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24 Experts Warn Of Meltdown 2010 : Martial Law : Economic Collapse

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posted on May, 20 2010 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Sliadon

I am not going to "flame" you, but you are wrong.
American ingenuity and a cooperative government fueled the American expansion. The "ingenuity" was imported because of our fertile ground for realizing your potential.

that is all gone. The federal government is owned by international corporations. America is finished.

Yes, the sun will come up tomorrow. The Dow will shut down, but you will still be able to grill your steak. But, gradually, the American dream is dying, because people are sitting back, watching and waiting, expecting it to.
Commerce happens because you have something to trade. Without it, commerce dies. Debt has kept it on life support.

The plug is being pulled.
Sorry, but that is the truth.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 07:10 PM
It's not just the 'precious' metals that are disappearing/being bought up.

Late last year I came home and unloaded all my pockets, one of the things I took out was my cellphone in it's case. The case has a magnetic clasp on it and to my surprise there was a PENNY stuck to the magnet.

I went through all my change and discovered that prior to 2007 pennies still behaved the way a non-ferrous metal should, 2007 and later however this was not the case. Copper is one of the most important metals traded, it may not have the glamour of it's shinier cousins, but try building anything electric without it.

Just out of personal interest, has this happened in other countries?

[edit on 20-5-2010 by [davinci]]

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 07:11 PM
Very interesting research and n flag!
they wanna crach the system, at leat in theory for a few reasons..the main, is to trun america into a rd wrold country. Sweatshop labor..the real meaning behind reduced benefits, pensions, and salarys. It costs too much by compariosn, for anything american made, although i am an made in america supporter. corporations would quadroople thier profitis and CEO bonus's n salarys in this manner.
politically, its also becuase of the american deficit. how irresponsable it is, to buy an lend money out, funnel it places without paying it back...this is how our leaders are doing things, that affect us. they want the freeedom, the american dream gone, so the few in wealth stay in power, and rule over us. its kinda like communist russia...people made just enough money a week, to pay for bills, and have food, barely enough to keep in abank. this seems to be the way america is going. i know how communism works, becaseu a guy i nkew 6 years ago, was from romania...and told me how the money system works, including not talking politics in the streets, as it was a risk the KGB would listen, and possible, if they took you as threat of some sort..simply remove you from the streets for interogation...and y9ou may or may not ever come back again.
i blame alot of it on the military industrial complex...spending so much money, just like the nazis did in WWII for unbelivabl;e machines of war, at an expensive cost. it seems, the pentagon loves this kinda stuff...
we used to be the largets issuer of credit up till the 80's and when george bush senior took office in 1989, we becaem the largest debt ower* same thing under george bush senior. that tells me, so much money laundering and manipulating has gone on, under them, a new world order, as george bush senior has said time to time in speeches.
they want americas idealogoy a new regime comes in. slowly degrading and crashing the market is a uiet means of doing this. people will panic, and simply fall into a new ssytem doing as their told. the samrt ones, will at least defy it

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 07:14 PM
The economy is indeed in a mess right now and will be for a while. However, I still don't believe "Martial Law' will be declared.

..But..when it costs 9 cents to make a Nickel, perhaps the world is really ending.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 07:22 PM
basically, our leaders and corporations have casued our system to go broke* owing instead of collecting money, in a capitalist system. they need things to change to hide and change the problems they casued...socialism or communsim, or both. tighter control* at our expense

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 07:23 PM
i only look at the stock market one way, if it crashes i may not have much work in the coming months but i'm not really worrried. i care more about the oil spill in the gulf, which BP has been found lying about the amount gushing out of there today. (

i know how hunt with a bow, might be harder than a gun but in the long run is more viable since i don't need to hunt for ammo. i know how to sterilize water, don't need to waste money on that and i know how to build a fire. those are the only thing i should really be concerned about not the gambler's market.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 07:26 PM
As for martial law, legaly it can only be used By the president og the united states, UNDER the most serious of catastraphees..asteroid impacts, nuclear weapon goes off in a major US city. those are the only legal means in which the US military would be allowed to occupy a city, neighborhoods.
however, legallly, they also could simply use the national guard..much more legal to occupy a city with them, then using status active militray people. posse commatatus*

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 07:28 PM
They are crashing the markets to help usher in a unified world market with a unified world currency. Coming soon IMF,United Nations, The Fed will get together and tell the major industrial and modern nations that a unified currency is needed to stabilise markets. They will roll out a new monatary platform and then will roll out a new unified watch dog government agency blue printed after the IRS to impose new taxes on EVERY thing. Or some thing to that nature..Who knows All I know is that shaking the markets are their answer to political pressures

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 07:36 PM
This could only end bad for the middle and lower classes. Picture this, you're on a boat trying to fish using a rod in a lake. Now picture fishing in that lake with commercial fishing boats as your competition. Once the fish run out, you have caught 2 fish while the commercial boats have hundreds of thousands.

What is my point? The commercial boats are the banks and the elite. They are trying to make as much profit as possible, which means they want you to not have any. Banks are raking in the profits (still) while mom and pop operations are plummeting down the toilet.

The more money the rich make the more potential they have to earn more. They can finance more, build more, earn more. This leaves everyone else looking for a different business because they can't do it like Wal-Mart.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

The controlling interests will not let the DOW fall below 10,000 (except in extreme case; as on 05.06.10 plunge of 1000+ points.) That should be a huge RED flag that they are in control.

I stopped reading your post at this point. Have you forgetten the DOW was under 10,000 for over a year straight between 2008 and 2009?

