?

Really? Like they clap for Ahmadinejad?

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

What about our own homes? What about our own rights? Why should an american citizen have to present his passport to walk to the grocery store? Or to take his kids to park? Why should an american citizen be under threat to carry papers with him day and day out to prove himself in a country he/she may verywell have been born in? Day in and day out american citizens will be harassed over the basis of citizenship and that to me is not right, neither does it appear to solve the situation. To me it just creates further division.

I dont think you are understanding the issue correctly. This isnt some kind of fascist law, in fact it has been federal law for a long time and it simply has not been enforced.

What this law does is allow police officers to ask for proof of residence if you have no driver's license or any proof of citizenship and do not speak english.

They arent going to go to every american OR LATINO/A and ask for "papers".

Here listen to some of this......

[edit on 21-5-2010 by NightoftheComet]

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Sorry disagree

the AZ law seeks to have AZ LOEs enforce federal laws . Period nothing more .

If they don't want to have immigration laws have congress pass a bill removing them . Not lets just IGNORE THE LAW . And criticize any one who wants to enforces the laws .

This all boils down to enforce the law or ignore it that's all .

The supreme court already sided with LOE that you need to produce ID if asked if under suspicion of a crime by probable cause . Which is the yard stick on if someone will be asked for papers or not .

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Common Good

Why did they clap, couple of the reasons are found here-

Is the United States of America even a country?

What is the purpose of the US Military?

I would like to bring a comment in from one of these threads. The idea of the United States of America is why they were clapping. They are clapping because they are almost there, in destroying the idea so many have died and fought for.


Words are just an instrument. Be they used as a sword or a plowshare, they in no way are ever wrong, if they come from the heart. As the sword in defense or the plowshare in giving.

It seems that some are awakening and to those I say, knowledge is power. Knowledge has to be given freely with no encumbrances.

In the beginning of the thread I wanted to address the issue of borders of a country. These could include the borders placed upon us the citizenry. The ones that seem to be getting closer and more oppressive whereby the borders of our country seem to be ever expanding.

As I addressed in another thread, what is the purpose of the US military? If not to protect the US? One would argue than that it's purpose is to enforce the will of the government, that wields it.

With a government, that the citizenry believes by the ration of 4 to 1, that it is out of control. It does not abide by our wishes, it does not abide by it's very own laws. It attempts to enforce it's will upon the world.

That is not an American ideal.

You cannot bring a horse to water as you cannot force people to be free.

It is an abomination.

United States of America has borders, they are DEFINED in the US Constitution! They are not physical, they are metaphysical.

They have been ripped apart and thrown to the furthest reaches of the world and have become abhorrent to those who truly cherish the borders of this once great nation of ideals and ideas.

Enforce our borders, the physical and the metaphysical. For they are truth, justice and the American DREAM.

[edit on 5/21/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by lpowell0627

He did not address Congress. Clapping for Calderon was simply a display of respect. No meaning really.

[edit on 21-5-2010 by InvisibleAlbatross]

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 08:50 PM
Thankyou for using that video as a reference, it only further proves my point. Hopefully you will address each points I make (unlike many others) if this is to be a direct debate.

Originally posted by NightoftheComet
I dont think you are understanding the issue correctly. This isnt some kind of fascist law,

Well since you speak of 'fascist law' let me go right back to the video you linked to me. This representitive insists that assimulation be a requirement for immigrants in this country. Where in the constitution does it require people to assimulate to a certain culture? We have first ammendment rights of freedom to speak as we please, to follow any belief we please, to act as we please. Nobody has the right to come up to me and tell me I have to speak a certain language and act a certain way to appeal to culture. Where on earth do you get off thinking you should dictate how I should act an assimulate to what somebody perceives as 'American'?

Any law that forces a person to act and abide by one cultural rule is fascist and this clearly what Mr McClintock is advocating here. I also find it interesting in which this man references a spanish motto in his argument in the case of assimulation
really? This representitive also made mention of police officers stopping people in cars at random, arresting those who do not have licences,passports present researching their backround. This is the same argument advocates for this bill make ignoring the fact that driving a car is a different action to simply minding your own business and walking to the grocery story, or sitting in the privacy of your own home, property. Driving is a privilege not a right where you are required to have a licence. You should not be required to have a licence for walking down the road, through a park, to your own home.

Explain to me how forcing american citizens to abide by one culture is not fascist. If Im walking down the road waving a mexican flag, speaking in spanish, but I was born here, do you think it would not be fascist if I were to be arrested for this? How does this not conflict with our freedom of speech and expression in this country? Get back to me on this you hear.

in fact it has been federal law for a long time and it simply has not been enforced.

Can you reference me this Federal law you talk about?

What this law does is allow police officers to ask for proof of residence if you have no driver's license or any proof of citizenship and do not speak english.

No, the law allows police officers to require identification from anybody over reasonable suspicion, this casts a wide net over what excuses police officers can use to demand papers from somebody simply walking down the street.


The term 'Lawful contact' casts a wide net as to who police officers and approach and ask papers of. Police officers do not need reason to approach a person walking down the street, they only need to approad that person. Reasonable suspicion allows police officers to stop anybody they come into contact with to demand papers.

They arent going to go to every american OR LATINO/A and ask for "papers".

And how exactly do you know this? What will prevent a police officer or anybody of authority from stopping somebody purely over racial and ethnic intentions? Some officer can do so purely based on the characteristics of another individual, demand they present papers, and merely not be forthcoming on their true intentions. So the question really is, how do you know that all people are honest and fair? Are you a mind reader?

Its like I can introduce a bill allowing japanese whalers to kill whales provided that it is purely for scientific purposes, and I can insist that they will not be killing these whales for consumption. What on earth do I have to assure somebody this is not the true intentions of the whalers? Unless I am some kind of a mind reader, I simply cannot, and the same can be applied to this law.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by Common Good

Not to burst your bubble, but I saw the republicans clapping too.

I think it's customary to do when a foreign leader is on the floor.

Regardless, IMO 90% of Congress on both sides are traitors in one way or another.

I wish I could throw a pie in ALL their faces.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 09:48 PM
No foreign president should ever stand before our congress and address them.

They may give testimony or bear witness if asked , but not to address our elected representatives in a dictatorial fashion.

Obama needs to watch out, i think he has no legal standing to not enforce the law of this land. He must protect every state from invasion.

Obama is very close to providing enough evidence to his commanders to relieve him of command.

Civil war was about states ignoring the civil rights promised in the Constitution.

This argument is about a commander and chief and a congress and senate neglecting its duties to the states and people which created the feds.

You are going to protect us from invasion or we will do it ourselves and we will dismiss you mr President. You are in the wrong and you will lose this battle.

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