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Majority Of Government Doesn't Trust Citizens Either

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posted on May, 21 2010 @ 03:57 PM

Majority Of Government Doesn't Trust Citizens Either

WASHINGTON—At a time when widespread polling data suggests that a majority of the U.S. populace no longer trusts the federal government, a Pew Research Center report has found that the vast majority of the federal government doesn't trust the U.S. populace all that much either.
According to the poll—which surveyed members of the judicial, legislative, and executive branches—9 out of 10 government officials reported feeling "disillusioned" by the populace and claimed to have "completely lost
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on May, 21 2010 @ 03:57 PM
The Government of Today is rapidly expanding and uniting to World Order. This article is a perfect example of what The Organizer of The World Order's thoughts are and below is some Top Secret information that I wanted the public to know.

This article will be very enlightening! People in today's society tend to want to concentrate in their "own little world" of their mundane lives or exciting careers without wanting to delve in deeper into the Politics of Today's World. This is a mistake! This may be such a long article that I may have to break it up in sections but it is extremely informative.

You as a citizen of this planet deserve to know; need to know and you should want to know. 9-11 can happen in your country (they bombed in London after 9-11), and I assure you that it was not terrorists that was ultimately behind the plans of the catastrophic world events for the past 100 years. It was systematically schemed. Why? To create a sense of Terror, Chaos, panic, among the people of the United States and London and all the other countries that "terrorists" have hit AND to cipher money and re-direct and steal from people by manipulating stock markets/global markets/money market accounts/gold/platinum/steel/diamonds/gems/silver and everything pertaining to money and investments such as Dow Jones and re-routing and transferring to The World Bank, European Investment Bank, and Deutsche Bank (Germany Bank) view their holdings and assets. I could not believe how much money Germany has. The reason Germany has this much Euros for this is because of The World Governance has been organized planned and The Organizer of World Order planned to ruin all financial markets to force World Currency. The U.S. Dollar is down dramatically compared to the Euro. I would not be surprised if the German Bank has more cash than most commercial banks in The United States. The World Bank has more money than all countries combined.

The Euro has a higher exchange rate than the U.S. Dollar As of March 11, 2010, the peso's exchange rate was 12.288 per Canadian dollar, 17.245 per Euro, and 12.614 per U.S. dollar.

They used the terrorists I assure you Osama Bin Laden is already dead and it occurred in 2009. They did not want you to know of course because he is a fall guy and an easy out. They were actually holding him in prison for years and blaming him for their bombings, assassinations, murders and diabolical schemes...hey U.S. military trained them in Afghanistan, do you remember? They use Muslims because Muslims are an easy out for them and easily persuaded when given information that their country will be in siege; so Muslims retaliate. They could not do all of this with out the help of The Orchestator who has been the strategist and planner of World Order/World
Governance/ World Currency/World Dictatorship for centuries. The Plan actually began with The Vatican's Empire from the Roman Empire; The Popes (Papals) eventually succeeded The Roman Emperors and took over. The Roman Catholic Church had been a huge influence until a Power Hungry Orchestrator took over with the Global Governance. This is why a religion is included within The United Nations as a government body. The Vatican has always supported secretly The World Order as they wrote the New Testament.
There is only one Orchestrator per generation and do not ever try to play chess with them as they will win every time because he is so intelligent that he stays 10 steps ahead of everyone in the world that is a threat. They are chosen by the previous Orchestrator only. The Orchestrator systematically plans everything and The Control Group carries out the plans and they protect each other; they swear an oath not to divulge The Orchestrator's name nor about the Control Group nor the names of the Control Group. The Control Group (I call them that) are the MAJOR Players in dominating the World; and are generally World Leaders/World Finance. The Control Group carries out The Orchestrator plans. The Orchestrator tells them what the next plan of action is world-wide. The Control Group controls the Politicians/World Banks/World Leaders and World Leaders/World Banks/World Politicians in turn are the Directors and diect everyone else down the line through their subordinates if it is not carried out then they are replaced with someone who will carry out the actions of The Orchestrator. Such as Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown did not want to go along with something that the New Orchestrator and Control Group told him to do; therefore he resigned. I do not know yet what Mr. Brown refused to do but I assume it has something to do with the Queen and the Queens family.

As I stated Orchestrators have been in every generation and careful picked to succeed the dying Orchestrator. The Last Orchestrator was personally responsible for everything I had previously mentioned 9-11, fall and rise of stock markets and all world dominating strategies; including Media Giants (we will get to that part in a minute). I cannot express to you the importance of the incredible intelligence of The Orchestrator and the POWER he holds. He is more POWERFUL than ANY President of The United States or President around the world; He is the MOST POWERFUL of ALL in the entire World. All Government Leaders know it as He Orchestrates them in to positions of Power but never more powerful than The Orchestrator. The Former Orchestrator was POWERFUL, STRETEGIC AND CREATED AN ALLIANCE OF Followers and pansies that Did His Bidding. He is usually behind the scenes but very known.