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by ziggy1706
As for martial law, legaly it can only be used By the president og the united states, UNDER the most serious of catastraphees..asteroid impacts, nuclear weapon goes off in a major US city. those are the only legal means in which the US military would be allowed to occupy a city, neighborhoods.
however, legallly, they also could simply use the national guard..much more legal to occupy a city with them, then using status active militray people. posse commatatus*

Na, the new language actually allows for martial law in the event of an economic crisis. Not that I think that will happen. Just stating what the executive orders said for the last 4 years.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by Kaytagg

problem reaction solution. crash the political financial and religious systems and come to the rescue with some new world order fit for a peadophile.

and throw in some sort terrorist attack which will esculate who knows where.
financial collapse
some sort of cease fire for the olympics
staged alien attack or ufo encounter thats made to look like an attack, escalating to who knows where?
(fingers crossed the more evolved and higher inteligent the being the less pathetic and greedy they are!)
whilst all thats going on, only the infinite creator would know, what the rubber duck mutated life form might come out of the mexican gulf disaster???

what sort of reality do you wanna help co-create?- spread it about!

big up the munches!

"a dream we dream alone is just a dream, a dream we dream together is reality"- John Lennon

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by LastTraintoMemphis

Originally posted by Kaytagg

Why would they collapse the system? What is the point?

My guess is they want to crash the entire world economy so they can rebuild it the way they want to. (TPTB) Will this work? It will either bring a one world economy, or do the opposite and fraction off countries even further. Kind of like what the Russian Economist predicts.

I agree with this.
but I think you all miss some thing. GOLD.
you all put so much faith in it!
I bet they have a lot more than you.
if they flood the market.
it will lose a lot of its value.
I dont understand there plane.
but They have all the Power!
they could easy take over the world.
if all the worlds economy collapses.
how do they pay the armies?
this is a bit like roman times.
I tell you this.
Nero fiddles as Roma burns.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 08:13 PM
"July and October is when the financial fireworks will begin."

That "Wall Street" sequel comes out September. Could be fortelling this. I know they like to show you right before just like the TV movie "Oil Storm" foretold Katrina weeks before.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 08:46 PM
Oh lord, please let the meltdown happen when I am out of Los Angeles.

I didn't want to come here, but had no choice.

I really don't need to see or read anymore, the writing is on the wall.... Signs of economic collapse are everywhere, and I have been just about everywhere now.

I am wondering if economic collapse isn't actually a good thing now, if it ultimately brings ruin to the elite... Maybe from there we can rebuild the economy based on the principles that made it as good as it once was with a profound sense of how to keep greed and corruption out of it.

Surviving the times to come will be the ultimate challenge for all of us.

Just let me get the hell out of LA before it all falls down.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 08:48 PM
If they cause the collapse of the current system, then we need to make sure that more people are in favor of a new way of life. The zeitgeist movement comes to mind, whether or not you agree with it, you have to agree with this

THE NWO IS DEFINITLY A WORSE ALTERNATIVE. I beleive it will be worse for us then the current system, other wise there would be no reason for them to push it. They are doing it for some kind of gain in control even though they already hold 98% of the cards. They are trying to get the other two percent in which we only have because they want to hide the true level of control that the bankers/government/illuminati/vatican have already.

The novels 1984 and A brave new world don't seem to be so far off of the possibilities of the near future. Control can be conquered through awareness, but how do you make enough people aware when they are already brainwashed?

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by DrMattMaddix

[color=gold]Gold & [color=grey]Silver, in my opinion, is worth watching closely (...and obtaining
.) I know many people could care less about my opinion, that's fine with me.

You could be right. Obama started having his henchmen attack the companies selling gold over the last few days. The talking point is that gold investment is a fraud and to not buy it. That has got to mean they are after the gold themselves and the supply is low.

It could also mean they will eliminate gold out of hand. Golds value beyond the $400 and ounce it takes to produce it these days is all historical. There really is no reason for gold to be over say $450 and ounce in its raw form. Somewhat more for minting costs in coins.

They outlaw trade in gold, what ya gonna do? We can't call Ghost Busters.

Sorry, too much coffee.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Stewie
reply to post by Sliadon

I am not going to "flame" you, but you are wrong.
American ingenuity and a cooperative government fueled the American expansion. The "ingenuity" was imported because of our fertile ground for realizing your potential.

that is all gone. The federal government is owned by international corporations. America is finished.

Yes, the sun will come up tomorrow. The Dow will shut down, but you will still be able to grill your steak. But, gradually, the American dream is dying, because people are sitting back, watching and waiting, expecting it to.
Commerce happens because you have something to trade. Without it, commerce dies. Debt has kept it on life support.

The plug is being pulled.
Sorry, but that is the truth.

Scary but on the money. The give me, give me, give me crowd won't have a clue how to build. They only know how to take and demand. That does not stop anyone from saving their own little part of this blue ball though. Think local community. Forget national and global community.

The small business owners who know how to build will become a precious resource; far more valuable than gold.

How is it those numbers go? 10% lead. 80% follow. 10% go the wrong way. I think that was it.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by antonia

That would be Celente's position as they seem to be following the Keyes theory of economics. Full speed ahead regardless of what the shape of the tracks down the road may look like.

I just can't stop thinking about how in both the dot com and the real estate crashes; all of the pundits were saying "get in while you can" all the way to the bottom.

I would also speculate that the real estate market is deflated now, but that the highs that were reached were due to an artificial stimulus in the form of easy money. Most people can not pay cash to sell their homes, yet in some markets that's the only way, unless they hold on long enough, hoping for prices to come back.

If "they" are really out to get us, they would deflate like crazy; and, when everyone is flat broke- then hyper-inflate. Now they(the banks) own everything.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:27 PM
Wow....thats just crazy...Could this be related to anything else?

Like perhaps the earth changes that are quick approaching?

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