posted on May, 22 2010 @ 05:47 AM
Why are they calling it everything from a hoax to a crossbread but no mention of it just being a half decompesed otter? Is there something im missing
here that rules it out from being an otter? From the teeth to the nose whiskers and head shape it has otter written all over it, as for the face
perhaps the lighter fur many of them have around the facial area was the first to go. I have a suspicion the msm picks out the most rediculous
anomalies to further ensure their paradigm is safe amoungst readers who must be given a history of the most crazy and easily debunkable mysteries
while often the best goes unmnetioned. I was annoyed at ninemsn the day of the norway spiral they downplayed it by showing a real photo but then under
the caption they called it "an artists impression", but then with this story they have no problem hyping it up with local legends as they are sure
further searching from readers will leave them with a dissapointing dead end.