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Originally posted by Shere Khaan
Originally posted by murnut
I haven't been here too much since the drone hoax, but i'd like to say thank you to all of the folks I worked with on this
It really was a team effort and i could not be more pleased with the outcome...unless some how Salla was implicated at the hoax master.
That would be epic
Murnut, when you got banned from OM it was all I needed to understand the lay of the land.
Some would call it revenge that you busted it wide open, but I call it Karma.
Kudos to you and the team.
Originally posted by airforce47
As other posters have said this isn't funny. I've decided to give these practical jokers a lesson they may not ever forget. The matter has been reported to the FBI and the NCIS. Since it involves several felonies (civilian) or very serious misconduct (military - unbecoming and violation of the general order) the feds won't find it funny either. It may mean jail or being senteced to dismissal for any and all who were involved. My best,
Greetings NCIS,
This has been sent to the FBI but you might find it interesting. My offer for filing UCMJ charges against this joker stands, that is if he's actually a member of the military which I doubt. The URL is
As a cross service favor I didn't want to see you blind sided in case he really is a senior naval officer.
Greetings Special Agents,
I've been following a story on the ATS website for some time and it's now reached the point where it needs to brought to your attention. It seems a certain Richard Theilmann (source A) has been having clandestine meetings with someone out of government and passing supposedly classified disclosure information about secret UN UFO/Alien meetings.
It now appears to be a hoax but it isn't funny. If this Richard Theilmann is a civilian then he has unlawfully worn a naval officers uniform with decorations and/or was in possession of a fake military ID card. If this is the case then he's yours and all you need to do is investigate and arrest him on a variety of serious charges.
If he's an actual naval officer then it still isn't funny and he's brought discredit upon himself and the US Navy. I'm a retired Master Sergeant from the Air Force and would be happy to bring UCMJ charges against him for conduct unbecoming along with charges of unauthorized release of classified material.
I request you open an investigation against this individual and any conspirators who may have helped him. My best
Originally posted by Mr Mask
reply to post by IsaacKoi
Great post and wonderful to see a fraud dismantled.
It is a damn shame that these types are so well funded and openly accepted by so many people looking for truth.
I like Source A's Myspace page where he admits to being a male-salve for kicks with a pad-lock attached to his crotch...and of course his perverted quotes of him begging for female sex partners...what a class act, surly worthy of being our diplomat to the ETs.
I always find it funny when people who believe truly in UFO/alien contact all the while saying that the government is covering it up, while they insist these internet-actors are the real deal.
If the government IS truly covering it up...wouldn't it be logical that all these mini-celebrity Disclosure talking-head idiots behind all these little groups may just be "planted agents to discredit the official story"?
And if that is going too about just assuming them to be "liars" getting "paid" to lie?
I mean seriously...Greer, Project Scam-o-lot, Dean, Wilococks, all of them!!! They are all sucking dollars from the gullible and pocketing it with ease...and while they do that, the subject of UFOs gets verified as a "joke"...
This makes UFO-ers look stupid...
For an agenda or by accident, it is clear that ALL of these little peddlers of disinfo/lies are all out for money (or out of their minds).
Great post...s&f.
[edit on 21-5-2010 by Mr Mask]
Originally posted by Unity_99
Thank you for bringing this forward here, and also the links to the other threads as well. I have read about this and Source A, its well known by a few that these have been going on, Anthra Andromeda has talked about this very thing and a friend who has shared experiences with me as well.
There are even meetings that have taken place with leaders and officials in Telos, Mount Shasta.
the target audience such hoaxes are aimed at, ie., unquestioning believers.
Make even the most extravagant claims about UFOs in a serious and seemingly covert way, add evocative organizations and clandestine meetings and bingo, the gullible will flood to your support.
Originating, existing, occurring, outside the earth or it’s atmosphere, extraterrestrial life.
Existing, taking place, or coming from outside the limits of the earth.
Originating, located, or occurring outside Earth or its atmosphere: intelligent extraterrestrial life. An extraterrestrial being or life form.
Originally posted by rdube02
Thanks everyone - that's ultimately the mission of RU, and we do hope to continue it for many years to come.
Originally posted by murnut
I haven't been here too much since the drone hoax, but i'd like to say thank you to all of the folks I worked with on this
It really was a team effort and i could not be more pleased with the outcome...unless some how Salla was implicated at the hoax master.
That would be epic
Wow, how many people are going to claim mental superiority over another ATS member? This is a bit distasteful.
I can recall multiple embarrassing comments made by literally every member who has felt it necessary to showcase the embarrassing paragraph left by Unity_99. It's not exactly hypocritical, but it's quite offensive and completely uncalled for.
ET MAN.....
That would have to be one of the most spectacularly off-topic posts I've seen for a long time!
Did you read the post?
Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by ET_MAN
Is your post intended to defend hoaxers?
I must assume that you are simply a skeptic/non-believer of the very possibility of ET's interacting with humanity on Earth in one way or another?
However when it comes to name calling, labeling and calling others gullible using the source-A hoax in your favor to demonstrate somehow that all of those who believe in extraterrestrials are nothing but as you put it gullible then I believe you are unwisely doing so.
To discount the possibility of us being alone is, in my opinion, ridiculous.
I am a skeptic when it comes to the more fanciful and Hollywood inspired stories about UFOs.
You’re a friend of hers, so why not tell her that she totally misread the subject matter here? Let’s have her take on this.
This whole “UN ET meeting” is a prime example of a deliberate attempt at manipulating other people’s opinions,
And what’s more, it is doing exactly what “sheeple” are accused of; accepting knowledge as true without any personal exploration.
if all you can do is to offer spurious advice to desperate people, and present prophecies of doom and gloom to the type of audience that revels in our possible global destruction, then I class you along with those who perpetrated the story of these fake UN meetings.
And to disprove me,