Even me finding out who The Former Orchestrator was could get me killed; fact! I could not believe that no one figured it out for themselves because when I had read his Biography it was Obvious.
The Orchestrator from 1960-2008 was Robert Strange McNamara (June 9, 1916 – July 6, 2009) was an American business executive and the eighth Secretary of Defense, serving under Presidents John F Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson from 1961 to 1968. Following that he served as President of the World Bank from 1968 until 1981. McNamara was responsible for the institution of systems analysis in public policy, which developed into the discipline known today as policy analysis. Secretary of Defense; he created The Defense Intelligence Agency, (new information not in his Bio as this is extremely TOP SECRET Material; McNamara created and was The Director of the most secret agency globally known to me as Agency Trinity; it may have another name but this is the name that I know.
*Graduated from Berkeley with Bachelor's degree in Economics
*MBA From Harvard Business School
* Professor at Harvard
* Known as one of the "Whiz Kids" when he worked for Ford Motor and literally strategize Ford out of debt and became President of Ford Motors. Then reigned to become JFK's New Secretary of Defense; he was not Pres. Kennedy's choice at all but The New President was persuaded to Choose McNamara by The Orchestrator (that was dying) prior to McNamara becoming The Orchestrator in 1960.
* President of The World Bank (1968-1981) but he never actually left -people began to notice that he was in that position for too long and he put a lackey into that position and still controlled The World's Finances at The World Bank, and did until shortly before his death.

Facts: The Assassinations of JFK, Robert Kennedy, President JFK's son John F. Kennedy Jr. was planned by McNamara. As all World Events. JFK actually caught McNamara off guard with this Presidential Address about secret societies.

JFK Speech about secret societies (see link)

I guarantee you that McNamara was not cut off guard again.

I also want to point out to you that The World Bank of The United States Government own all media giants and so much more. As McNamara orcestrated it that way. I had already known this and was searching for proof for you so that you will know this blog is the truth and know the massive impact that the large scale media has of literally brain washing you for The Orchestrator and The Control Group. This News article is old however it dipects on the grand scale of the Orchestrator and The Control Groups monoply on everything and the PROPAGANDA they have been feeding the people fo the world. If you do not want to read the entire article I have copied and pasted the most important parts below. Thank you to the writer of this important find.

The Global Media Giants
We are the world

By Robert McChesney

"The global commercial system is a very recent development. Until the 1980s, media systems were generally national in scope. While there have been imports of books, films, music and TV shows for decades, the basic broadcasting systems and newspaper industries were domestically owned and regulated. Beginning in the 1980s, pressure from the IMF, World Bank and U.S. government to deregulate and privatize media and communication systems coincided with new satellite and digital technologies, resulting in the rise of transnational media giants."

"What is tragic is that this entire process of global media concentration has taken place with little public debate, especially in the U.S., despite the clear implications for politics and culture. After World War II, the Allies restricted media concentration in occupied Germany and Japan because they noted that such concentration promoted anti-democratic, even fascist, political cultures. It may be time for the United States and everyone else to take a dose of that medicine. But for that to happen will require concerted effort to educate and organize people around media issues. That is the task before us."

Do you see the Propaganda above? "Pressure from the IMF, World Bank, and U.S. Government coincided with new satellite and digital technologies, resulting in the rise of transnational media giants" Who controls World Bank? Who controls U.S. Government? Who controls World Technology? McNamara wanted to control the media and have The World Order own them prior to all plans coming to the desired outcome. Why? To control the populace and brain wash people into 1st- convincing people that World Order is not their means to an end - but it IS. 2- convince people that World Order and uniting all countries will bring about Peace and World Unity. This is a LIE! The Outcome will be dictatorship and dropping of borders (immigration will be a thing of the past as anyone will be welcome anywhere; with The King of the World being Barack Obama and second in command will not be the pansy Vice President Joe Biden but The Orchestrator will be second in command but eventually will take the lead as the Dictator of The New World Order. They plan to take over The United Nations and The U.N. will be their Centralized Command Center. The rest of the world the people will be taken over and New Laws are being written not only by The U.S. but dictated to other countries to re-write new Laws so that The World Order Law will be first and foremost.

Most people know that the Politicians of Today are from Groups, Orders, Societies, Sects of Roman Catholic Church and from The Vatican and Sects of The Vatican such as Jesuits, Legions of Christ and affiliated Roman Catholic divisions and non-profit organizations and so many more...Please wake up about what is going on in this world. Right now they are Organizing The Breaking down of Systems for the eventual Outcome and Goal of The World Governance.

See Link to my space page under additional links and continue to read the truth!
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 22-5-2010 by The Elect of God is here]

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 04:02 PM
It's the Onion... you know that's a parody site, right?

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 04:05 PM
Hmmm, your 'news source' is the Onion. I just about fell out of my chair laughing when I noticed that.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 04:09 PM
damn, links not posting. Anyway OP the onion is not a legit source, it's comedy.

[edit on 21-5-2010 by Solomons]

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 04:09 PM
distrust breeds distrust....i didnt read the article...i dont need to.....this is one of those concepts that is simply self evident...i dont need to read an article to feel better about believing this......history shows that governments do only one thing: increase power and control over their subjects.

case forking closed.....

