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Quantum teleportation achieved over ten miles of free space

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posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by SeeingBlue

I am simply amazed. I have been a forum creeper for years and had to make an account for this one.

Did anyone completely read and understand the ex-Nasa engineers posts about his discovery of quantum entanglement at Nasa? He has all the parts of it on his blog. I think this topic right here verifies everything that man was saying. Oh...and if you think quantum entanglement is limited to 10 miles you seriously need to read this guys story.

I'm going to try and find his blog, it's been a few weeks since I've read it. If someone can provide a link before I return that would be fantastic. I'm writing this from my phone and I'm at work so it might be a while before I can search for it.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:08 AM
This is just ALPHANUMERIC ! Really great news.

With all the doppelganger talk this thought just occurred to me, it might have flaws; What if We the citizens on Earth are someone else's doppelgangers ? Once we "die" we are sent back to our original selves ? The new dopplers are stripped of any memories, an empty shell if you may, and sent back here as a sort of an experiment ?

But more on topic. This is awesome news for the science community and humanity at large. Much more funding should be pulled into this and more minds should converge on this project. Rather then building colliders we should be building teleportation gates ... just a thought

[edit on 20-5-2010 by Taikun]

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:11 AM
And people wonder why SETI is not picking up any signals. In short few hundred years we are starting to play with quantum entanglement as a form of communication, we simply cannot conceive the technologies used by civilizations that are 1000+ years ahead of us.

Its like we are looking for smoke rings while someone else is using radio waves.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:19 AM
Once they traverse the entire length of the planet and send coherent data that renders out a message, we can kiss good-bye latency when playing counter-strike.

The matter teleportation has huge military applications assuming that it does not require some type of receiver to reassemble the matter. One could only watch in horror as some explosive device materializes during a round-table discussion.

Ka-boom. Good by cruise missile, hello transporter bomb.

[edit on 20-5-2010 by YouAreDreaming]

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by SeeingBlue

It does not imply FTL communication. Nothing to my knowledge promises FTL.

If you want to learn more, here is some more information.


posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:48 AM
reply to

Quantum teleportation has achieved a new milestone or, should we say, a new ten-milestone: scientists have recently had success teleporting information between photons over a free space distance of nearly ten miles, an unprecedented length. The researchers who have accomplished this feat note that this brings us closer to communicating information without needing a traditional signal, and that the ten miles they have reached could span the distance between the surface of the earth and space. As we've explained before, "quantum teleportation" is quite different from how many people imagine teleportation to work. Rather than picking one thing up and placing it somewhere else, quantum teleportation involves entangling two things, like photons or ions, so their states are dependent on one another and each can be affected by the measurement of the other's state. When one of the items is sent a distance away, entanglement ensures that changing the state of one causes the other to change as well, allowing the teleportation of quantum information, if not matter. However, the distance particles can be from each other has been limited so far to a number of meters.
post by SeeingBlue


Quantum teleportation is a misnormer. It should be called "Instant communication" because no real "material object" has been moved 10 miles. It was only the information that may have reached faster than the speed of light which is not that of a big deal. Because there are particles traveling faster than the speed of light all around us. But still I suppose it is a one step progress toward the right direction.

By the way did they prove the existence of the faster than the light speed particle?

If not, who would they think believe their results anyways. We are still living in the Einsteinian paradigm where nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, remember?

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:48 AM
I think this technology has more than just teleportation. think construction on a molecular scale.. materializing entire building and ships out of thin air from a blue print. and what about new materials and chemicals... this is a technology that will revolutionize our world.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity

Originally posted by NWtoHide
Of course if and when they figure out how to transport matter with this process it will really change things.

Well, our present technology is only tickling entangled subatomic particles over near-earth distances.

As the theory goes, you should be able to tickle a particle here on Earth and another particle in Proxima Centauri will giggle.

The implications are mind-boggling. Since we're messing with subatomic particles — of which everything is composed — then there should be nothing to stop us from tickling whole volumes of matter and energy, and having, say, a complete self-sustaining colony of humans just materialize instantly at Proxima Centauri.

Or anywhere in the Universe.

— Doc Velocity

Its mind boggling alright. But the real challenge imo would be to fix the co ordinates of the destination, including the time.
You dont wanna send sheitloads of colonies near a star or the centre of it do you?

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:52 AM
Reply to post by jonnyc55

If we can send instantaneous signals then I may really get to see my dinosaurs I want to see soon! If we put a telescope out far enough at the proper calculated distance, and have it pointed at earth. Then couldn't we have the telescope send us images of earth's past? JURRASIC GOOGLE EARTH! Lol. I have thought about that for a while but now realizing it may b possible to send signals instantaneously. This idea seems more possible now. I really hope I can one day view dinosaurs and see what they really look like.

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posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by rickyrrr
reply to post by SeeingBlue

It does not imply FTL communication. Nothing to my knowledge promises FTL.

If you want to learn more, here is some more information.


This is true.

You can't communicate using quantum teleportation.

First of all you have to entangle the particles first, which requires them to be in the same location. Kinda ruins the fun doesn't it?

Secondly, when they say that "information" has been teleported, that doesn't mean they sent a "Hello World!" or anything. The "information" is simply the state of the particles; If person A and person B each has a particle that is entangled with the other, person A will simply know that person B sees a 0 when he himself sees a 1, and vice versa. You cannot influence the states, so you can't send anything. I believe this would break the entanglement, or something like it.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:59 AM
I implore everyone who has not yet read the Curiosity of Spirit blog to read the entire story as it directly relates to quantum entanglement.

This guy first posted his discovery here at ATS and was shunned away because of dis-believers. This corroborates astro engineers story working for NASA with the Spirit rover. He implys faster than light communication. PLEASE read!!!

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:05 AM
Another member here has a neat thread suggesting that the lhc is a stargate. I enjoyed it. Its a neat idea. He put in a lot of research. idk lol your comment made me chuckle just cuz it reminded me of that thread. It be crazy if it was huh?

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posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by KnowsNothing
Reply to post by jonnyc55

If we can send instantaneous signals then I may really get to see my dinosaurs I want to see soon! If we put a telescope out far enough at the proper calculated distance, and have it pointed at earth. Then couldn't we have the telescope send us images of earth's past? JURRASIC GOOGLE EARTH! Lol. I have thought about that for a while but now realizing it may b possible to send signals instantaneously. This idea seems more possible now. I really hope I can one day view dinosaurs and see what they really look like.

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You'll have to wait until someone invents a warp drive, I'm afraid.

The light from the Jurassic era is way out into space now, and the only way to catch up with it is to travel faster than it.

I have had the same idea though, it's very interesting. If we someday invent FTL travel, we could basically view the entire history of earth as we please by moving further away from earth at a velocity greater than the speed of light. Ofcourse we'd need some pretty high-tech telescopes aswell, capable of detecting the small amounts of light when we get further away.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:30 AM
I can't wait for my quantum entagled cellphone!

or quantum tv.
I wonder if you can get HD channels on it.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by psychederic
@Harte :
The intricated particule are intricated

They achieve 83% of fidelity. ANd a good transfer protocol ( or checksum algorithm ) could just adjust this rate to 100%

Your link does not argue against what I said.
I was, however, surprised at the only 83% fidelity. I had thought it was 100%.

This is only a measure of how well the process works. It does nothing in the way of tranferring information (other than information about the quantum state.)

There is nothing you can do to the particles on one end that will result in any message being received on the other.

That is simply a fact and there's simply no way around that fact.

Not in this so-called "teleportation" method anyway.

See, whatever the particle resolves to when the sender observes it, that is what the particle on the receiving end will resolve to.

There is no way to force a particle in a unresolved state to resolve into a particle that we choose. What this means is that, yes, we can make the particles resolve (collapse the probability wave) simultaneously. But that only means that a particular particle will be observed on the receiving end. We cannot put any pattern into these observations because we cannot control what the particle resolves into upon observation.

The "receiver" will, in other words, "receive" a string of particles in random quantum states and nothing more.


posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:41 AM
Doh! Details... Lol You are right. Well Ithen, I can't wait for FTL travel and awesome telescopes. I hope we do get to see the dinos one day. I can do that much I guess.

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posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity
Reminds me of a sci-fi novel from many years ago in which the primary means of "space travel" wasn't spaceships at all, but a teleportation device... Only thing was, the device could only transport matter a fixed distance, which was something like 10 light years. So, in order to travel shorter distances, they had to build a new transporter device at every destination, change directions repeatedly, build more transporters, and eventually loop back toward their original starting point — a round about means of travel, to be sure, but the travel itself was instantaneous.

If anyone remembers the title of that story, let me know.

— Doc Velocity

reminds me of Stargate tbh,
Stargates being the transport devices....

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by xxcalbier
o brother its not impossible to send informating this way its only a matter of using a meathed to do it binary is nothing but 1 and 0 or 1 and empty space.
so you send 1 then empty spaced its state matters not only that you revived it.

Easy to say, impossible to do.

The reciever must observe the particle. The particle is sent long before the particle state is resolved by the sender.

To the reciever, here's what happens:

1) Receiver observes particle
2) Particle resolves into quantifiable quantum state.

In what way is a message to be encoded? If the sender does what you say, the receiver will have to observe every particle to find the ones that haven't been resolved (the ones that the sender didn't "tickle," as somebody put it.)
But when the receiver observes the particle, the particle resolves into a quantifiable quantum state (BTW, so does the other particle that the sender didn't "tickle.")
How does the receiver know which particles were meant to be resolved, and which were not?

He cannot, unless you want to violate Heisenberg uncertainty.

And if you're gonna propose that, then the entire idea of entanglement has to be wrong, as it is based in large part on the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.


posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:57 AM
Did anyone witness this achievment? Because to be quite frank. They have already achieved this and are just slowly releasing it to the public. Same with the crazy secret jets and other (CERN) types of science. You have to remember that they are in contol and have been for quite some time.
They can travel through time and and leave tracks as well. Just learn to spot em
they are already done with this invention
I believe the real science right now is the eugenics programs across the world.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 12:01 PM
This makes me think that maybe this is the area that SETI should switch it's focus to... Surely advanced civilizations have mastered this.

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