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 04:20 PM
From "The Onion"...
Added Obama, "At this point, the only positive thing I can say about the American people is that I'm pretty sure they've never rigged an election in their favor."

That is classic.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 04:31 PM

The reason the gov't doesn't trust the People is because of Hister. Nostradamus predicted the appearance of the Beast in Europe, and the prophesy named it Hister. Now if you shift S one-position to the right, you get T, then shift T eight positions left you get L. That's 1,8 or 18 which is 6x6x6, thus Hister is Hitler and Nostradamus is the Prophet of God, and... and.. that is why the gov't doesn't trust the people...


posted on May, 21 2010 @ 04:41 PM
But the facts do bear it out.

While the majority of Americans support the Arizona laws,

the US congress gave Calderon a standing ovation when he roundly condemned them,

not withstanding the brutal way Mexico treats illegal immigrants on ITs territory.

Pomposity rules the elites,
reality is no object when YOUR tax dollars & not theirs are involved.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Northern Observer
Hmmm, your 'news source' is the Onion. I just about fell out of my chair laughing when I noticed that.

Yeah, I'm still laughing.

Well, I gave the OP a star for the laugh. I don't get to laugh much.

Ironic enough though, the story is probably true.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 04:58 PM
Whether there was a poll or not, "they" better not trust us. They have no reason to trust us.

At this point in our civilization's history, it would be ludicrous for the government to trust the people, as there's only like 4 people that trust the government.

Besides, you don't hide things from people you trust. Especially when what you're hiding is 95% of reality as we know it.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 04:59 PM
I had two parts I really liked.
These quotes made me giggle.

Sen. Jim Bunning (R-KY) said. "Year after year, they elect terrible officials who make terrible decisions on their behalf. The fact that I, Jim Bunning, am a two-term U.S. senator really shows you just how far Americans have gone off the rails."
"I wouldn't trust anyone who voted me into office," he added.

This one was my favorite though.

"They can't even fill out their census forms, for crying out loud," Gov. Butch Otter of Idaho said. "It's only 10 questions long. We're not talking about taking the SATs here. Jesus Christ, don't get me started on the SATs."

That "news source" is true to it's name. It makes me cry.


posted on May, 21 2010 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by Chakotay

Hey, don't knock Nostradamus. He once wrote,
"The great star will fall in the east, and be consumed by the natives. The natives rejoiced as they went to the great festival."

Sure enough, the Dallas Cowboys lost to the Washington Redskins in the playoffs, and the Redskins went to the Super Bowl.

I couldn't believe it....

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 06:12 PM

It's the flippin Onion!

And some people were taking it seriously

All kidding aside, come November, they will all be voted out.
It's too late to apologize.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 08:16 PM
LMAO...I know it's the onion but be damned if this one doesn't sound true though. I'll star for the laugh.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by The Elect of God is here

Majority Of Government Doesn't Trust Citizens Either

US citizens ARE the government. The sooner elected officials realize that their purpose is to SERVE US, the sooner they will understand the error of their thinking.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by Violater1

It's the flippin Onion!

And some people were taking it seriously

All kidding aside, come November, they will all be voted out.
It's too late to apologize.

We should make a bet right here right now, that America will be fouled again.

I mean you guys got fouled by Bush twice in a row, then Obama came tricked you like an onion tricking the OP.

And ofcurse the government doesn't trust the populace, if it did, then they wouldn't have any body guards protecting them. A true leader is hard to find at todays day and age.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 11:01 PM
Can a mod please move this to BTS please? I don't see why this is still on here.

reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Um. No we aren't the government.

Look around you. I know people that think like you and I think that you have a very erroneous misconception about the world. We aren't the government. There are rules in place in the government to keep all of our views from being heard. They have corporate lobbying that can influence legislation that can keep bills we want passed from being passed. Political parties are controlled by the same lobbyists on both ends. Money is the name of the game in Washington. If anything, corporations are the government, and, we seem to have a government-corporate state.

And if you think the free market and capitalism is the reason for this, you would be wrong. It's because Congressman use the funds from corporations to keep getting elected. So no, we're not really our government.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by mythatsabigprobe

I am a former intelligence agent. Actually, I just needed to get the information out there (on my comments) after the article because it is valuable information it did not make a difference what news article I used such as "The Onion" (I was mocking how they really do view the American people) and if you read my comments afterwards the entire message that took me 6 hrs to write because I do care want to the truth to be known because I actually worked for the government!

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by mythatsabigprobe

I am a former intelligence agent and used the newspaper article of "the onion" because they really do view and mock all of the people of the world as ignorant. I have supplied you and others with valuable information and if you so not read it then perhaps you are one of the ones Politians are refering to. Honestly, I thought the American people were smarter than to disregard the truth. "Big Brother"'s comment made me think WOW perhaps he is "Big Brother" are you familiar as to what that refers to? I am. By you and others rejecting this VALUABLE information I have provided for you it does make me think that you and other people have been so brain washed by the media that The Governments DO OWN that you will be one of the ones in total SHOCK when everything goes down and they tell everyone what they did. Think about it don't be an idiot!

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